My Super Estate

Chapter 670

Chapter 633: All the major schools join together to find the door

The fire domain of the spirit world has become the first hell on earth.

On this day, the invincible battle platform suddenly seemed to be quiet. The once invincible young supreme, all disappeared, only those young kings, they are fighting, they are looting luck, they want one day, they can also Become the invincible young supreme.

Similarly, the token related to Huashan's discussion of swords seems to have sensed the chaos in the world, and it is wrapped in a silver light and no longer manifests.

Shenshui Manor, no one knows how many invincible young supremes there are.

However, at this moment, many people have a tacit understanding.

Perhaps, many people already know that the day of chaos in the world is really not far away.

The devil is longevity, and it harms all beings.

The devil lives forever and kills all beings.

Devil is longevity...

On this day, many people have been silent, they are looking at the monitor in their hands.

Although there are differences, the content is surprisingly consistent.

It's just that the same content has a different mood.

"Haha, the day of the chaos is finally coming. I must kill more and collect more vitality. Soon, I will become the invincible supreme."

Master Wang Bang, the reason why he became master Wang Bang only because Grand Master has reached the limit of Wu. After Grand Master, it will be the way.

They can be called martial arts.

In the Grand Master's realm, first-class masters are easy to achieve, as long as they have first-class martial arts cheats, as long as people are not stupid, as long as the roots are not bad, as long as they don't die halfway, they will always become first-class masters.

However, above the first-class master, it represents a different path.

Above the first-class master, it is a human-level master, which means that he has initially embarked on the road of super-disengagement and has the hope of breaking through the grand master.

Prefecture-level masters have truly mastered the martial arts they practiced, and have learned some essence of martial arts from them. As long as they break through, 100% can achieve Jindan.

Heaven-level masters, practicing martial arts, and incorporating some of their own theories, but this kind of reason does not form a unique Tao, and has the qualification to become a Hunyuan Venerable and to practice Yuanshen.

Afterwards, the masters of Wang Bang, the invincible grand master, all because, in the grand master, they realized their own way, but one was incomplete and one was complete.

The difference between the two is that one can be the supreme king, and one can be the supreme and supreme.

From this, it can be seen how great the influence of Grand Master's martial arts realm will be on martial arts.

However, now that the invincible battle platform has emerged, this pattern that has become a foregone conclusion has suddenly been completely broken.

Here, as long as you dare to fight and dare to kill, you may break your imprisonment and have a stronger future.

Here, no one will give up, and no one will waste time. The young supremes have temporarily left, but, young kings, they are still desperately fighting.

When Wu Lin's head Chong Xu Dao led many Wudang disciples to Shenshui Manor, what he saw was such a situation.

"Amitabha, I didn't expect that Wudang would lead the leader of Chongxu Dao this time."

Master Fang Ming came first, and Shaolin and Wudang, since then known as Wulin Taishan Beidou, the basic etiquette cannot be lost.

"Master Fang Ming is courteous."

Although Master Fang Ming is not an abbot of Shaolin, he is also the head of the Shaolin Bodhisattva.

"I don't know, what does Wudang plan to do with this incident?"

This time, Shaolin Wudang came together only because they had a common purpose.

"Huashan talks about swords, I have a seat in Wudang."

As the head of Wudang, he is naturally not weaker than others.

It's about longevity and rushing to the head of the Taoism, but I can't help but be strong once.

"Amitabha, what the head of Chongxu said is true. I am the Shaolin millennium ancient temple. Although the Buddha has compassion, he also wishes.

I am Shaolin about Huashan's discussion of swords."

The two of them didn't say anything bluntly about what they needed to do, but the two of them were very determined. This time Huashan's discussion of swords, the two major schools, must also have a point.

"Oh, you monks and monks are direct.

But what I said is not false. My Shushan can't be weaker than others in any case. Who dare not let me go to Huashan on Shushan and asked whether my sword promised?"

The Shushan Sword School came fast, and came, a middle-aged man in white, holding a purple gold folding fan in his hand.

Although he didn't see his supernatural power, he was also full of chic. Behind him, the white feather swordsman followed.

The master on the Qianlong list now seems to have matured a lot, and his sharp sword spirit has converged a lot.

Later, Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan Sword School, led Yue Qing.

Like the white crane swordsman of Shushan, he also holds a black jade folding fan in his hand.

"Huashan discusses swords. I, Huashan Sword School, have no reason not to participate."

Whether it makes sense in the end, no one knows now, when the time comes, his own sword proves to everyone.

After that, they were all disciples on the rivers and lakes.

At this moment, it seems that suddenly, heaven and earth are gathering together.

The astronomical luck of the major worlds of the caves was originally converging on the earth, and the major martial arts factions even occupied 90% of the luck of the earth.

Suddenly, all of these martial arts schools came together. For a while, Shenshui Manor seemed to have become the center of the world.

"Shaolin, Wudang, Changbai Mountain, Tianshan, Kunlun, Daxue Mountain, Huashan, Taishan, Shushan, Donghai Tianya Pavilion, Hengshan, Kongtong, Songshan, and Hengshan in our southern province.

Good guy, I didn't expect that Wulin would still be so prosperous in China.

Even above the rivers and lakes, there are many martial arts families, and those who travel far to the north and even far to the south.

Calculated in this way, although it is less than one tenth of the world, it is also very extraordinary.

Perhaps, revealing the muscles properly will have a certain benefit in this devil."

All the major factions are all gathered into Shenshui Manor, of course, Wang Yang will not know.

However, he did not take the initiative to welcome.

The comers are not good, the good ones do not come.

The major schools of the lakes and lakes come together, and there will always be no good things.

Shenshui Manor is now on the cusp of the storm, and Wang Yang is unwilling to let Shenshui Manor suffer more from cause and effect.

"Brother, this time, our Shenshui Manor is indeed going to be busy.

It's just, I don't know if they will make this situation worse?"

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