My Super Estate

Chapter 635: This is how the invincible grandmaster is made

Chapter 628 The Invincible Grand Master is made like this

A snake tail accidentally interrupted Daojun's arm, and all three black poisonous snakes were surprises.

"Come on, we're going to shoot faster. Some of them are injured and they can't support it.

Dana and Jess will be unable to support them, we will solve these three people quickly and help them!"

Black poisonous snakes, each of which is a snake demon of the same level, is not only extremely powerful, but also their wisdom, and it will not be worse than humans.

Daojun was injured and his opponent changed from three to two. In their thinking, this is a sign of their victory.

But, is this really the case?

Jian Jun was injured accidentally, and Jian Jun was completely stimulated.

In the case of accidental stimulation, people generally have neurological abnormalities.

This situation is generally referred to as mental illness, but there is a kind of person, they are different, at this time, they will stimulate various potentials.

After the return of vitality, there are often people on the earth who awaken their abilities unexpectedly.

This so-called power is a unique potential.

Under the stimulation of Jianjun, he also awakened a kind of potential-Taoism.

The reason why Jianjun is called Jianjun is that he is naturally similar to sword and has a powerful body of heavenly sword.

Jianjun was once considered an absolute genius who might catch up with the Dragon God.

The Dragon Team spent a lot of money for Jianjun. However, there has been no major progress. This situation has made the Dragon Team seniors already anxious.

No one thought that Jian Jun was accidentally injured. Under the stimulation of the outside world, Jian Jun awakened.

Tian Jian body, born to fit Kendo, is called the son of Kendo.

In the past, many swordsmanship that didn't understand was reasonable. At this moment, he seemed to be empowered by people, and he understood it naturally.

In this process, Jianjun thoughtlessly, his body followed an instinct, and naturally performed martial arts to resist the tail attack of the black poisonous snakes again and again.

In this kind of thoughtless resistance, Jianjun’s sword is simpler, more direct, and more effective. In the past, in the face of the attack of the black poisonous snake, he had three or four swords to block it. The tail attack of the black poisonous snake gradually changed from four swords to three swords, and three swords became two swords, and from two swords to one sword now.

Such rapid progress, not to mention the black poisonous giant snake, is the two sword jun and gun jun, both of them are stunned.

"Boss, this, is this the second?"

Gun Jun opened his mouth, and the whole person was stupid.

Is this still the second one I know?

The gunman stammered: "Boss, is this the second son, was it possessed by a thousand-year-old monster!"

Daojun smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe it is, otherwise, I can't believe such a speed of progress."

Both Gunjun and Daojun could still smile, but the black poisonous snake was furious.

"Roar roar, how can this damn human get stronger and stronger, why is he stronger and stronger?"

Jianjun's strength suddenly became so powerful that the black poisonous snake was completely furious.

"Let's show our talents!"

Finally, there is a black poisonous snake that can't stand it.

"Yes, let's show our talents, otherwise, he will become an invincible grandmaster."

The black poisonous snake feels that in the face of Jianjun alone, the pressure is increasing.

"However, the talent is supernatural, it consumes a lot of our mental energy, and it is a great loss to my vitality!"

It is impossible for talented supernatural powers to go against the sky so that there will be no future troubles. Especially, when the supernatural supernatural powers are broken, the loss of spiritual power is even more eternal.

"Otherwise, what shall we do?"

At this time, the three black poisonous snakes were completely stunned.

"Roar, I can't take it anymore, I will turn on my talent!"

The three black poisonous snakes haven't figured out whether they want to open the talent magic power. Then, the black poisonous snake that fights Wang Yang has already opened its own talent power magic power first.

I saw a burst of colorful psychedelic mysterious light, and directly wrapped Wang Yang in the enchantment.

"Roar, damn human, you have angered this prince, this prince wants you to die!"

In the enchantment, the violent breath of the black poisonous serpent, like the sky pouring down into the sea, came in overwhelmingly, and the tidal flood flooded the enchantment.

After entering the Hundred Yuan Realm, the biggest difference between it and the Grand Master, each move and every type contains its own martial will, and the martial will will arouse the strength of the world and launch a powerful offensive offensive.

As a Hunyuan snake king, the black poisonous snake naturally has its own martial will.

Inspired by the will of the martial arts, the vitality of heaven and earth came toward their surroundings and turned into poisonous gas that could corrode heaven and earth.

"Haha, I want to poison you, poison you..."

Leaping up and down in the ocean of poisonous gas, the black poisonous snake laughs wantonly.

"Humph, do you think I will be afraid of you?

As small as you, how can you understand the invincible power of greatness like me?"

Wang Yang sneered.

The ocean of unmatched poisonous gas, the tide generally comes towards oneself, Wang Yang's body suddenly has a golden bell cover body, no matter how the poisonous gas tide surges, Wang Yang does not move like a mountain.

"No, it's impossible. How can you resist my gas tide?"

The black poisonous snake can be named as black poison, and the poison of the black poisonous snake can be imagined.

Even if it is the Supreme King Realm, if it does not compete with the black poisonous snake for the control of the world's vitality, it must be submerged by the poisonous gas tide under such a tidal wave of poisonous gas.

However, how could Wang Yang be all right?

"Huh, today, I will show you, what is your nemesis?"

Said, outside the golden bell, a layer of purple flames, burning with a blast.


The violent burning flame contains Wang Yang's martial will, and naturally gathers the vitality of heaven and earth. Under the burning of the flame, the vitality of heaven and earth all turns into an indestructible flame.


The indestructible purple flame is really overbearing. No matter how the tide of toxic gas surges, it is all ignited under the burning of this indestructible flame. The black poisonous snake that swims in the tide of toxic gas can no longer bear it. Choose directly To escape.

What makes the black poisonous snake feel the most fear is that this terrible indestructible flame can't bear the connection world, and it is directly burned through.

Wang Yang did not know that his flame burned the enchantment of the black poisonous snake, and suddenly scared the other black poisonous snakes to dare not open their talents.

"What to do, our enchantment is simply unbearable. Once burned by this flame, we must leave spiritual wounds and eternal trauma. At that time, none of us will have a way to live."

The remaining four black poisonous snakes quickly whispered to each other.

The consequences are too serious, even if they are black poisonous snakes, they can't bear it.

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