My Super Estate

933 Shenshui Manor is in danger

Chapter 891 Shenshui Manor is in danger

"Oh, have you noticed that Shenshui Manor is in danger."

On the Skynet forum, such a sentence suddenly appeared.

What kind of sentence is this?

This is not a sentence, this is a deep-water bomb that directly blows everyone out of the deep sea.

"Fuck, who said this, stand up."

"Jian Bao, the first floor is a silly B, Jian Bao is finished."

"There are stupid forks, and the Shenshui Manor is like a fire, how can it be dangerous?"


Shenshui Manor, before today, perhaps, many people did not know their existence.

However, after today, they will be known to everyone.

In the worlds of the world, Huashan discusses swords, only the sky road, 108 people, only 13 people pass.

You know, this is the 108 people who will be elected from the heavens and the world through various competitions.

It can be said that they are the heavens, the younger generation, the most powerful warriors, and it is absolutely not wrong. Similarly, the younger ones also represent that they are the strongest young people in the heavens.

Such a group of young people, without any politeness, said that they are the helm of the future worlds.

However, such a group of people, through the way, there are only 13 people.

One can imagine the gold content of these 13 people.

However, it is such a group of people with extremely abnormal gold content, there are actually five people, all from the same place.

Shenshui Manor——

From now on, no one knows the monarch. Such a statement is exaggerated. However, such a fact is absolutely beyond doubt.

This force, which is famous all over the world, is very hot. Now, some people say that such a force is actually dangerous.

Who can believe it?

It's just, in a short time, there are countless people on the forum.

"Everyone may not believe it, but you also have to understand the reality.

Huashan discusses the sword. In the legend, it is the operation of Kunlun, which contains the great creation of immortality.

I would like to ask, who would be unimpressed by such a great creation?"

The landlord jumped out again.

Strangely, this time, no one spoke again.

It seems that I was really awakened by the landlord's words.

"I know, everyone is scolding me in my heart, maybe it's a bit ugly.

However, you should not deny that everyone except Shenshui Manor is extremely strong.

Before, Xiao Yuanshan, the most unknown, was extremely perverted to catch the dragon.

According to legend, this magical power has been cultivated to a very profound level, not only can it confine the void, but also confine it to mana.

Obviously, according to the performance of the white elephant demon, he has cultivated this supernatural power to a very profound level, and he can already confine the physical mana.

There is no way to shoot a gun. In everyone's eyes, he may be the weakest because he was the first to be defeated by the owner of the Divine Water Village.

Even, as long as the Lord Shenshui stared, the heart without a gun might beat faster.

However, his undead magical power, no doubt, is also a terrible magical power, even if he can't do it, but his life-saving ability is definitely one of the best in the whole game.

I would like to ask, he has such a hole card, will he be willing to make green leaves?

Little Luohan, don’t say much, the reputation is out. According to legend, he studied under the Dragon Bodhisattva, and the blue is better than the blue. The strength of the Dragon Bodhisattva is clear to everyone. I won’t go into details here.

There is also the god general, Jianxin, both of them, are masters comparable to the demon world demons. Their strength has long exceeded the ordinary Yuanshen Hunyuan Venerable, even if it is the strongest king, It is also extremely difficult to kill them.

You said that their strength will be simple?"

Moreover, it is the breeze director, his strength, everyone is obvious to everyone, Shenyou Manor, has three people lost in his hands.

There is another Blood Lord, which is rumored, and once had a life in the hands of King Totar Lee. His strength, if it is simple, I can cut my head.

In the face of such a powerful camp, how can Shenshui win after reading?

The landlord wrote such a large paragraph.

From this passage, it is not difficult to see that this guy is definitely not aimlessly speaking. At least, he has done some homework seriously.

Indeed, none of these opponents is simple. Shenshui Manor must all be paired. The difficulty can be imagined.

"Hum, most of these people suffer from Wang Yang's hands.

As long as Wang Yang is still there, maybe everyone will say that it is enough.

However, don't forget, Xiao Yuanshan is going to kill.

As long as the killing begins, everyone takes action, but there will be no scruples.

At the end of the day, everyone aimed at Shenshui Manor together. How could Shenshui Manor be an opponent?"

If, in the previous analysis, everyone just felt that they had made some effort, then this inference was a wake-up call.

It will not be so easy to kill the ring once and then want to close it.

Even, when the time comes, really do, the possibility of life and death.


For a time, no one spoke.

Looking at Xiao Yuanshan, who was holding the white elephant demon, everyone surprisingly kept quiet.

Even, everyone prays in their hearts, don’t kill, don’t kill.

But, is all this really as everyone wishes?

"Everyone may want to ask, Wang Yang's strength is obvious to all, and he has been undefeated so far.

However, what I want to say is that when the killing is on, there is a lot of effort, and Wang Yang’s huge pressure is enough to make them conspire.

If, Luo Jian, if faced with a life-and-death crisis, ask, will Wang Yang just ignore it??

Another heavy news.

This is also a bold pit.

Once received, Xiao Yuanshan basically must ensure that there is no surprise."

This is a heart-wrenching topic.

Perhaps this is really a painful question.


Let Haitian gather energy for me

Going to the ground to dream for me to break into ha

Bibo rises and looks at the vastness of the blue sky

Both men are self-improving hoohaa

Ang Bu stands tall and everyone makes a good man

Use my hundred points to shine a thousand points

Be a good guy

Hot wins red daylight hoohaa hey

Let Haitian gather energy for me

Going to the ground to dream for me to break into ha

Bibo rises and looks at the vastness of the blue sky

Both men are self-improving hoohaa

Ang Bu stands tall and everyone makes a good man

Use my hundred points to shine a thousand points

Be a good guy

Hot win

Be a good guy

Hot win


Everyone contributes together.

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