My Super Estate

601 Invincible Battle Platform

Chapter 594 The Invincible Battle Platform

"Haha, the invincible battle platform, haha... really God help me, the legendary invincible battle platform, the legendary invincible battle platform appeared!!!"

The blood of Zun Zun's eyes shone brightly, and he looked into the sky, and suddenly the bloody battle platform appeared, and the whole person laughed with a madness.

"Invincible battle platform?"

Wang Yang was also shocked.

In the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang, there is also a great record of the invincible battle platform.

The invincible battle platform can only be opened by a truly invincible grandmaster. This is an extremely powerful battle platform in which the heavens and countless battles take place.

According to legend, the invincible battle platform must have ten invincible grandmasters at the same time to jointly release the invincible battle intentions, in order to mobilize the energy of the world and condense the invincible battle platform with the invincible battle blood.

According to legend, when the invincible battle platform appears, it means the birth of the invincible king.

"Up, let us start this invincible battle."

Blood Sovereign stood in the sky, gazing at Wang Yang, the majestic fighting intentions, split into a blood cloud and rushed towards Wang Yang.

The appearance of the invincible battle platform is the best opportunity for Blood Venerable.

"Brother, what should I do?"

Luo Jian stood side by side with Wang Yang, staring at the bloody battle in the air.

A wave of blood energy gathered in the sky, the battle platform became more and more solid, and the endless cries sounded in the void, as if there were countless people, shouting for the invincible king.

"I did not expect that our Shenshui Manor suddenly appeared ten invincible grandmasters.

This is really a miracle!"

Invincible Grandmaster, except for the earth, has all the blessings of blessings and luck, and there is only one of them.

In fact, every hole in the sky is an interface, an interface with infinite potential, even capable of communicating with the mysterious fairyland,

The world is chaotic, infinite, and the earth is the material world, also known as the mundane world, and no characters beyond the level of the Grand Master are allowed.

There is great power in ancient times. They used the supreme supernatural power to open up the heavens in the chaos of the world and become a world to communicate the fairy world in the legend.

Although, according to legend, only the Kunlun cave has really communicated with the fairyland and cut off the connection with the earth, but other interfaces still have the potential to communicate with the fairyland.

However, in such an interface, there is only one invincible grandmaster. To open the invincible battle platform, it is necessary to gather ten invincible grandmasters. The difficulty can be imagined.

"Haha, all the people on the road to invincibility in the world must come together. This time, our Shenshui Manor really becomes the center of this world."

The magic gun invincible stepped forward, looking at the gradually solidified bloody battle platform, and chuckled.

Wang Yang closed his eyes, an endless battle, filled his mind.

It seems that he has come to the ancient battlefield, facing the battle of thousands of troops.

"This, this is?"

There is nothing wrong with Wang Yang's words. With the appearance of the invincible battle platform, all the invincible grandmasters have a touch of sensibility under the traction of the air plane.

The general who shot Dongtian had just returned to Wanxianjiao. Suddenly, the Qi machine sensed, and he felt that his body was violently beating.

"Invincible battle platform, is this invincible battle platform?

Who, who actually opened the invincible battle platform?"

The appearance of the invincible battle platform made the general's heart beat.

The opening of the invincible battle platform not only represents the invincible road, but also represents the ultimate battle of the invincible grandmaster.

Once on the invincible battle platform, the winner naturally walks on the invincible road, but the loser is very miserable.

Regardless of life or death, directly beat the invincible.

This is an extremely huge price. Once the invincible grandmaster breaks through, he is directly the Hunyuan Venerable. Only one step away, he can become the strongest king.

However, once you are beaten down by the invincible state, it means that the path of martial art you have comprehended is directly denied. If you want to step into the invincible state again, you must re-enlighten the world and the path of your own martial arts. .

"This is an opportunity, the road to a hundred battles, the road to invincibility. Once I can support and be on the gods list, I will be famous."

The general is ambitious.

"It's such an opportunity, definitely not to be missed, let's go..."

Just returned to Gushedongtian, the general left again.

In the same way, all of the existences that have entered the invincible realm, or those that have entered the invincible realm, are naturally sensed by the air engine.

"Look, what is that?"

Above the Shenshui Manor, a five-finger divine mountain manifested. Above the five-finger divine mountain, a blood-colored battle platform was condensed and manifested. As if it were, above the five-finger Foshan, a blood-colored battle platform was manifested.

The entire Shenshui Manor, at this moment, looks so amazing and mysterious.

Just like the mythical era is coming, in the legend, when the Buddha turned over to suppress the invincible demon monkey, the battle platform on Foshan was also added a bit of mystery.

At this moment, in the void, a golden idol appeared.

Either sitting cross-legged on the golden lotus, or the old man riding on the green cow, or the chariot is open, the invincible god will stand on the chariot, or the drunken monk lying on the wine gourd, and then Or maybe the sword fairy stepped on the flying sword.

There are also wine drinkers, fairies, etc., invincible idols appearing above the void.

"Brother, look, that's Master..."

Luo Jian shouted at the drunk monk above the wine gourd.

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Yes, it is the Dragon Bodhisattva. I don't know. Has the Dragon Bodhisattva gone through the Thunderbolt Tribulation for so long?"

Last time, Tianshan and his party, the Dragon Bodhisattva, had a complete state of mind, and suppressed the Qiankun Cave Master and other people in one fell swoop. In fact, the Dragon Bodhisattva at the time did not really promote the position of Bodhisattva.

The Buddha of Buddha is the king of heaven for heaven...

"Brother, you said, have these always been invincible grand master manifestations?"

Looking at the idols that appeared above the void, Luo Jian had his own guess.

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Look, it looks a bit like, you see, that Leigong mouth, with monkey hair, is it like the grandfather of Jiaojie?"

Also, is that emperor in emperor's robe a certain emperor in heaven?

Also, is the person sitting cross-legged on the golden lotus resembling a Buddha?"

Looking at the idol that gradually appeared in the void, Wang Yang felt that the whole person was a little excited.

These are all invincible powers of the past, and now they are extremely powerful between heaven and earth.

Their existence represents the strongest between heaven and earth.

"Patriarch, is that you?"

Suddenly, Wang Yang spotted a man with a Taoist robe and white whiskers and black silk, looking at him, a Taoist spirit.

Isn't this the Chongyang Patriarch?

"Wang Yang, the invincible battle platform has already manifested. Can you dare to fight?"

Blood Zun took a step and stepped directly into the invincible battle platform, pointing at Wang Yang and calling him Battle.

For a time, all of them turned their attention to Wang Yang. They wanted to know if the famous Shenshui Zhuangzhu dare to go to battle on the battlefield.

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