My Super Estate

Chapter 665 The Chief Instructor's Request

Chapter 628 Request from the Chief Instructor

Mountain No. 1, what happened exactly, no one knows, all the spies in all aspects are staring at Mountain No. 1, they are waiting for the King of Sword to come out.

At this time, Wang Yang was receiving an important guest.

"Chief instructor, why did you come here in person?"

Three days and three nights of fighting gave Wang Yang a deep understanding of martial arts. However, the chief instructor came, and he should come forward no matter what he said.

"This time, I have something to ask you."

"Oh, the chief instructor said something, you should never use the word "beg", it's going to kill you.

Chief instructor, I am Wang Yang, but he is not a person who does not know what to do. This year, if you were supported by you behind me, I would like to go to the present step, and the suffering in it, I know."

Before the Grand Master, any martial arts quiz was very important for the martial artists.

The inheritance of the emperor Ziyang, for ordinary people, it is a big pie, enough to attract countless evil wolves to commit.

What's more, any inheritance can really reach a certain level, and inheritance can already plan a path.

Wang Yang does not believe that there are so many people in this world, and only he is suitable for this inheritance.

Of course, the most important thing is that the chief instructor also taught himself the martial arts martial arts such as the golden bell.

But the graciousness of giving a profession.

In fact, Wang Yang can reach this level, the inheritance of Ziyang is one aspect, and the golden bell is also a huge aspect.

No strong man can be called invincible because of a martial art, and no strong man is invincible along the path of others.

The power of the supreme level, the inheritance of the ultimate, they are never lacking, and there are always a lot of masters in the list, but how many real masters are invincible?

Not only was the luck transport imprisoned, but also because they themselves did not go out of their way.

The same is true of Wang Yang. He can't practice the invincible way just by practicing a Ziyang mantra.

His invincible road also went out of his own after going through several stern schools.

Hunyuan Gong, Daxing Dafa, Golden Bell Shield, Ziyang War Body...etc., even, among them, there is also the method of tempering the hands contained in the dragon claw hand magical power.

To have today's success, sweat is indispensable, and chance is also indispensable.

Just like before, Emperor Ziyang’s path of cultivation never lacked the power of faith. It was always Ziyang Shenquan who practiced the Ziyang war body, Bronze God Quan who practiced the bronze war body, and Silver God Fist who practiced the silver war body. Until the end, he did not Looking back, I practiced Ziyang Shenquan again. Once I practiced, it would be thousands of years.

However, Wang Yang is different. Since he stepped into the Grand Master, he has begun to try to put aside his dependence on the power of faith, earnestly practice Ziyang Shenquan, and lay the foundation one by one.

It is absolutely impossible to succeed without various opportunities.

In particular, the golden bell cover is a very important thing for Wang Yang's help.

The Ziyang Zhenjing is famous for its powerful warframes. The golden bell is also known for its powerful warframes.

However, there is a difference between the two. The Ziyang war body focuses on strength. Every time it changes, the power of the war body changes dramatically. However, in terms of defense, it is quite different.

After obtaining the golden bell cover from the chief instructor, Wang Yang successfully broke the curse and successfully integrated the golden bell cover into the Ziyang battle body. The power remained unchanged, but the defense was improved by several levels.

This is also the foundation of Wang Yangneng's invincibility.

"Chief instructor, if there is anything you need, please say it straight. You have to say the word "beg", but it really means too much."

"Well, since that's the case, the old man may wish to say directly.

In order to live forever, all sentient beings have their own means.

The Heaven Realm has become a world between heaven and earth because of the Peach Garden, and all the strongest people are most yearned for.

Buddhism pays attention to the rebirth of silence, and Demon pays attention to plundering the world.

Between heaven and earth, the millennium reincarnates, and the demon millennium erupts once.

In contrast, our planet has the smallest area and the most shallow details. Once the demon army is killed, our planet must be ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

For today's plan, there are only two ways for our planet to start the national martial arts practice as soon as possible. The second is to find the Dragon God.

The gate of the spirit world has been broken, and the army of demons has appeared.

The demon is not far away. Our earth, if we want to save in this demon, we must first find the Dragon God back.

Only by retrieving the Dragon God can our earth truly become a haven in this demon."

The Chief Instructor has always been self-confident and self-confident, Wang Yang has never seen it, and the Chief Instructor has such a time of sorrow.

All living beings seek longevity, each has its own method, and the demon gate is worthy of the name of the devil.

Slaughtering all sentient beings and collecting the essence of all sentient beings is really terrible.

"Chief instructor, if we study nuclear weapons again, will it work?"

The monster world, any interface, is thousands of times the size of the earth. It is vast, and the strong is like water. It is the heavenly world. The West Heaven Bliss World is also subject to great conflicts. Once the army of monsters is killed, the earth has its own The martial arts will not have any counterattack.

"No, nuclear weapons are too destructive to the environment. The earth is not only the root of all the worlds, but also the home of our humanity.

There is a mixed-element prohibition on the earth, which is to restrict the powerful warriors and cause great damage to the earth.

Nuclear weapons are absolutely not allowed to appear.

Besides, do you think that the Hunyuan ban can restrict extremely powerful warriors? Can't we restrict some unconventional weapons?

A year ago, the seals of the gods shattered, and the nuclear weapons of various countries became overnight scrap iron. This is already an iron fact."

Wang Yang nodded in disappointment.

The earth is the foundation of everything. If nuclear weapons can be used, then this is definitely a great deterrent.

The big deal is that everyone finishes together.

Obviously, Wang Yang thought much.

"Could we have no other way?"

How easy is it to find the Dragon God?

The instructor shook his head in disappointment and said, "Any way I can think of it has already been thought of.

Any interface is hard to protect by itself. Even if it is the heaven and the buddha world, they absolutely cannot guarantee undefeated.

How can they help the earth with a deal?"

"Relax, I will definitely enter the Kunlun Cave Sky, and then I will look for the Dragon God."

Ranked first in the God List, the most powerful man from the earth, Dragon God, has become the hope of the earth.

"Thank you, this time on our planet, it is up to you to see if you can survive this level."

Wang Yang nodded.

The world is different, and the pressure on my shoulders is also increasing.

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