My Super Estate

Chapter 909 Many Heavenly Pride

Chapter 876: Many Heavenly Pride

The situation on the sky has become even more elusive.

On the sky road, boarded, there is no turning back.

Many Tianjiao, with the confidence to win, all climbed to the Heavenly Road together. Even, they all followed Wang Yang as an example. They always believed that Wang Yang can get Taoist Pill from Heaven Road, and he must be.

Just, is it really okay?

Zhou Wu, the son of the princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty, possessed the blood of the royal ancestors of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and was the real arrogant son of heaven.

Once his existence grew up, he became a great Zhou dynasty, and a supreme prince was a breeze.

Huashan discusses swords. Legend has it that there is a chance to become an immortal.

In contrast, the princely power seems to be no longer so important.

In order to become an immortal, he resolutely set foot on a path back to the world.

Participated in the invincible battle of Shenshui Manor and successfully won a bronze token.Today, led by the elders of his royal family, he successfully came to Huashan to participate in this Huashan debate.

"Huh, Wang Yang of Shenshui Manor, even if he succeeded in obtaining Tao Dao Dan, Zhou Zhou, I will definitely not lose him."

His confidence is very sufficient, and he firmly believes that he will not be worse than others.

Walking on the road of ascending the sky composed of white clouds, a bronze light curtain enveloped the whole body, and mysterious daggers appeared on the light curtain.

In contrast, the light curtain manifested by the bronze token has the weakest Dao pattern, and the Dao Wei contained in the Dao pattern is also the weakest.

Under the pressure of Daowei and Zhou Wu, there is no need to stop at all.

This way, it has been very smooth, although Daowei is constantly improving, but for him, there is nothing at all.

However, when he reached the position of four-fifths of Heavenly Road, in front of him, the monkey head showing Leigong's face, and the bull demon with the bull head.

"Bull Demon King, Sun Dasheng?"

Zhou Wu exclaimed for a while.

He absolutely could not have imagined that when he saw him, he would pass this Baiyun Road to the sky, and he would encounter such a combination in the end.

"Hum, a little bug, extinguish!"

The Bull Demon King is overbearing. If you don't say anything, just start playing.

Zhou Wu's strength is naturally extremely strong.

However, his strength is far from that of the two demon clan legends.

If he can walk all the way and realize the Taoism contained in the bronze light curtain, perhaps he can successfully pass.

However, he was too proud, even, in order to hurry up, he even stopped at the first line.

"Mine is just bronze tokens. The mystery contained in the dimples is too small to support me as a breakthrough. The Tianmen contains great fortune. Wang Yang has successfully broken through, and I am faster."

With such a belief, Zhou Wu kept on going.

But, his pride, at this moment, seems to abandon him, no matter how painful his heart is, the battle has already begun.


The elders of the princely family are exclaiming.

Under the painful gaze of the old man, Zhou Wu was directly torn apart by the Demon King.

A generation of arrogance, future princes, easily beheaded by this.

Zhou Wu is definitely not the only one.

On the contrary, on this Baiyun Road to the sky, there are many such things.

Bronze tokens control the vast majority, but bronze tokens have the weakest power, which definitely does not mean that they are the easiest to understand.

Even, because the stripes are the thinnest, it is even more difficult to comprehend.

Most of the bronze token winners have learned Wang Yang to understand the bronze stripes of the bronze light curtain and to understand the mysteries.

At this moment, the great ideal seems to set sail.

However, the sail has been raised, but the boat is beginning to leak. All the good wishes are still in the womb.

Baiyun ascended the heavens, Daowei was reorganizing every moment, and coercion was improving every moment.

Stopping and not going forward means going back.

It seems that from the beginning, these people have been destined to be eliminated.

Elimination is death.

Daowei is constantly improving and can't bear it. Naturally, it will cause the fire of the Tao, and it will be directly burned by the fire of the Tao.

Most of these people are arrogant figures from all over the world. In the future, they are very likely to be famous.

However, at this moment, they have already ended their lives in advance.

Luo Jian walked between the white clouds and stepped on the sky.

Looking at the golden light curtain, mysterious and endless lines, my heart bursts of excitement.

It's just that his excitement is like taking off his pants and showing them to the blind, and it doesn't cause any fluctuations.

Just when Luo Jian was about to give up, suddenly, a jade bottle appeared out of thin air.

"this is?"

Luo Jian was surprised, and then his eyes widened.

"Master, this is Master's breath."

Luo Jian looked a little excited.

A year ago, the Shenshui Manor was just set up, and a thousand-year-old king suddenly appeared in the fish pond in Houshan.

In order to explore the reasons, Grandpa Wu, and the old swallow, and the two old people, decisively jumped into the fish pond and entered the mysterious world on that side.

Today, on Baiyun's way to heaven, he even encountered Master's breath.

Luo Jian was excited.

Open it.

"Wu Dao Dan..."

Luo Jian was shocked.

He would never have thought that there would be such an adventure on the ascending road composed of white clouds.,

With the help of Wu Dao Dan, Luo Jian saw a little more spirituality in his eyes.

With his efforts, the patterns on the golden light curtain were quickly comprehended by him.

This is a test, as well as a character here.

With the help of Wu Dao Dan, Luo Jian made rapid progress.

Also progressing fast, there is the Sirius of the Shenshui Manor, the invincible sharpshooter, and the fast knife Abing.

Like them, they just stepped into Baiyun's way to the sky and got a Taoist pill out of thin air.

Very strange and very eye-catching.

For a time, the wind and the waves broke through, and everyone performed their magical powers and passed quickly.

On the two-thirds of the journey, except for Sirius, all of them encountered the road blocking beasts formed by the streaks.

Such a luxurious camp allows many people to breathe the cool breeze together.

"This, this is not fair!!"

Such a scene, above this Huashan, is not only millions of people?

For a time, the group of heroes Qi Xiao.

It's just that all this seems to be totally useless.

In fact, all this is indeed in vain.

As long as you defeat or even break up the Dao pattern, the Dao pattern will be directly controlled by the passers-by.

Wang Yang used this natural Tao Yun to refine his purple Microsoft sword.

Luo Jian and others have different choices. Instead of refining weapons, they all absorb themselves.

In a very short time, Luo Jian and others have greatly increased their strength.

Luo Jian's foundation is insufficient. From the invincible grandmaster's breakthrough, with the help of the luck breakthrough, it is only a small element of the gods. With the help of this Dao pattern, he cultivates quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the Yuanshen has been completed.

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