My Super Estate

Chapter 926: The Breeze Master Dao Shoots Again

Chapter 884 The Breeze Master Dao once again

Together, the battle is endless, regardless of victory or defeat, no one is reconciled.

In the end, Wang Yang is Jindan. Although Jindan has six revolutions, in theory, it can be comparable to the dollar god. In fact, the quality does not meet the standard. Every move, there is a huge consumption, and after a long time, Wang Yang will naturally Unable to support.

Fortunately, he has a deeper understanding of invincible defense, and naturally, Jindan will have a qualitative breakthrough.

This breakthrough may not be able to keep up with the big gap between Yuanshen and Jindan, but it has already given its true yuans the power of half-step mana.

Although it is only a half-step mana, it is enough for Wang Yang to make great progress.

The good times are not long, half-step mana, in the end is half-step mana, and the mana cultivation of the Yuanshen Realm, there is a gap, this gap is reflected in the end, Wang Yang is first unable to support.

However, Wang Yang was also extraordinary, and found that his true element was going to be unsustainable. He immediately disguised himself immediately, not only his face was pale, but sweat on his face, it was an unsustainable frame.

Sure enough, Jianxin himself was almost unable to support him. Seeing Wang Yang defeated first, of course, he accumulated all his mana and made the final blow. He hoped that the official blow could solve Wang Yang in one move.

This move'Wanjianyiyi' is a kind of magical power cultivated by Jianxin. It consumes a huge amount of mana. Even in the heyday, Jianxin has only one blow. Now, Wang Yang's mana is not good. Of course he wants One move defeated Wang Yang.

Here, we must talk about Jianxin's psychology.

Wang Yang is famous for his invincible defense. Nowadays, Wang Yang has completely exhibited a huge sword attack, and the sword heart is fighting against it. He is equally matched, and he has no confidence to win the latter.

I would like to ask, where would such a tremendous amount of magical power be used, how can Jianxin dare to use it easily?

However, it is different now. Wang Yang consumes a lot and can't support it. Even if he has a strong defense, it's at the end. Naturally, Jianxin wants to do his best to win Wang Yang directly.

As a result, Wang Yang left his hand, and a sword broke his'Wan Jianyiyi', mobilized the last true element of the whole body, put on a golden bell cover, and resisted the aftermath of the swordsman's swordsmanship.

The final result was that Wang Yang Zhenyuan was exhausted, Jianxin was bitten by Xiao Shentong, and he was seriously injured.

Wang Yang Lei.

"Everyone, who are you?"

It seems to have forgotten that the idea of ​​drove the two blood lords to go down, Qingfeng Dao once again shot.

The rules are so that everyone can challenge anyone, as long as they have won ten games, it is directly on the first step.

Qingfeng Daochang is very confident in his strength. He believes that as long as he does not encounter a pervert like Sirius, his strength is not weaker than anyone.

In the face of Sirius, Qingfeng Dao directly confessed the defeat, but when he faced the white elephant demon general, he shouted again, ten wins, he still has a chance.

"I come!"

Abing took a step.

On this roof, it has obviously been divided into three teams.

The five people in Shenshui Manor are a team. The demon Blood Venerable and the White Elephant Demon will be a team. The remaining team is a team headed by Qingfeng Daochang, Jianxin and God.


Brushing the dust in his hands, the breeze leader kept his humility.

In fact, this kind of humility can be regarded as a kind of self-confidence, no matter who the opponent is, as long as it is not like Sirius, it can directly break the space, he is not afraid of anyone.

In fact, his humility is not unreasonable.

Abing's knife technique is really very, very fast. This kind of knife technique is not only the little Luohan and others, that is, Blood Sovereign, but also a jump in his heart and secretly thinking. Such a knife technique, he can't resist it at all.

In fact, this kind of knife is really terrible, that is Sirius, in front of such a knife, he can't resist it.

It can be said that once Abin's swordsmanship came out, he had overwhelmed most people.

Such a knife method is completely unsolvable.

As a matter of fact, when a knife method is almost enough to cut off everything, this knife method has no solution.

It's just, obviously, to cut everything off. This is Abing's pursuit of swordsmanship, which belongs to him.

For now, he wants to break the road, but it is too far, too far away. In the face of the long sleeves of the breeze road, he realized that he really encountered the nemesis.

No matter how Abin made his sword, the breeze was long, and he only smiled softly. The wide sleeves floated like flowing clouds, and all the domineering sword strength was silently annihilated.

This is the terrible thing in the sleeve.

Space is respected, time is king.

These two supernatural powers often bring despair to others.

This is why the breeze leader, who only cultivated two magical powers, can also sweep a generation in the earth fairy world.

Such supernatural powers do indeed have capital that makes him respectable.

From the beginning, the battle situation is, in fact, doomed.

Finally, the chief of the breeze road came with a sleeve cover, and took Abin directly.

"You guys, who else is coming?"

Another victory was achieved, and the head of the breeze road did not prepare to retreat, and pointed the finger at Shenshui Manor again.

"Huh, are you really invincible?"

Qingfeng Dao was too arrogant, Luo Jian first refused to accept it, jumped out, and fought against Qingfeng Dao.

Luo Jian practiced the Great Arhat Divine Skill passed down from Master Wu. Later, he was officially accepted by the Dragon-Long Bodhisattva and passed down the real Great Arhat Divine Skill.

The Great Arhat Divine Skill contains the most basic essence of the Eighteen Arhats and the most profound magical powers of the Eighteen Arhats.

The power of the dragon to descend the dragon, the power of the tiger to the tiger, and so on, and so on, all kinds of supernatural powers, he came at hand, just like the arrival of the eighteen arhats.

Even if the eighteen Arhats are composed of each other, it naturally contains all kinds of the most magical subtleties.

For example, the combination of the two supernatural powers between the descending dragon and the arrogant dragon and the fuhu and Luohan directly formed a powerful supernatural power, the powerful dragon and tiger.

In the face of such an attack, I have already been beaten to the point of not being able to fight back.

However, the Great Arhat Power, which has no disadvantages in the past, completely lost its prestige when facing the long wind of the breeze.

It's like a tiger has lost its minions.

Finally, the head of the breeze road was once again in his sleeves, and Luo Jian was directly taken down.

In this way, the breeze leader, also won three games.

For a time, between him and Wang Yang, he was already tied.

"Damn, what now?"

No one knows if there will be a lot of real masterpieces.

What if the leader of the breeze wind took the lead to win ten games, climbed to the first stage for the first time, and took away the great fortune?"

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