My Super Estate

664 Sky Sword King Returns

Chapter 627: The Heavenly Sword King Returns to the Heart

"Tianjian King appeared in Shui Village, and has entered Shenshui Manor."

Sky Sword King, in the end is a supreme king realm, not only is his own amazing strength, but also represents a party-level power.

Once, the sword master is a master who has reached the supremacy and belongs to the level of a real demon.

It can be said that the Sky Sword King is not only powerful, but also powerful, or influential, and is extremely huge. In the big worlds of the sky, it is also a second-level figure after the princely giants. The second-class big man.

Such a character, even entering the Shenshui Manor, naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"Demon Lord, do we need to follow up?"

Demon respects the building, is the supreme demon family, the status in the demon world, second only to the devil, is the real top master of the demon world.

Such a person naturally will not lack a source of information.

"This Shenshui Manor is not simple."

"What does Mozun mean?"

"Oh, forget it, you will arrange people to pay attention to see if the Sky Sword King can come out completely."

Although there is already an answer in my mind, why is Mozun not interested in places like Shenshui Manor?

Since this King of Heavenly Sword is willing to be a test stone for himself, why not try a blade?

Vigorous bear demon shuddered.

He had heard the meaning from the deity.

Sky Sword King This is planted here.

The practice of respecting, I don’t know why, is also the practice of other parties. It seems that they have a comprehensive understanding of Shenshui Manor long ago.

"Brother, Sky Sword King entered the first mountain."

Luo Jian is practicing. With the help of token, he obviously feels that his understanding and comprehension of the Luohan war body is rapidly improving.

However, this news is too big, Luo Jian can't sit still, immediately looking for Wang Yang.

"I know that the strength of our Shenshui Manor is indeed too bad. Although the potential is good, this heritage is seriously insufficient.

As the King of Swords is here, we can also increase our strength."


Luo Jian's eyes widened and said: "Are you mistaken, King Tianjian trespassed into the forbidden ground, we should take some measures."

"Oh, the forbidden land has always been in and out, never artificially."

Wang Yang was very relaxed.


Forbidden areas are always in and out, never artificially stipulated?

How do you listen to this word, so it makes sense?

However, what secrets will there be on the first mountain?

A small hill No. 1 in Shenshui Manor has become the focus of many big names.

All of this is due to the extremely advanced technology now.

Technology itself is a kind of understanding of the world. Martial arts practice is always subject to the teacher, and then to the world.

Since technology is a means of understanding the world, no one has ever denied the role of martial arts.

Like the current network, before, all relied on satellite signals, but now it is different. The top supreme shots of each hole are directly integrated into the natural laws of heaven and earth. It can be said that to a great extent, the major Dongtian has a large area and inconvenient transportation.

Of course, the current science and technology, to the greatest extent, is fully embodied in civilian use. For example, the integration of space laws and the Internet is one of the biggest highlights of science and technology. Physical transmission has become a reality.

Intelligence, video, etc., have become popular.

"Sky Swordsman..."

Sudden changes made Tianjian Wang's whole person suddenly surprised.

Jianzong, created by the master of the sword, passed to the generation of Tianjianwang. It can be said that it is already the second generation.

The sword master was beheaded by the blood demon, and the sky sword king dared to seek revenge from the blood demon. The most important thing is that the sky swordsman has grown up. Even, the strength is not worse than the sword nine. It is already infinitely close to the invincible grandmaster. You can break through at any time and enter the mixed environment.

All of this means that there is a successor to Jianzong, and Tianjian Wang can rest assured to look for the blood demon to find his life.

However, now Tianjianke is clearly in front of his own eyes, but he just can't see him.

How can Tianjian Wang not be anxious and angry with this pain?

"Say, what the hell are you doing with Sky Swordsman?"

The sky was suddenly attacking Mo Jun.


Here is the earth, which is naturally shrouded by the ban on Hunyuan.

The theory is so, but as soon as the Sky Sword King shot, he suddenly discovered that his own strength could have all exploded.

At this point, the strength of the Xeon King has exploded, not to mention Mo Jun, Wang Yang, or Abin who has successfully entered the Hunyuan Venerable, and it is also difficult to support under such terrifying power.

But is that really the case?


I don't know if it's an illusion. Mo Jun felt that when his life was about to end like this, a soft sigh came from his ears.

Just a soft sigh, as if it contained endless philosophy of life.

Mo Jun had already reached the level of Wang Bang masters. Only by comprehending his own way, he could successfully enter the level of the invincible grandmaster.

For a long time, Mo Jun has never felt a little, and can't find any feeling at all.

Somehow, in this sigh, he suddenly seemed to see the road ahead.


Mo Jun couldn't believe it either.

How is it possible, just to sigh softly, even let yourself see the road ahead?

Mo Jun was scared.

Not only was Mo Jun scared, but also the King of Swords.

Originally, he just wanted to subdue Mo Jun and force him to release his son, the Tianjianke.

However, he just planned to shoot, sighed, and suddenly sounded in his heart,

Although no figure appeared, a sigh seemed to contain endless philosophies of life. For a time, the days of King Tianjian's life for more than a thousand years all rolled in his heart.

For a time, Tianjian Wang even saw a certain fragment of his future.

Although no one appeared, it was just a sigh. That's why, the shock to the Sky Sword King had already turned over the sky.

"Who is the senior, please show up!"

The Sky Sword King no longer dared to be presumptuous, and quickly arched his hands.

"No, this emperor is not suitable for showing up. Your strength is good. My mountain is just missing a person to sit in. Just come down!"

The person didn't show up, but the voice was already heard.

The sound is as bland as water, but there is a very terrible will naturally in the sound.

In the mind of Heavenly Sword King, a figure shining like a sun suddenly appeared, like a god, giving Heavenly Sword King a very oppressive feeling.

It's like, if you don't agree, you will be crushed by this terrible will directly.


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