My Super Estate

913 Thirteen People

Chapter Eighty-Seventy-One

The idea of ​​gunlessness can always be his idea of ​​gunlessness, and cannot affect others.

Of course, he can't affect young Luohan even more.

Outside, under the influence of certain rules, Mo Jun endlessly battled with the princes of the heavens. On the steps, Wang Yang was waiting with the young Luohan and the gun.

One hundred and eight face tokens represent one hundred and eighty arrogances. Among them, many people, even one of the world's world, represent a hundred years of luck in this world.

Looking at the dozens of people who were slowly advancing on Baiyun Dengtian Road, including Wang Yang, they were very curious how many people would come here with this 108 token.

"That's the realm of the Yunmo world. Its strength is extremely powerful. I heard that when he first broke through, he was directly consummate."

Pointing to a tall man, Little Rohan said so.

As the realm of the West Heaven Bliss World, Little Luohan's position in the Buddha Gate is very high. His understanding of the heavens is far from Wang Yang's.

It's just that this world of Yunmo World, which is highly valued by Little Luohan, is no longer good.

On the cloud road, the fire of the Tao has been ignited.


Above Huashan, someone was calling tragically.

That is the disciple of their Yun Mo Jian faction, the future leader, is a key person who can lead them to the peak.

It's just that now, all this is gone.

"Shenshui Manor..."

At this moment, perhaps, looking for an angry person is a very suitable choice.

The elder from the Yunmojian faction shot directly and shot towards Mo Jun.

The battle facing Mo Jun has escalated again.

However, at any rate, there are at most three people beside him, and even there is at most one invincible grandmaster level.

This is the invisible rule, which no one can break.

"Haha, Luo Jian is very good. He is close to two-thirds of the way, but I don't know. How is his understanding of Dao?"

Suddenly, Wang Yang laughed.

He arrived, and Luo Jian had reached two-thirds of the way.

This position, for the gold token winner, is a time to break through the sky.

Even here, the golden light will fade, and the streaks in the golden light will directly turn into cubs of gods and beasts, which will directly form obstacles.

This is a test, as well as a chance.

Wang Yang is here, representing the Five Ways of Divine Beasts, refining his own sword.

This is a real sword, the legendary sword-breaker can only possess the sword.

Proving the Tao is king, breaking the Tao into God.

"Teacher's talent is very good, but he can get to this point just by practicing the martial arts taught by Master Zun. His talent is better than me.

In addition, he is a man of Shenshui Manor and has successfully achieved Wu Dao Dan. This test is not difficult for him."

Little Luohan's rare opening, he even commented on Luo Jian, a younger brother.

Even, in his mouth, brother Luo Jian's genius was even stronger than him.


Wang Yang smiled very happy.

My own Shenshui manor, perhaps, is really the place where the luck converges. Under various backgrounds, it has long been transformed into magic.

Luo Jian, as well as himself, what kind of talent he is, he probably also knows, but with the support of various resources of Shenshui Manor, a miracle happened.

The accumulation of tens of centuries in the Divine World is quantitative and qualitative, which is the key.

In the fish pond, some special marine life emerges from time to time. Judging from the current situation, it is highly likely that it is related to Kunlun.

There are also strong vitality, various magical potions, and various resources. With the support of various resources, the two brothers, Wang Yang Luo Jian, successfully transformed, and became the invincible grandmaster directly, laying the foundation firmly.

Step by step, step by step, Wang Yang has already seen it.

As long as the education is good, the pig can change the pig's eight precepts.

"That was the son of the great general of the Han Dynasty. Legend has it that he is very likely to become the champion of the Han Dynasty.


Luo Jian has already met his own blockers, five-headed god beast cubs, dragons, penguins, snakes, black tigers, and jade rabbits.

The cubs of the Five Beasts are extremely powerful, Wang Yang, and he must kneel in the face of this camp.

Luo Jian's strength is naturally extremely strong, but, to say that he is really much stronger than Wang Yang, it is impossible.

However, for him, the problem in front of him is not a desperate situation. With the help of Wu Dao Dan, he has successfully realized the essence of the pattern. Every time it is broken, he can quickly attract and induce natural patterns. Into the body.

The path chosen by Luo Jian is different from Wang Yang. He did not choose to refine his own artifact. He just cares about strengthening himself.

This is a way, a way of his own choice.

In fact, on the Heavenly Road, dozens of Tianjiao people from all over the world, each of them is extraordinary.

It can be said that such an elite camp is a gathering of the heavens for hundreds of years.

Such a person's extinction is impossible in itself.

Blood Venerable, White Elephant Demon, Black Bull Demon...

The demon camp is very lucky. There are five people walking together. There are only three left in this way.

Of course, the Shenshui Manor, including Wang Yang, involved a total of five people, without losing one member, and all could pass.

Looking at the five people who passed the Shenshui Manor successfully, Gun Wudao and others could not calm down.

Cheating blatantly, and even passing it unanimously, is simply out of the question.

A total of five demons set foot on the sky, but, in the end, there was only Blood Venerable, as well as the white elephant demon.

The god general of heaven, the breeze of the earth fairy world is long.

Coupled with the little Luohan, there is no way to shoot a gun, in total, even had ten respects.

In addition, there are two extremely powerful guys, namely the sword heart of Shushan sword world, and the six-eared demon monkey from the demon world.

From the beginning, the fighting seemed very unfair.

It's just that when the battle started, when was it really fair?

Seeing that everyone is almost the same, suddenly, another person shot.

This person turned out to be a person from the Wu world, Wu invincible.

This is a really terrifying guy.

Since then, Huashan has been talking about swords for nearly two years, and finally came out.

They, thirteen people, represent that they have successfully become the final winner of Huashan's argument on swords.

Because, people of their own generation, perhaps, have gone away most of the way, providing the most authentic data for their existence.

Thirteen people, this is a pinnacle from the heavens.

It is a pinnacle of blood.

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