My Super Estate

Chapter 928 Break

Chapter eight hundred and eighty six

Good guy, this is singing, and he quickly unfolds his sword skills.

Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, sweeping 80,000 miles, and the demons evade like the king in the sword.

It is really hard to believe that this kind of swordsmanship would be owned by a warrior who cultivated the way of defense.

The breeze method in the hands of the breeze wind master is as if alive, and the three thousand whiskers are like the three thousand passions, either entangled, stern, or sweeping, or turned into a snake python.

Three thousand whiskers, in the hands of Qingfeng Dao, had spirituality and formed three thousand methods.

From the beginning, the battle between the two was extremely fierce. The sky thunder evoked the ground fire, the sword gas hit, and the dust danced like two extremely superb chess players, rushing to and fro, endlessly.

"You said, what did Wang Yang just sing the song at the beginning mean?"

The battle between the two is already extremely fierce, natural and extremely exciting.

However, for many people, the magical trick between the two has already been repeated, and there is nothing new. The song that Wang Yang sang at the beginning was very attractive.

"That song, is there any difference?"

Gun Wudao is obviously an exception. He was beaten by Wang Yang without any temper, if not restricted by the rules. He even suspected that he had been slaughtered by Wang Yang. He attached great importance to Wang Yang’s martial arts. Yes, he is also watching it very seriously. He expects that he can find his weakness from his magical skills.

"Don't you feel it?"

"How do you feel?"

Gun Wudao recovered from his fascination with magical powers and looked at Jianxin curiously.

Jianxin did not speak again.

Obviously, for him, the gun Wudao has been separated by one level, and there is no need for words.


Although Jianxin didn't speak, the gun Wudao could feel it. It was a contempt, naked, and undisguised in his bones. He thought that he had no guns, and he was also a martial arts world. When was he so despised?

Seeing that the gun had no way to do, he was entangled with Jianxin, and Xiao Yuanshan quickly grabbed him.

"Don't you feel that song fits with Wang Yang?

In other words, didn't you find that when he sang this song, he was more imposing?"


Gun Wudao didn't care about being entangled with Jianxin, and suddenly turned his head, staring at his eyes, looking at Xiao Yuanshan. In his gaze, he was full of inquiries.

Gun Wudao has been looking for Wang Yang's flaws. Of course, Xiao Yuanshan said that he attaches great importance to it.

Xiao Yuanshan is no stranger to him. The Xiao family is also a terrible family in Wujie. It is also known as the sword demon family, but it is a very famous martial arts family in Wujie. Among them, Xiaofeng, the northern king, is even more outstanding. The great supernaturalist, in the martial world, no one disrespects.

At first, Xiao Yuanshan was his strongest opponent in the competition for the world. Even if he hadn't cultivated himself a bit higher at that time, the current martial arts world might not be the one to fall.

Afterwards, Shenshui Manor discovered the invincible battle platform. Xiao Yuanshan fought here and made a breakthrough in one fell swoop to achieve the invincible grandmaster. Now, he has already achieved Yuanshen.

"This song fits well with Wang Yang?"

Gun Wudao naturally will not wonder, what exactly does such a sentence mean?

There is no way in heaven and earth, but in the heart.

There is nothing in the bodhi book, where is the dust.

Wait, these famous sages are all explanations. There is no way between heaven and earth, or the way of heaven and earth is obscured but not obvious, and martial arts is controlled by heart.

In other words, the so-called Tao is Wu Dao's own belief.

I firmly believe that there is a mountain and stone, and over time, there will be a mountain and stone avenue between heaven and earth.

So, what is Wang Yang's way?

Before today, the data showed that Wang Yang was the invincible defense, with extremely terrible defense and nothing to break.

However, after today, he showed again, a terrible kendo.

To defeat Wang Yang, he must first clarify his martial arts. Only then can he find the flaws in his martial arts magical powers.

"I heard that not long ago, the great powers of the heavens, on this earth, that is, in this world, a lot of martial arts wizards happened.

Before they entered martial arts, many of them were singers and actors. They made their martial arts clear through extremely rich exercises and entered the country extremely quickly.

Wang Yang was once a man of the earth, and even he was an ordinary person.

Before he was inherited by Emperor Ziyang, he was even ugly. He didn't have all the words to talk about. He was extremely difficult to find a job. His life had reached a state of poverty.

However, after getting the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang, his martial arts practice was smooth sailing, and even the state of breakthrough was extremely fast."

In the past two years, Wang Yang has been in the limelight, and Shenshui Manor has become famous all over the world. The inheritance of Ziyang Emperor may not make people crazy. However, as the former Lord of the Gods, Ziyang Emperor is the first. It is extremely concerned by all parties.

For Wang Yang's life, archives have already been formed and placed in the archives of various forces.

Although Xiao Yuanshan did not give a conclusion, his series of analyses gave the gun a great inspiration.

At the same time, he also understands what Jian Xin said and what he meant.

"I remember, this song is called "Man Becoming Strong"!"

The gun said lightly.

I don't know whether he is asking others or asking himself.

In the same way, he wouldn't answer it. Everyone looked at the two sides of the battlefield intently.

Qingfeng Dao Chang Fuchen's tricks are extremely powerful, and Qian Kun in his sleeve is extremely terrible.

Two supernatural powers, one far and one close, complement each other, even though he has the disadvantage of inconvenience in moving vertically and horizontally, he is still invincible vertically and horizontally on the battlefield.

However, he was invincible and met Wang Yang, who was also invincible.

Invincible, invincible, the tip of the needle against the malt is really a match for opponents.

Between the two, there are constant wars, and various moves are overwhelming.

In particular, the head of the breeze road, his sleeves, involving space connotations, are extremely domineering. As long as you are in this space, your strength is strong, he can also capture you for a lifetime.

Of course, if you are like Sirius, you have the ability to break the space, then you can safely let him take it away, or even just break this space, or even directly blow the breeze. The long sleeves were scratched directly, and even unexpectedly, it was possible to directly injure him seriously.

Qiankun in his sleeve is a great trick of Qingfeng Daochang, and his card is precisely because of this, in the face of Sirius, Qingfeng Daochang is very simple, not playing, and directly admit defeat.

In the same way, the sleeves are made of martial arts and Liu Yunfei sleeves, and it is only one aspect to capture life. Among them, the wide sleeves, like the magic soldiers, can be like big axes, like soft whips, but also It can be as varied as the Pu fan.

Wang Yang played with it, but it was miserable.

At last, Qingfeng Dao saw that he could not take Wang Yang for a long time, and he directly displayed the universe in his sleeve. A great suction force trapped Wang Yang. Even, Wang Yang could feel that the entire space is in this force. Next, was pulled by overbearing.

Wang Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Break me!"

When Wang Yang was taken away by Qingfeng Daochang, Wang Yang shot decisively, which was directly a dragon claw hand.

The indestructible nature of the dragon claw hand, even though it is space, can also be overbearingly broken.


Just after taking away Wang Yang, the smile that Qingfeng Daohang just hung on his face changed immediately...

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