My Super Estate

907 Invincible defense against undead

Chapter 865 The invincible defense is supernatural

"Probably, you think that if you recover, I won't kill you!"

Squinting his eyes, squinting at the gun.

Reaching gently on your sword, a loud clang came from the sword.

Standing on the first step, Wang Yang did not move, and the sword in his hand had already been attacked first.


Gun Wudao's strength is naturally not bad. In the face of Wang Yang's sudden shot, he did not dodge, but chose to be strong against strong.

One inch is one inch long and one inch is strong. It is a long weapon like a spear.

In general, such weapons must maintain a certain distance.

Medium-sized light weapons such as swords generally need to pay attention to move and move quickly.

It can be said that, for now, Wang Yang has taken the lead in everything. At this time, Gun Wudao's most suitable choice is to retreat as a way forward, seize strategic space, and then use a carbine to kill back.

However, such tactics can only be adapted to ordinary ordinary masters, real masters, spears, already in their hands, already deified.

There is no way of guns, no way of guns. From his name, it can be seen that he is an extremely powerful gunway master. In his hands, the long gun has been tricked by him.

For example, now, in the face of this sudden attack from the sword light, originally, he could choose a long gun to block, or retreat to advance, but he did not choose, he chose the hardest one, with the hand The head of the gun, the change of the long gun to the short gun, directly launched its own offensive.


This is not allowed!"

Wang Yang sneered.

Of course, Wang Yang knows such tactics.

The magic gun is invincible. It is a true master of gunway. It is invincible than this gun, and it will never be worse.

Bang Bang Bang...

The two are extremely strong, so strong against strong, and powerful energy impact, it is this space that can't bear it, and the explosion of air is heard in the space.

On the earth, such a situation is extremely rare.

It is also very magical. The strength of the two is far beyond the scope of the Grand Master. It stands to reason that the earth has been covered by a layer of mixed element prohibition. The power beyond the Grand Master will naturally be mixed. The suppression of the yuan ban, even directly, will form a strong banned space.

Legend has it that this is an ancient fairy, a powerful ban set up to protect the earth.

"Your strength is not as strong as you said!"

Wang Yang sneered, watching the gun go back and forth.

"Huh, shameless villain, what kind of hero is a sneak attack?"

"You think, just now, I broke up?"

With his head slanted, Wang Yang was quite sullen, and looked at the Quartet, as if he did not put the gun in his eyes at all, but looked at it from the corner of his eye.

"Boy Zhang crazy!"

The eyes were cold, all the spirit and spirit were condensed, and the spear was in hand, which could be against the world.

This is a true gunnery master. Perhaps, his strength is not invincible, but his understanding of gunnery has exceeded many predecessors.

It can be said that as long as the cultivation is sufficient, he can go all directions.


Guns are innocent with the name of guns, naturally with guns.

His way is the spear, the master.

Before, he ignored Wang Yang and took the initiative to take the steps. This was his arrogance. He always believed that he had this arrogant qualification.

However, the steps were not so easy to climb, they were directly suppressed, and there was a big ugly.

If no one saw it, it was bad luck. Unfortunately, it has already been seen. Naturally, this person must bear the fire of his anger.

From the beginning, there has been endless death between the two. Since the former did not kill himself before, then he will now send him back to his hometown.


Guns without guns are really very aggressive.

Even under his marksmanship, the space can tear.

Just shot, the gunpoint has broken through the distance of space, and has come to Wang Yang.

This kind of marksmanship can be described as haunting, and it has the meaning of ignoring space.

"Huh, my gun, there is a trace of Dao Yun breaking through the space, you are dead."

Gun Wudao's mouth was grinning, and he was very confident in his expression.

In particular, when he saw the other party, he didn't want to dodge, and his eyes flashed with confidence, and he felt more confident.

"Haha, this step is indeed famous, you can't dodge, it's really heaven to kill you 1"

The gun laughed loudly.

He understands that his own shot cannot be avoided by the other party.

Can't avoid it, then die!

Gun Wudao's heart was cruel, and the speed of the gun was even faster.

"Quick gun!"

The guns are unimaginable, Wang Yang can't avoid such guns.

In fact, he never thought of avoiding it.

"Before, this kid's undead magical power has quite a bit of magic, just, I want to see, is this your undead magical power, or is my invincible defense stronger?"

Wang Yang didn't shake, and his shadow didn't shake. When facing the spear pierced in his chest, Wang Yang didn't see it.

However, he never stopped the movement in his hand, holding a purple soft sword in his hand.

With a stroke, the sharp swordmands are like a pair of horses, and they are vast and unstoppable.


The gun without a gun is very smooth, and it stabs directly on Wang Yang's body.

It's just that he didn't wait for his ecstasy. The ordinary sword light had swept through, and he directly broke his chest into a huge mouth.


It was too late to appreciate his own'labor achievements'. The severe pain on his chest had already entered his mind.

He was actually injured.

Gun Wudao is incredible.

Immortal supernatural powers, first and foremost not immortality, but strengthening.

For anything, there is never a stronger foundation, the stronger the effect.

To truly achieve physical immortality, first of all is not the physical body's super recovery ability, but the physical body's own strength.

Gun Wudao has always been very proud of his physical strength.

Just now, the Dragon Dragon Arhat alone could not break his own flesh. Only eighteen Arhats formed the Arhat Formation to explode their flesh.

This kind of flesh, its toughness, is already visible.

But how is it possible for his own body to be easily broken by the other party?

The most horrible thing is that he can feel that his sternum has been completely violent, which directly caused a comminuted fracture.


Gun Wudao was unwilling.

It was not easy for me to get here by being blown away one by one.

Now, his own flesh was beaten to pieces.

However, he was speechless because he suddenly discovered that in front of him, his own shot did not hurt the other party at all.

Undying PK invincible defense, defeated.

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