My Super Estate

Chapter 910

Chapter 868 The Sorrowful Cries Continue

"Haha, isn't this King Zhou Wu, how come, your disciples in the royal palace, embarked on this path of heaven?"

The leader of Zhouwu Wangfu is Zhouwuwang.

Zhou Wu, named after the name of King Zhou Wu, shows his talents, but he is actually the heir to Tianding.

This time, Huashan talked about swords, and the heavens competed, and Zhou Wuneng got a quota, which shows that his talent is indeed very extraordinary.

It is foreseeable that in the future, under his leadership, Wu Wang Mansion will become strong and prosperous.

"Haha, isn't this Qin Guogong of the Datang Dynasty, oh, this, could it be that someone from your Qin State Mansion also embarked on this path?"

In this world, the great gods of all roads, in order to seek longevity, in order to seek immortal roads, have opened up the world one after another.

In all major worlds, various forces have emerged one after another.

One of the most common forces is the establishment of the state and the founding of the country.

Among them, Heaven Court is the founder of the country, the highest achiever, overbearing the world, Mo dare not follow.

Datang and Dazhou, the two dynasties, are extremely powerful dynasties, and have dominated half the world many times.

The two sides, the same dynasty, have much closer words between each other, and naturally there will be more languages.

The same scene appears in many places.

The heavens are too big. In order to improve themselves, the worlds of the heavens have already communicated with each other.

Usually, their affairs are busy, and in order to pursue longevity, they spend most of their time in martial arts practice and magical exercises.

It is even more enjoyable to see it now, and even the disciples of each family are competing with each other.

This atmosphere makes this Huashan location very lively.

Of course, there are friendships and of course hatred.

"Lao Niu, what's wrong with you, are you nervous?

I heard that the little bull head in your family is very promising. This time, don’t fold it here!"

"Fuck your mother's stinky ass, your piggy is not dead, will our bull head be folded here?"

Old bull's head, his temper is called a hot, open mouth is a curse.

"Well, who is going to die, everyone compares!"

"Okay, compare, who is afraid of whom!

Last time, Tianyuan Dan, which I got from the death realm, didn't you always want it?

I bet that the golden apple tree in your hand, if your piggy loses, give it to me!"

Tianyuan Pill, in legend, contains the magical god pill, which can help people go further on the road to Xeon.

Of course, Golden Apple is also an extraordinary spirit tree.According to legend, it is a real nine-level spirit fruit tree.

"Okay, it's better than that. I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

There was a hatred between the two, but now that they see each other, they are not very pleasing to each other. Of course, they naturally hope to see each other out of luck.

Just looking at each other's bad luck, there is no advantage, naturally it is more suitable.

However, if you see that the other party is unlucky, you can still cut a knife on the other party and eat a piece of meat, but the taste is happy.

Such a thing, in such a place where the heavens converge, is by no means a minority. On the contrary, this number is still very, very large.

Being able to set foot on the road represents a strength.

Everyone has confidence in his own disciples.

Under such circumstances, most people are proud.


There was originally a fierce atmosphere, a mournful call, which cut through the sky and did not disperse for a long time.


It was the King Wu of the Great Zhou Dynasty. His disciples, the strongest heir of the King Zhou Palace, were suddenly ignited by the powerful Taoist fire.


Qin Guogong of Datang was shocked. When he saw the disciples of his old friend's house, he was suddenly amazed by such a terrible Taoist fire.

Not only was he sad for his friends, but also worried about his children.

"Shenshui Manor, Shenshui Manor, ah, the king is never ending with you!!"

King Zhou Wu looked at his child's conversion, and his resentment against Shenshui Manor greatly increased.

If it weren’t for Shenshui Manor’s concealment, his own disciples might not die.

With great sorrow in his heart, he had lost the most basic reason, and all of Zhou Wu's death was entangled in Shenshui Manor.

Not only the pain of the death of the disciples, but also the pain of Zhou Wu's promotion to be cut off.

The two great pains, stacked together, are enough to make the strongest iron man in the world feel despair.

Zhou Wuwang's gaffe caused a lot of people's attention.

Even the supreme Buddha and others, who were high above, also looked at each other.

However, no one spoke.

Zhou Wu's failure is definitely not the end, perhaps, just the beginning.

Now it’s Zhou Wu, what about the next one?

Will it be his own disciple?

No one knows, that is, no one knows this part, so that everyone can keep calm.

More people even looked at Sen Yang's gaze at Wang Yang who was above, and at the Shenshui Manor on the Heavenly Road, calmly enlightening the Dao pattern.

If, if Shenshui Manor reveals the secret of Heavenly Road, perhaps, now, he will not wait so passively.

There are not many people with such thoughts.

On the contrary, with the passage of time, people with such thoughts have occupied the vast majority.




"Little pig..."

The sorrowful cries were endless, one after another, one after another.

The painful cry shouted again and again.

For a time, I just barely had some active atmosphere, and another cloud came out.

This is a truly catastrophic scene.

It is also the most scary scene.

No one can win a token on the invincible battle platform. None of them are simple characters. All of them are extremely talented. At least, they are also the top characters in the grandmaster of Wang Bang.

These characters, as long as they grow up, are all elites of all forces, and they are the hope of the future.

One loss of such a strong man is a disaster. Now, one after another, all of them are gone. For a time, all the people are crazy.

"Shenshui Manor..."

More than one shouted in pain, they blamed all the blame on the head of Shenshui Manor.

If it were not for them, or if they were unwilling to publish the information on Heavenly Road, their descendants would not be damaged here.

If it weren't for the success of the Shenshui Manor, their successors might be hopeful, or they might not be on this dead end.

In short, all of these are strange Shenshui manor.

For a time, Sen Leng's eyes turned to Mo Jun again and again.

"Boy, just give my family Wu'er a life!!!"

King Zhou Wu was the most overbearing, first he had to move towards Mo Jun.

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