My Super Estate

Chapter 931

Chapter eighty-nine

"Are you going to fight me?"

Pointing at his nose, the white elephant devil will sneer and ask.

"Nonsense, I don't want to have fun, do I still find you intimate!

You have this hobby, I can't stand it!"

Xiao Yuanshan stared at his eyes as if the white elephant demon would really have such a preference.

"You damn you!"

The white elephant demon will indeed deserve to be the demon. If someone scolds him, he will kill.

The white elephant demon will practice martial arts, taking the way of power, and with the most powerful force, it is directly with the strong.

A master of martial arts like him is usually extremely strong, but when facing a master of martial arts like space breeze master who is in charge of space, he is a bird in a cage. Out.

Qingfeng Dao has such a skill, and the white elephant demon will recognize it. However, even Xiao Yuanshan, who is not even a jiezi, dares to provoke himself in this way, he can't stand it.

"Dare to provoke my white elephant demon, it is really daring. Today, I want to let you know the majesty of my white elephant demon, which cannot be violated."

With that said, the white elephant demon will shoot decisively.

What the white elephant demon will practice is the boxing method, the vigorous dragon elephant boxing.

Vigorous Dragon Elephant Fist is a master of the Elephant Demon Race. The Dragon Elephant Demon will once practiced this boxing technique to a very profound level. Wang Yang and others faced the Dragon Elephant Demon King with no solution at all.

Although the white elephant demon won't reach the level of the dragon elephant demon, but his strength is extremely terrible.


Once shot, the white elephant demon will be his own trick.

According to legend, such a punch is enough to smash a mountain directly.

Of course, the most important thing is that the practice of vigorous dragon elephant boxing to the limit will also be cultivated into various martial arts magical powers.

For example, this move is Zhenshan.

Zhenshan, looking at it, is the trick in the Dragon Elephant Boxing. However, as the power of the boxing becomes greater and greater, the power required by the flesh is also increasing. Without a strong flesh, it is impossible. Can not bear.

Therefore, this Zhaozhen Mountain looks like a boxing technique, in fact, it is an extremely powerful magical power in itself.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

Xiao Yuanshan was born in the Xiao family of Wujie.

The Xiao family, the inheritance and scholasticism of cultivation, is to drop the dragon and its palm.

Although it has the name of Jianglong, it has little to do with Jianglong Bodhisattva.This is an extremely powerful method of mastery, arrogance, and practice to the extreme. It is completely a great magical power. Even with such a chance, you can make the ultimate change completely and become a great magical power.

Dali Dragon Elephant Boxing is a real powerful boxing method. Dropping the dragon's eighteen palms is also a powerful palm boxing method. Between the two, the strong to the strong, this is the real competition for their respective strengths.

Bang Bang Bang...

The two powerful supernatural powers are competing with each other, and the powerful force is stirred in the space, the air can't bear it, and there is a series of explosions.

Here, it can be seen that the extraordinary feature of this rooftop, such a strong fight, if it is on the earth, it may even directly attract the attention of the ban on the yuan, which is directly a banned space, and they will be given two people. Enveloped, but above this rooftop, there is no such thing.

From this, we can see that this rooftop looks like standing on earth, in fact, it has already detached from one earth and entered another space.

"Blood Sovereign, the white elephant demon will shoot again. How about we bet another one?"

Wang Yang seemed to have another interest, and looked at Xuezun with a smile, so asked.

He knew that this guy was a rich man.


Looking at Wang Yang's smiling face, Blood Lord had a very strong impulse, and he wanted to punch this abominable stinky face with one punch.

"Why, Blood Lord, do you have no confidence in the white elephant demon?"

Wang Yang smiled and said so.


Blood Lord still did not speak.

He has lost twice in Wang Yang's hands, and he has no money.

As the crown prince of the demon world, his blood venerable would have no money. It would be a shame to say such things.

"Damn, next time, Lao Tzu must take him a billion yuan with him. When the time comes, Lao Tzu will gamble with you one by one hundred million, depending on how much money you have!"

Although he didn't answer Wang Yang, blood respected himself spontaneously.

"Oh, I have forgotten, your blood respect, but a poor man.

The last bet was the sword of the real person of Chunyang. This time, you are afraid that there is nothing good."

Blood Zun thought that if he didn't accept the move, Wang Yang would let him go and stop dreaming.

This damn blood lord, has caused his own Shenshui manor time and time again. If he let him go so easily, that would be the real fool,

"Roar, you bastard, who do you say is a poor man?"

Looking at Wang Yang, Xuezun's eyes were red.

This bastard can bear it, and the aunt can't bear it anymore.

"Oh, am I wrong?"

Wang Yang is not afraid of him.

He dare to treat his Shenshui manor like this, of course he can't let him go.

In fact, he has no bottom in Xiao Yuanshan's ability to compete.

It's just, what can I do without bottom? Anyway, you have no money, I'm not mad at you, am I still human?


Blood respect jumped up.

It's just that money is a hero's gall and he's a devil's crown prince. It's not fake, but it's true that he has no money.

Faced with Wang Yang's cynicism and sarcasm, he couldn't help but anger.

However, he is so proud, his identity is still so noble, even if he is an ostrich, he can't even do it.

Even, he can imagine that in the present Huashan, or even in the present world of heaven, his own prince of the devil world is a fame of the poor, and it has been thoroughly spread.

"Okay, just bet, there are ten dragon fruit here, which is a ninth-level elixir, at least all are worth millions of bronze coins,"

It is really unbearable. Blood Venerable can only take out ten more spiritual fruits from his inventory.

The ninth-level elixir, in the Skynet Mall, is indeed priced at one hundred thousand.

In fact, the true ninth-level elixir is a real treasure, otherwise, Wang Yang promised the bull demon on the spot and planted Jinyang grass for him, and the cow demon won't be so grateful to Wang Yang.

"Dragon catcher..."

Blood respect has just promised Wang Yang's gambling contract, there seems to have been agreed, Xiao Yuanshan decisively displayed his strongest magical power.

It turned out that the martial arts practiced by Xiao Yuanshan was the peerless magical skill inherited by the Xiao clan-Jianglong Eighteen Palms.

However, the martial arts he walked out was-the dragon catcher.

The battle with the white elephant demon has already figured out his details, and he decisively shot.

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