My Super Estate

Chapter 636: Invincible Grand Master

Chapter 629: The Invincible Grand Master is made like this

The battle was very fierce, five black poisonous snakes, including Wang Yang and Luo Jian, five martial arts masters of the dragon group.

The black poisonous snake has a very strong physical advantage. It is also a master of the top list, and none of the three dragons in the dragon group is its opponent.

Suddenly, Daojun's arm was interrupted, and under the outbreak of Jianjun, Tianjian's body was completely activated, with huge potential. At this moment, all were activated, and they were naturally confluent with Kendo.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the sword king and the gun king, or the three black poisonous snakes, anyone can see that the sword king is completely trapped in the mysterious realm of guarding the Tao, and cannot be forcibly interrupted. It is the next invincible grandmaster.

This is also the peculiarity of the earth. It gathers all the heaven and earth, and the luck is interwoven, the same complementarity, weaving a huge network of luck.

In this network, as long as you have sufficient talents and strong perception, you can calmly understand the Tao.

In Dongtianfudi, an invincible grandmaster, any one can only allow one invincible grandmaster to appear, and a generation of one hundred years can only support the appearance of an invincible grandmaster.

However, on Earth, there is no such limit.

It is precisely because of this that the big caves, the truly talented generations, all have sharpened their heads and must enter the earth.

Black poisonous snakes, they also enter the earth for this reason.

However, now that we have waited for others, we have not yet made a breakthrough. A human being on earth is forced to make breakthroughs under the pressure of his own people. Isn't this just hitting them in the face?

At this moment, the three black poisonous snakes were completely crazy.

"No, we can't stand it anymore, we have to open our talents."

Jianjun's soaring strength broke their common sense, in order to remove Jianjun, but also to protect himself, the black poisonous snake, intends to use his talents.

Talented supernatural powers, black poison enchantment, within the enchantment, unconditionally promote yourself to a big realm.

This kind of natural supernatural power is really extreme.

Before Pingshui Town, Sanjun faced a giant black poisonous snake, which had always had the absolute upper hand.

However, the black poisonous snakes who have just failed, and the bastards directly acted as rogues. A talent magical power was opened. Within the black poisonous enchantment, the black poisonous snakes unconditionally promoted a large realm.

The black poisonous giant snake at the level of Grandmaster Wang Bang directly rose to the Hundred Yuan Jindan, and beat the three kings completely without a counterattack.

"No, the second child's strength has greatly improved, and the black poisonous snakes have to play rogues, and they must open their magical powers that day."

Three battles with the black poisonous snake, Sanjun has basically mastered the moves of the black poisonous snake.

"Boss, what shall we do?"

In the face of the three black poisonous snakes, even though the martial arts are powerful and powerful, they have no offensive power. If another talent is opened, the three kings will most likely be drawn into meat patties by the three black poisonous snakes.

The black poisonous snake is about to turn on the talented magical power, but Junjun is anxious.

Apocalyptic talents, a black poisonous snake can beat three of them. If all three black poisonous snakes have their talents turned on, do they still have a way to live?

Bang Bang Bang...

The three black poisonous snakes are complacent in their hearts, and the three kings are anxious in their hearts.

Over there, Dina, the black poisonous snake that fought against Wang Yang, and Hei Lu's wife have been under the pressure of Wang Yang and have opened their talents.

The cruel facts, like the same splash of cold water, all splashed on the heads of the three black poisonous snakes.

Dina, who opened the talent magic power, is comparable to the Hundred Yuan Jindan. Before Heilu opened the talent magic power, he directly hit the three kings...

But what is going on now?

Just opened the talent magical power, the black poison enchantment, how could it be burned by a fire?

This, this...

Not only were Daojun and Qianjun scared, but also the three black poisonous snakes, they were also scared and dumb. Even, therefore, Jianjun would take the opportunity to leave a great wound on his body.

"This, do we still have to open up talents?"

Three black poisonous snakes transmitted sound to each other.

"No, we came to the earth to break through the invincible grandmaster, but not desperately with people."

"That is, talent is supernatural, but once broken, it will leave eternal trauma in the spirit.

Once it is really broken, we will never be able to go further!"

Wang Yang burned the black poisonous enchantment with a fire, but the three black poisonous snakes were terrified.

What kind of fire is this, even the black poison enchantment can burn through?

Like a big sword, it lays eternally on the three black poisonous snakes, so that the three black poisonous snakes would rather three people work hard together with the sword king, and they absolutely dare not open the talent magic power.

The three black poisonous snakes did not find out that when they hesitated to open their talents, the sword moves in the hands of Jianjun had gradually formed a unique style.

With this unique style as the core, Jianjun has a unique core no matter how the moves are changed.

In other words, Jianjun has successfully hit the core of his own kendo, the soul of his own kendo, and the unique will of kendo.


Daojun shook his heart, looked at Jianjun, his eyes burst into a bright light.

"Sword intention?"

Gun Jun was shocked.

Sword intention, comprehend your own unique style of kendo, integrate your own martial arts will, give your sword skills, give soul, let your sword, like people, have human breath, a sword stab out, arouse the vitality of the world, Form a mighty Kendo magical power.

Now that I have just realized my own gunshot style, and have not yet integrated into my martial arts will, I cannot be considered an invincible grandmaster.

I did not expect that the second child should be like this. Suddenly, he immediately climbed to the front of himself.


Gunman's eyes were full of surprises.

"Are you upset?"

Daojun asked.

"What's wrong with me?"

Gun Jun was startled, and didn't understand, asked.

"Originally, the three of us, you were the first to understand your own gun style, but suddenly, the second child stepped into the sky and stepped into the realm of an invincible grandmaster.

Are you not upset in your heart?"

"Oh, boss, what are you talking about?

The second child is my brother. My brother's strength has become stronger. I'm too late to be happy. How can I be unhappy?"

"Okay, I just want you to say this.

Living in this world, many people are fascinated by the external material desires and cannot understand the essence of this world.

For something outside the family, their brothers crippled each other.

However, they did not know that when they were in the most dangerous time and when they needed help the most, the first to reach out to them was always the brothers who live and die together.

The third boy, you remember to me, brother, will be the most loyal companion who will accompany you all your life."

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