My Super Estate

Chapter 929

Chapter 878 Unlucky Breeze Leader

"Okay, that's it!"

On the rooftop, Gun Wudao was discussing for the song that Wang Yang sang, while above Huashan, he was excited for the splendid battle between the two.

Regardless of whether Wang Yang cheated, or if they were so naughty at Shenshui Manor, it is now true that Wang Yang can fight with Qingfeng Dao constantly.

They are the facts, they must recognize.

Besides, between the two, the spirit of the sword is magnificent, magnificent and unmatched, so that those younger generations are all cheering loudly.

"How could they be so powerful?"

Many of the younger generations, looking at the two men on the stage who were fighting incessantly, would always make such a general impression from time to time.

"Yeah, everyone is a young man. How can they be so powerful?"

Ping Su has always been a genius in his own school. Now he is thirty years old, and he is already a first-class master on the rivers and lakes. Such strength is usually not praised by his brothers and sisters. Take pride in it.

However, it seems to me now that my strength is really too different.

"God, we were very happy to enter the list of people three years ago. After three years, I have formed a golden pill. I always thought that I was that kind of genius!

Now, I found out that it turned out that I gave him back. This is nothing!"

A three-year-old who entered the list of people, after three years of hard work, successfully formed a fat man of Budo Jindan, and cried with his head.

"We are all martial arts Jindan. I usually face a Venerate who first entered the Yuanshen. I have to kneel to meet people. Where can I be like him, even dare to fight the Venerables of the Yuanshen even? Prevail.

Oh my God, everyone is Budo Jindan. Why is there such a big gap?"

The little fat man has a feeling of being in love.

In fact, the thirteen people on the rooftop already represent the youngest generation of the heavens and the strongest.

Seeing their big shots, the younger generation could have felt that they were off track.

"Old, really old, these young people, their strength is really too strong."

Not only the younger generation, in fact, many of the older generation of powerful people, seeing the young men who had been fighting in Taiwan that day, all felt their hearts deposited.

"Yeah, these of us have entered the martial arts for more than a thousand years. In our era more than a thousand years ago, we were also young people among rivers and lakes. Now more than a thousand years have passed. Still did not prove success.

Now, these young people are really amazing. They are so powerful in their twenties.

The so-called thirteen heroes are really good at all."

For more than a thousand years, practicing to the realm of Hunyuan Venerable, this can definitely be regarded as the figure of the year.

Even, many of them are still the characters who participated in the world competition.

However, more than a thousand years have passed, they are still on the road of seeking the way, and the proof is endless, but the young people are only in their twenties, and they are less than a fraction of their age. As a result, their strength is better than They are stronger.

Such a result, they must not be shocked in their hearts.

"No, the chief of the breeze road is going to show the world in his sleeves. Look, Wang Yang made a move.


Always pay attention to the battle on the roof. Suddenly, the breeze road made a move, which was directly a sleeve in the sleeve. Even the space around Wang Yang was locked. A huge shady screen was directly covered. On the spot, the king Yang gave away.

"Oh, what's going on!"

"Yeah, how could he be so careless?

His speed is not too slow. A few times before, did he all hide?How could it be taken away?"

Jinyang, a martial arts prince in Wangyang District, can arbitrarily lay in front of many Hunyuan Venerables. Such strength is enough to make many people feel incredible, and then they are applauding him.

Suddenly, Wang Yang was taken away by the breeze director, of course, it was a pity for some people.

Wang Yang made a move. Some people felt sorry for him. Naturally, some people felt happy for him.

"Haha, I got the trick, this kid, every martial art Jindan, even dared to be so presumptuous. This time, I have to give him a lesson. The best thing is to suppress him directly."

"It's good to suppress him.

Other areas of Budo Jindan, relying on cheating in order to walk through the sky, now he still wants to seize that immortality, is this not our face?"

Previously, Shenshui Manor had a Taoist Pill, but the others did not, but it was a taboo.

Now Wang Yang is in trouble, of course, there are many people running around for it.

"Hey, isn't he a martial art myth?

Isn't he invincible?It turned out that he also has today!"

This is the jealous, envious and hateful guy in his heart. When Wang Yang was in trouble, they all made their voices together, and they sneered and ridiculed.

"Bah, what about the martial arts myth, I think he is a waste."

"That is, even if you go a long way, you still have to cheat. If there is a species, don't cheat!"

In short, a variety of sounds are emerging.

Even the breeze director smiled on his face.

Wang Yang's strength is too sturdy. He is really worried that if he fights with him again, will he be able to stand up?

Well now, it is finally over.

Suddenly, his face changed wildly, the smile he just showed on his face disappeared again, and the replacement was extremely frightening.

"Do not……"

Qingfeng Dao was in a hurry to ruin.

Many people are puzzled and clearly have won the victory. Why, Qingfeng Daochang looked at something anxious and corrupted?

Could it be that his brain is broken?

No one thought maliciously.

It’s just that I can’t allow everyone to think about it. I just showed my might and just took away the sleeves of Wang Yang, the owner of the immortal Shenshuizhuang, as if it were an inflatable balloon. It exploded directly.


Many people are dumbfounded.

Looking at the tall man who jumped out of space, many people were mad at heart.

After taking it away, can it still come out?

"Yes, I finally know.

In the first game, the leader of the breeze breeze and the wolf war that day, originally, the leader of the breeze breeze prevailed, but he conceded.

At the time, I still didn't understand it.

Now, I finally understand."

In fact, many people understand.

Looking at the frustration of Qing Feng Dao's face, especially, looking at Chang Feng Dao's broken sleeve, everyone knows.

"This time, the head of the breeze is really worth the loss.

No, it should be said that it is impossible to steal chickens, and the rice will be eroded."

"Haha, this time, the breeze leader must cry to death.

His sleeves were all on one pair of sleeves, and now the sleeves were all broken by Wang Yang.

His strength will be greatly weakened. In future battles, he is afraid that half of his strength will not be displayed."

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