My Super Estate

908 The Chemical Opportunity on the Steps

Chapter 866 The Chemical Opportunity on the Steps

Climb the heavenly road and break the heavenly gate.

This is a story that has long been rumored above the rivers and lakes.

According to legend, there is creation on the heavenly road, and chance in the heavenly gate.

True and false, no one knows, but it is praised by the public.

In heaven, Wang Yang went through two disasters in a row.

Shenshui Manor, a crowd of people, a Taoist man, is well known, and it has already stirred the entire rivers and lakes.

A huge benefit represents a huge motivation, even if there is no life, there is no way to deny the desire of all beings.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they tend to travel in the mountains.

Probably, the people in the rivers and lakes are in front of you. The so-called daring artists are the rivers and lakes.

Standing on the gimbal, the gun looked incredulously at his chest.

There, the unsuccessful unstoppable supernatural power seems to have failed, and the blood seems to be a jogging failure of the brake. Although it runs hard, it is still difficult to cut off.

Time and time again, the lost blood is controlled to return, time and time again, the wound splits again.

At this moment, it seems that the beautiful world has abandoned his most loyal believers.

"I don't know, I absolutely don't know. My undead magical power has already possessed some of the effects of the Xeon Fighter. How could it not be healed?"

The Xeon Warrior experienced heavy thunderstorms and injected vitality once and twice, and finally, it was not difficult to regenerate blood.

Undead magical powers, with some of the effects of the Xeon combat body, it is impossible to regenerate blood, but it is not difficult to regenerate the blood and regenerate the body speed.

On the way, he was three times in a row, relying on these supernatural powers, and lived in the Eighteen Arhat Great Formation.

Retreating and retreating, staring cautiously at Wang Yang who was standing on the steps and did not move one step. Gun Wudao's body had been washed away again and again to wipe out the wound, part of Wang Yang's will.

"This opportunity is your best chance to kill me. You can't give up so easily?"

The wound collapsed again and again, proving that Gun Wudao's injury was very serious.

Such an injury, if Wang Yang went down the stairs and pursued him with all his might, his undead magical power, perhaps, it would be difficult to save his life.


Wang Yang did not go down the steps, but stood on the steps, gazing closely at the people who were steadily advancing on the road that day.

Dozens of people are advancing together, unfortunately, there are always so few.

Among them, the four people in Shenshui Manor made Wang Yang feel most relieved because they walked very smoothly every step of the way.

"and so?

If, I am not wrong, this step, just like the legend, contains some kind of great chance."

Under supernatural power, the blood flowed out again and again, and was recovered by him again and again. Although the injury could not heal, the vitality was not much damaged.

Such magical powers can indeed be called'undead'.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yang did not deny it. On the contrary, he nodded.

"Indeed, there is a great fortune hidden in the sky road, let me ride thunder robbery twice, the chance on this step will naturally not be simple.


Gun Wudao's eyes stared at the boss, and he couldn't believe it. There was such a character in the sky where you could die every time.

Suddenly turned his head to look at the sky and road, he had never rushed forward, but just sat down again and again, trying to understand what Jianghu passengers, gun Wudao felt his breathing, some difficulty.

In order to advance at the fastest speed, it turned out that I missed a lot of style.

On his face, there was a burst of green and red.

Gun had no way to feel that he had done the most stupid thing in the world.

Instead, he looked at Wang Yang, and in his eyes, the divine light was so bright.

"Say, what are the great opportunities on the steps?"

"You want to know?"

The corners of Wang Yang's mouth slightly curled up, looking at the gun without a glance.

"miss you!"

There are innovations on the road, and Wang Yang broke through two levels, all surprised.

So, what about Tianmen?

According to legend, Huashan's discussion of swords contains the opportunity to become an immortal.

Isn't this the beginning of Cheng Xian Ji Yuan?

Immortals, in any world, that is supreme and supreme.

It represents not only the supreme fighting power, but also the long life.

Throughout the ages, many heroes have worked hard all their lives in order to become immortals.

Qin Emperor unified the world, in order to become immortal, he sent the warlock Penglai.

However, in the past dynasties, how many emperors really walked out into fairy dreams?

Qinhuangdong Heavenly World and Hanzu World are still here today.

It can be said that immortal represents supremacy.

In my mind, there was a flash of information about the immortal, and it was difficult to breath without a gun.

He is talking, and likewise, he is speeding up healing.

Undead magical power, not to mention absolute death, but healing is the first holy hand, even if Wang Yang's will remains, such a long time of annihilation has not been much.

"Haha, if it weren't for this kind of creation, I would be dead."

Staring at Wang Yang, Gun Wudao's expression was a little crazy.

"Unfortunately, you have missed this opportunity.

You will never have another chance."

Holding the rifle in his hand tightly, the chest injury was all right, at least, I couldn't see too many scars.

Wang Yang seemed to be smiling, staring straight at the gunless chest.

"Really, do you dare to shoot?"


With that said, the gun made no decisive shot.

This time, his shot is no longer a choice to confront Wang Yang directly.

Wang Yang stood on the steps, motionless, this is his chance.

He also believes that as long as he seizes this opportunity, the huge opportunity on the steps is his own.

The battle between the two is very exciting.

Wang Yang's defense is really too strong, but Gun Wudao is also very powerful.

In the end, there is a shortage of cultivation practice. Although it has been completed in six transfers to Golden Pill, the gap between it and Yuanshen Warrior is not too big. However, such a gap can only be regarded as an ordinary warrior. Say, as long as he is given the opportunity to move, even if it is invincible defense, he can break.

But, Wang Yang, will he really be given a chance?

Between the two, the battle is very fierce, like an eagle, fighting with a turtle.

The eagle has a sharp offensive and the tortoise defense is unparalleled.

Between the two, stalemate with each other.

However, in Wang Yang's eyes, there is always a hint of laughter.

A sword was cut out, the sword gas was so nine-day galaxy, and it seemed like a waterfall fell straight, even though the gun was fearless, but it could not be withdrawn again and again.

A sword silver fell nine days.

This is Wang Yang's realm of kendo.

"Why, can you persist?"

Without moving, he easily forced a Hunyuan Venerable away.

Wang Yang's strength is increasingly unpredictable.

However, Wang Yang knew that the gun Wudao seemed fierce, seemingly immortal and invincible, but his sternum had never really healed. Such a fierce battle would only make his pain more fierce.

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