My Super Estate

Chapter 925: Lei

Chapter 883 Lei

Wang Yang's defense is really too strong and too strong.

Even if Wang Yang has changed the passive attack situation, it has changed to the current attack-to-attack defense.

However, no matter from which aspect, Wang Yang is realizing his defense plan.

It's like Tai Chi.

Taijiquan, as the top form of boxing, contains the supreme truth. It is famous for the "four two thousand pounds", and its defensive ability is well known all over the world.

However, as a boxing technique, Tai Chi's attack energy is absolutely beyond doubt.

The so-called artillery fist is like fire, and it can be changed into four or two.

However, it cannot be denied that no matter how strong the Tai Chi attack is, it will always be known for its defense.

Wang Yang's swordsmanship has a strong similarity to this Taiji Taoism. No matter how strong the aggression is, the core essence is the invincible defense.

Who is Jianxin?

Kendo is famous for its invincible attack, and all its strength is born for attack.

Of course, a master of kendo like him can see that Wang Yang's kendo is quite different from his own.

If in the past, Jianxin attacked no matter how strong, in the face of such swordsmanship, he really had no solution.

However, now that Wang Yang can't stand it, where will he give up?

At the moment, Jianxin intends to explode his most powerful force.

Of course, such an outbreak cannot last long, but it is most suitable for the situation in front of us.

"Wanjian is one..."

The combination of human sword, sky sword, earth sword, thunder sword, rain sword, wind sword, air sword...

For a time, between heaven and earth, the endless sword shadows turned into rainbow lights, and they converged toward Wang Yang.

"Here, this kind of Kendo magical power, I am afraid it is a leapfrog warlord, it is OK!"

The sudden outbreak of Jianxin really shocked many people.

White Elephant Demon will exclaim inadvertently.

This kind of swordsmanship is really terrible. He feels that even the earth demons will have to sit in the face of such swordsmanship.

In fact, such an attack, even if they were the young Luohan and Qingfeng Dao, were shocked.

Such an attack is really terrible.

"Boss, owner, he will be fine!"

Sirius asked nervously as he saw the sharp gun invincible.

From his tone, he had absolutely no confidence in whether Wang Yang could block Jianxin's attack.

"Relax, he will be fine."

The magic gun is invincible to calm nature, so said.

In fact, his eyes have already betrayed his real thoughts.


If such a sword cannot be stopped, it will be dead.

How can Luo Jian not worry?

Not to mention that on this rooftop, just above Huashan, many people are completely stunned.

"Haha, Wang Yang is dead this time!"

Jianxin's attack was really terrifying, and many people were laughing.

Shenshui Manor is openly cheating in Tianlu, which has long aroused dissatisfaction in many people's hearts. Now that Wang Yang is unlucky, many people are laughing.

"Deserved, who does he think he is, really a myth that he is invincible?"

Someone spoke so loudly.

In this case, it's a bit stern.

Above this Huashan Mountain, there are a large number of great supernaturalists.

The so-called myth, that is the exclusive term for the big names on the Fengshen list. Wang Yang, a small martial arts golden pill, was mysteriously called an undefeated myth. This is killing, naked killing.

"Huh, even him, can it be called a myth?

It's really overwhelming!"

Sure enough, this remark was just spoken. Someone immediately felt so dissatisfied above Huashan.

Everyone turned their heads to see that they turned out to be demons.

"Yes, he is a little martial art Jindan, also deserved to be called the martial arts myth?"

It wasn't just the voice of the demon, on this mountain, great magicians gathered, and some people opened their mouths.

Look, it turned out to be him?

Everyone knew it. Before Wang Yang had a sword, he almost split the gun. Now that the elder of the sharpshooter stands out, there is nothing impossible.

If the heart demon represents the demon path, the white-haired gun king can represent the right path.

In fact, besides them, many people also spoke.

For a time, Wang Yang turned out to be a devil, but many people were not used to it.

There are even radicals who even scold loudly.

"People who don't manage their own lives, they die."

Obviously, even these great magicians on Huashan Mountain, no one would think that Wang Yang could survive such an attack.

"Wang Yang..."

The battle between Mo Jun has ended. At this time, seeing Wang Yang facing such a dangerous situation, the whole person was anxious.

In fact, Jianxin's attack is really terrifying, and the Earth Demon will face such an attack, and he will also have to take a peel.

However, in the face of such an attack, Wang Yang calmed down completely.

His face was still so pale, but his eyes were so hot.

It was a fiery heat full of confidence in oneself.

"Wanjian is unified, it is indeed the heart of the sword, and the sword is controlled by the heart. This move of "one thousand swords is unified", has really reached the highest level of the sword by the heart."

Such an attack, Wang Yang did not dare to underestimate, even, he could feel that such an attack, his golden bell, could not bear it at all.

Even, he can see that Jianxin also cannot fully control such attacks, that is to say, Jianxin can send and receive, once he can't stop it, he will die.

If it is someone else, in the face of such tricks, it will definitely panic.

However, Wang Yang is different. His martial arts heart is extremely powerful. His Tao is invincible defense.

Invincible defense, of course, he must have the determination to face all attacks and the confidence to defend against all attacks.

"One sword breaks everything, break me!!"

Wang Yang's swordsmanship is a heavy swordsmanship. Similarly, he also incorporated the dragon claw hand "broken" word decision.

In fact, Wang Yang's kendo originally originated from Du Gu Nine Sword from the Divine World.It is a kind of Xeon kendo that really uses "one sword to break ten thousand swords".

Wang Yang was one of such swordsmanships when he first practiced kendo. Now he has practiced the dragon claw hand and mastered the true method of "breaking the road with strength". The two blended together to form his unique heavy swordsmanship.


Shout loudly, the whole body is fully integrated into the swordsmanship.


The huge sword light, transformed into a sword needle, completely penetrated into the magnificent sword light formed by the sword heart'Wan Jianyiyi'.


The huge sword light is completely formed by the fusion of various swords. This sword is stabbed out and points directly to the most critical fusion point.

One thousand swords are unified, and one thousand swords are merged to form a sword light, just like the formation method, all the powers are merged into one, and the great power of'one plus one is greater than two' erupts.

However, this most crucial point was completely broken by Wang Yang, and many sword swords controlled by Jianxin completely lost the power of fusion.

All kinds of swordsmanship are equally powerful, but for Wang Yang, it is within the scope of his'Golden Bell Shield'.

On the contrary, Jianxin was because the swordsmanship was repulsed, and it immediately lost the power to fight again.

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