My Super Estate

932 Xiao Yuanshan Shows His Power

Chapter 990 Xiao Yuanshan Shows His Prowess

"Dragon catcher..."

Suddenly, Xiao Yuanshan screamed and grabbed his hand forward. Suddenly, the white elephant demon would see that the whole body was imprisoned by an invisible force.

"You, no, why are you in your sleeves?"

Before, the white elephant demon who had always been full of confidence suddenly panicked and panicked.

"What, everything in your sleeve?"

Blood Zun, who was still arguing with Wang Yang just now, changed his face suddenly, turned suddenly, and a blood flame spewed out of his eyes.The blood flame was terrible, and even the void was burned by him.

Sure enough, the great power of the white elephant demon was completely imprisoned by a huge force.

This force is very similar to Qiankun in the sleeves of Qingfeng Dao, and the void is imprisoned.

"You, do you know?"

Blood Lord suddenly turned around and looked at Wang Yang, his eyes full of fierce eyes.

Before, the white elephant demon will be cleaned up by Qingfeng Daochang's sleeve in his sleeve. It is completely vivid. Now, the white elephant demon will be cleaned up by the sleeve in his sleeve again.

The most important thing is that Wang Yang, the bastard, once again bets on himself.

The bet is another one million bronze god coins.

Wang Yang was also stunned. He could swear that this result was completely an accident.

The reason why I would bet on Blood Venerable is entirely because, I have money, Blood Venerable has no money.

That's all.

"No, I really don't know what he will do.

The reason I will bet on you is because you have no money, nothing more."


Blood Venerate almost vomited blood.

Dog day hybrid, what do you say, what makes me have no money?You told me clearly, what makes me have no money?

Blood respected pale face, all red.

"The Breeze leader..."

Not only Blood Sovereign, but Jianxin and others were also nervous.

In the long sleeves of Qingfeng Dao, the power just now is all in the eyes.

"I do not know either!"

Qingfeng Dao is also confused.

The imprisonment of the void is the characteristic of Qiankun in the sleeve, except that the sleeve in the sleeve is cultivated by the sleeve of the sleeve, but his magical power is cultivated by the paw.

"Haha, come over to me!"

Xiao Yuanshan laughed, exerting force again in his hand, and the powerful force directly imprisoned the void and pulled the white elephant demon in his own direction.

The strength of the white elephant demon is really strong, and the void is imprisoned. Xiao Yuanshan wants to capture him, but he can still put his body in the void.

"Give me!"

The white elephant demon will naturally not be a magical power such as sedation, but his power is too strong. His body is forced to be in the void, and it is extremely difficult for Xiao Yuanshan to capture.


Xiao Yuanshan's eyes were fierce, with exhaust gas, and inexplicably, his temper burst into the sky.

"Come here!!"

Increase the skill, the magic power is greater.

"Do not……"

The white elephant demon turned his face wildly.

He felt that the cultivation in his own body was completely imprisoned.

This is extremely terrible. If the cultivation of mana is imprisoned, then I really have no power at all.


The white elephant demons shielded the changes on his face.

"Well, this is not a big thing in my sleeve.

In his sleeves, Qiankun only imprisoned the void, and Xiao Yuanshan's magical power was even imprisoned even as a mana.

This is a magical power to capture."

Qingfeng Dao is good at Qiankun in his sleeve. In this regard, he has the most say.

But, Blood Lord was all black.

Void is imprisoned, you even imprisoned your cultivation ability, how can you still play?

The most important thing is, will you die if you show it earlier?

The deity just nodded and agreed to Wang Yang's bet. You immediately cast such a terrible magical power. Isn't it easy to live with yourself?

"The white elephant demon will lose."

Qingfeng Dao said so.

Gun Wudao black face, did not speak.

He is the realm of martial arts, but on this rooftop, he has been trampled on by someone. This is Xiao Yuanshan. On the contrary, it is such a terrible supernatural power.

He can even think that those who watched the live broadcast in Wujie had already scolded themselves in their hearts.

"It seems that the owner has another hundred bronze god coins."

Abing said.

However, there was no smile on his face.

Xiao Yuanshan has such a supernatural power, not only that the white elephant demon will face, but also others like him.

"This kind of supernatural power is very similar to that of the body-setting technique.

It's just that, unlike the fixation technique, the fixation technique, in legend, is to fixate the mind and set the void. This supernatural power is even more terrible. It not only confines the mana to the void, but even has a very powerful method of capture."

The end of the battle between Xiao Yuanshan and the white elephant demon has been finalized, but Xiao Yuanshan's terrible supernatural power has attracted everyone's attention.

"My knife can cut off the void!"

Abing said something like this, after which he didn't speak again.

His knife can cut off the void, but when he faced the heaven and earth in his sleeve, he did not cut off, and he was captured by Qingfeng Daochang.

So, can he cut off Xiao Yuanshan's supernatural powers?

"My gun can be invincible!"

The invincible magic gun is always invincible, he believes that he is invincible.

However, his face was extremely dignified.

No one can be sure of such a magical power, and he can break it himself.

This is the enemy.

The white elephant demon will be confined to mana, and will be captured by Xiao Yuanshan.

"Haha, I heard that your Demon Realm is very fierce, and the Spirit Realm was almost exploded by you.

You are an invincible grandmaster, representing endless potential. There are few people like you in the devil world who want to come. What do you say if I kill you?"


The white elephant demon will jump in his heart.

There are many dead people on the road, and most of them are from the invincible grand master.

The white elephant demon will not think that if he dies, there will be a chance of regeneration here.

"you dare!"

Blood Lord yelled loudly.

On the rooftop, the fighting continued, but life and death were never interrupted.

Xiao Yuanshan actually wanted to kill the white elephant demon?

Blood Lord couldn't sit still.

He had already planned that if the white elephant demon would be taken under his own control, if he was killed, then it would really lose all.

"Haha, don't I dare?"

Xiao Yuanshan laughed, but his madness exploded greatly.

No one is sure, he will not dare.

At this moment, everyone's heart was raised.

As soon as the killing ring opened, it was unstoppable. For the last chance, no one would give up.

That is to say, if the killing ring is opened, anyone can be killed.

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