My Super Estate

Chapter 669

Chapter 632 The arrival of the major schools

The devil lives forever and kills all beings.

Looking at the corpses in the video, Wang Yang's heart was heavy.

This is the 30th time he has watched this video back and forth, and every time he sees it, his heart is heavy.

The devil lives forever and kills all beings.

A long time ago, this sentence was just a warning sentence, but all of this has become a fact.

The fire zone is a region larger than the earth. Its population is more than tens of times the population of the earth.

However, such a large area has been transformed into a human purgatory, a bloody hell.

Medium-sized cities with tens of millions of people, large cities with hundreds of millions of people, and super-large cities with one billion people exist in the fire.

Even, it was once a superpower in the fire domain, once on the side of the town, once on the prestige, once on the world, once on the bloody side, and let the four parties surrender.

However, nowadays, it has become history, and it has become a spray in the long river of history, but it was once an infinite flower, but it is a pity that the sun has fallen and the dusk has fallen.

"How long will this invincible battle platform manifest?"

The invincible battle platform achieved Wang Yang, Abin, and even Shenshui Manor.

However, the invincible battle platform also sent the Shenshui Manor to the limelight.

"The invincible battle platform varies from person to person.

The invincible battle platform is manifested by the invincible will. Generally speaking, how long it manifests depends on the invincible will."

"How to say?"

"How many invincible supremes are attracted, naturally, how long the battle platform will manifest."


Wang Yang felt troublesome.

Initially, the invincible battle platform manifested at Shenshui Manor, allowing Shenshui Manor to spread its name to the heavens, and even allowing itself to become a mixed element, and let Ahou cultivate into Yuanshen.

However, in the future, it is very likely that the sharp gun will become invincible, the Luo Jian will become the primal spirit, Mo Jun will become the invincible grandmaster, Wang Lin will become the invincible grandmaster, and Wu Xiaohong will be invincible. Guru.

However, it seems that, at the same time as the achievement of Shenshui Manor, it will also put Shenshui Manor on top of the waves.

The sword family entered Houshan, and Jianzong entered the first mountain.

Now it seems that they are all conquered by various means in the forbidden area, but in the long run, there are now their swordsmen and sword sects. Who knows, will there be gun ancestors?

Now it is the King of Swords, will there be an invincible Supreme in the future?

Suddenly in Wang Yang's heart, there will always be a sense of danger in his heart.

After seeing this video, he always felt this way in his mind.

Wang Yang just wanted to make this invincible battlefield disappear soon, disappear from Shenshui Manor, and let Shenshui Manor retreat from the wind and waves.

"How many invincible supremacy will manifest for how long.

Rivers and lakes have legends that the invincible grand master is the basis for martial arts to enter the invincible supreme.

That is to say, at this time, how many invincible grandmasters of Shenshui Manor will make this manor manifest for how long?"

"In theory, this is the case."

Although the chief instructor is unwilling to admit it, it is like this.

"Vitality, the demon slaughtered all beings for the sake of life."

Wang Yang widened his eyes and scolded: "Damn, what is the most vigorous and vitality of our Shenshui Manor."


The chief instructor was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean?"

The fierce battle of the invincible battlefield continued, and Blood Sovereign had retreated.

"Blood Venerable, the Devil Lord has heard from us that yes, Shenshui Manor is extremely vigorous, and we must win it."

Dali Bear Demon lowered his head, said to Blood Lord.

"The deity knows."

As the master of the demon world, the devil's parent-child, the blood demon's disciple, blood respect, of course, knows that vitality is what the devil represents.

"I don't know, when will Blood Lord prepare to start?"

Dali Xiongmo quickly asked.

"Huh, does the deity need you to tell me?"

Xue Zun froze his face, looking at the vigorous bear demon's intention to flash.

On the invincible battle platform, there is no invincible grandmaster on the battle platform for a while, and the young Luohan also retreated.

"Little Luohan, this Shenshui manor is alive and well, it is really too strong.

The demon blood warfare is all for the purpose of plundering life. I doubt that Blood Sovereign will not let go of Shenshui Manor."

The empty monk looked at the little Luohan, full of worry.

Little Luohan closed his eyes, as if closing his eyes.

"What about then?"

"This this……"

The empty monk froze.

He thought that Little Rohan would come forward to stop it. Unexpectedly, Little Rohan didn't even say at all.

Huh, Wang Yang is just a mere mortal. He dare to stand in front of the monk and grab the monk's limelight. Now that his Shenshui Manor has been remembered by those demons, what is the relationship with the monk?

Little Luohan was extremely dissatisfied with Wang Yang in his heart.

Huh, in order to plunder life, the demon army slaughtered all beings, your Shenshui manor, even dared to be so prominent, he demon army, who will not come to slaughter you, who will go to slaughter?

"Little Arhat..."

The empty monk was anxious.

Wang Yang's relationship with himself is very subway, and he cannot watch him happen anyway.


Seeing that Little Luohan didn't want to intervene at all, the empty monk turned and left.

Not far from Shuicun, several convoys quickly approached Shuicun.

"Brother Fang Ming, how do we go to Shenshui Manor this time?"

Huashan's discussion on swords is related to whether the Shaolin faction can enter Kunlun and whether it can obtain the immortal medicine.

Huashan's discussion on swords can be said to be related to a long-lived dream of Shaolin.

Cultivating martial arts, embarking on the path of martial arts, for the sake of a long-term vision?

Wu Gong, this time coming to Shenshui Manor, is headed by the head of Chongxu Dao,

"Brother Master, this time, when we arrived at Shenshui Manor, how should we act?"

Chong Chongchang is the younger brother of Chongxu Dao. This time, he followed Chongxu.

"Shenshui Manor is now a real gathering place, we must be careful when we go in."

Looking in the direction of Shenshui Manor, Chongxu said, as if he saw a smoke rising from the sky.

"Senior Master, now, all the tokens of our head have flowed into Shenshui Manor, we can ask Wang Yang to ask for tokens."

Chong Changchang was very unwilling in his heart. He even planned to blame all the responsibilities on Shenshui Manor.

The Huashan School, Taishan School, Kunlun School, Donghai Tianyuan Sea Pavilion, Tianshan Sword School, and so on, all the main schools, all set their sights on the Shenshui Manor, which was so full of smoke.

All tokens collected by their martial arts have disappeared. According to the latest information, all tokens appear on the Shenshui Manor.

In addition, there are Shushan Sword School, Snow Mountain School, etc., also followed.

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