My Super Estate

Chapter 912 Rules

Chapter 870 Rules

Above the Huashan Mountain, Mo Jun showed his majesty and fought against the Quartet with the spirit of Yuanshen.

For a time, a fire broke out.

Those who are not used to Shenshui Manor, there are many people who are envious and jealous and hateful, and they are definitely not in the minority.

The princes from all walks of life, even from the world of heaven, are not as good as the people behind them.

For a time, Mo Jun was so excited and domineering.

In a short period of time, Mo Jun was known to the world.

Someone has already stood out from the sky.

This person, contrary to Wang Yang's expectations, turned out to be a small Luohan, a disciple of the descendant of Bodhisattva.


Little Luohan was very polite. It seemed that he was just a teenage naughty boy holding a bead in his hand and wearing a yellow cloth monk's clothes.

"Little monk, your speed is fast enough!"

"Thank you for your way."

"Don't be so polite, you are still my cousin's brother.

So, let's not be surprised, I will call you Brother!"

Little Luohan???

Staring at the eyes, it seemed that Xiao Luohan was so beautiful.

Yes, it is beautiful.

"Okay, then that's how we're done. Speaking of it, Bodhisattva also takes good care of me. How can we be considered two brothers!"

Whether Wang Luohan agrees or not, Wang Yang has already agreed.


In the face of such shameless, chaotic relationship guys, little Luohan is also a bit sitting.

"I don't know, can this little monk go up?"

Pointing at the steps, Little Rohan asked.

Perhaps, he was overwhelmed by the shameless guy, but he still remembered the major and minor problems, and he would never forget them.

"Of course, if you think about it, it is certainly okay."

With a smile on his face, Wang Yang looks like the gray wolf looking at the happy sheep and drooling, and his expression is very certain.

"However, you have to beat me."

The smile on Wang Yang's face seemed to have never been so charming.

At this time, he was not the full-hearted wage earner, nor the arrogant Shenshuizhuang owner, he was a little brother next door.

It's the same kind of bad brother who cheated the little brother of the neighbor.

"Brother Luohan, don't you want to beat me!"

The shameless state has been broken and broken by him.

Little Luohan looked like a magnetic doll, full of angry expressions.

Gun Wudao saw it from the beginning, his eyes were straight, he was the first time he saw such a shameless guy.

I was defeated by such a shameless thing?

It’s hard to believe that the gun is ineffective.

"Humph, the young monk is going up."

Young Luohan's expression was very serious, and he pointed to the steps. Even, he pointed to the highest step.


Wang Yang turned his head, raised his head, and looked up at the highest step above the nine feet.

"This, Senior Brother, then you have to wait!

This, the steps have to be climbed, not anyone can climb.

You see, am I on this first step now?"

Wang Yang didn't tell lies.

This step is very particular, if there is really no one to come up, then there is no way. Once the time is up, you can go up directly.

Even if it is just one or two people, it is very easy to handle.

As long as you remain undefeated and don't go down the steps, you can go up as soon as the time is up.

However, if there are a lot of people, then you are a real swordsman.

Ten steps represent ten levels, at least ten games in a row, so as to qualify for the highest step, otherwise, it is impossible.

The rules are such that Wang Yang certainly does not want to be beaten down.

Before, it was just a gun, and he didn't even dare to chase down this guy.Now there is a young Arhat, he certainly does not want to be beaten down now, who knows, in the end, will there be ten people coming up?

Although everyone is a character of Tianjiao level, but at this time, it is also the Tianjiaozi, who is not sure.

"Little Luohan, don't listen to him, hit him now!"

After listening to Wang Yang's detailed explanation of the rules, Gun Wudao suddenly opened his heart, and at the same time, he also understood why Wang Yang didn't pursue himself just now.

Because, he doesn't know how many people will be able to come up with this terrifying Baiyun ascend to heaven.

If there are many people, everything is easy to say, as long as there are ten people defeated, it does not matter if you go down the stairs; if there are few people, then it is really troublesome.

Maybe, I lost the opportunity directly.

As a result, isn't it?

Gun Wudao's eyes lit up, staring at Wang Yang, with a conspiracy light flashing on his face.

"Little Luohan, don't listen to him. If there are few people, he will be able to go straight up and beat him down now!"

If you can get to the point where you are now, no one will be too straight, the way will be the same, but the road is diverse.

Gun Wudao This is the intention to borrow a knife to kill.

Whether it can kill people or not, no one can say for the time being, but if Ronaldinho can beat Wang Yang down, everything is the most important thing.

Such thoughts are really malicious.

The so-called harming self-interest is a hero, harming self-interest is a villain, harming others is not self-interest, that is a real hero.

In order to achieve the goal, no matter what means, it is said that they are people like them.

"The gun is innocent, do you really think that I can't kill you?"

Wang Yang was really angry.

This abominable guy dared to spoil his good deeds, if he could not easily go down the stairs, this time, he must be slashed with a sword.

Son of a bitch……

Gun Wudao's heart tightened.

He also remembered that the guy was really terrifying. If, if he could not go down the stairs, he had already been killed by him just now.

Once he walks down the stairs, can he act unscrupulously?

Suddenly, Gun Wudao felt nervous.

Although he possesses the potential of Xiao Xiong, he can't do it only if he wants him to exchange his life.

At this time, he was really worried that Little Rohan would shoot.


Gun Wudao's appearance as a bravery-free rat made him look down on him the most, but with a sneer, Wang Yang would not care about him.

However, his eyes were still staring nervously at Little Rohan.

Little Luohan's strength is not strong, no one can say.

However, Wang Yang knows that his own strength is definitely not the strongest, he can defeat a gun without a way, but it does not mean that he is invincible.

In the end, it must be determined how many people will come up.

But anyway, at least, now he doesn't want to shoot with Rohan Jr.

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