My Super Estate

Chapter 935

Chapter 893 Takes You On The Road


Blood Sovereign was almost mad.

In order to save the white elephant demon, he did not care about the exposure, and even the talented magical power was displayed. In the end, the white elephant demon would still be killed.

Even the flesh was exploded.

How can the blood venerate, who has always been the only one, suffer such anger.

"Dare, you die!"

The huge face, the child-sized eyes, the thick blood mist, the bloody breath that made people sick, it all shows that the gifted magical power of Blood Lord is terrible, and it is still extremely unbearable.

"Okay, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Xiao Yuanshan is also an arrogant person, otherwise, he would not prescribe such a killing.

Is Xiao Yuanshan really so stupid?

No, it’s not possible, he’s not stupid, it’s just that, because he inherited the qualities of his ancestors, he was sick and hatred. .

This time Huashan discusses the sword.Everyone said that this was about the great creation of Chengxian.

How can such a great fortune be obtained by the devil who slaughtered the world?

Therefore, he wanted to kill the white elephant demon, so he challenged the white elephant demon, and successfully killed him.

The rich blood mist, Xiao Yuanshan instinctively felt fear.

He knew that there was a terrifying horror in it.

At this moment, Xiao Yuanshan once again revealed a terrible magical power.

I saw that he was like a floating fairy. No matter how the Blood Lord captured it, he could always avoid it at the end.

"Awesome body and magical powers, which seem to contain Shen's mystery with the wind, as long as there is a little wind blowing, he can be like a willow leaf, being blown by the wind and flying."

At this moment, Xiao Yuanshan's rugged wild man made people know him again.

"It's really amazing.

His swordsmanship, his magical ability to capture, really need to be discussed, and it is not very different from that of the breeze.

Even if the two of them are fighting each other, no one can say badly, and they will win.

However, his light-weight method actually shook the Changfeng Street of Qingfeng Road."

In the face of such Xiao Yuanshan, Wang Yang also gave a high evaluation.

You know, Qingfeng Dao has a long sleeve in his hand, but it is really sweeping all directions. The five people in Shenshui Manor, except for the invincible sharp gun, are basically picked by him.

With the exception of Sirius, the other two were captured by Qingfeng Daochang.

"Yeah, fortunately, at that time, the breeze leader was not like this one, otherwise, we are dead."

Luo Jianxin had palpitations.

Before, he was captured by Qingfeng Daochang.

If the head of the breeze wind had also given himself a moment, then he would really be scared to death.

"Blood Lord, what are you going to do?"

Finally, Abing asked the questions that everyone was least willing to ask.

Blood Zun is so perverted, Xiao Yuanshan's incomprehensible violent man, in the hands of Blood Zun, has only the way to escape.

"Speaking of it, many of us are far inferior to Xiao Yuanshan in light evasion. Once we meet with Blood Sovereign, we will be more and less fierce."

Although they did not want to admit it, at this moment, they had to admit it.

"Blood Lord's strength is indeed terrible.

However, after saying it again, what does this blood respect mean? Before, on the earth, we deal with him, but there are not a few, why, he has not been revealed?"

Luohan asked.

At Shenshui Manor, it was the first time to face up with Blood Sovereign.

Later, on the edge of Changsha, Blood Zun took a lot of people to chase and kill others.

Even, therefore, once again lead to the invincible battle king platform.

On both occasions, the two sides are the most direct fighting, and even, the two sides have reached the point where life and death are facing each other.

However, twice, Blood Lord did not reveal this talented supernatural power.

To say that he was reluctant, that was a joke.

Finally, no one answered Luo Jian’s question.

However, over there, the battle between Xiao Yuanshan and Blood Sovereign is already fiery.

Sword magical power, overbearing dragon power, and that terrible massage magical power, Xiao Yuanshan showed all his skills in the whole body.

However, in the face of this strange blood respect, it turned out to have no effect.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Yuanshan was shocked.

Who is his opponent like this blood respect?

"Damn, your magical power, how could it be so powerful?

Moreover, how could you be able to perform all the time?"

The more powerful the supernatural power, the more terrible the energy demand.

The blood supernatural power is so terrible, how could he be able to perform continuously, and, yet, there is no feeling that he cannot support it?

In fact, this question is also the most wanted question in everyone's mind.

"Natural talent, sure enough, this is natural talent!!"

Only Wang Yang received the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang. From the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang, he received a little information.

Before, I have been reluctant to believe. Now, it seems that all this is true.

The so-called gifted supernatural power is given by heaven and earth.

In other words, it is like the eyes of a person. Even if you don’t close your eyes for a day, your eyes will be tired at most. There will never be a huge consumption.

This is talented magic.

"Look at it..."

Suddenly, Luo Jian screamed and pointed at the tenth step.


The battle between Xuezun and Xiao Yuanshan has already attracted everyone's attention. Luo Jian suddenly shouted, which surprised everyone.

Looking around, even everyone was startled.


Even Wang Yang was shocked at this time.

"White elephant demon, he, isn't he dead?

How could he appear there?"

Abing is incredible.

Indeed, just now, the white elephant demon will be captured by Xiao Yuanshan directly, and even his physical body has been exploded by Xiao Yuanshan.

But how could he appear again now?

"Ah, I know, the white elephant demon will be beaten by Xiao Yuanshan, so he will be eliminated.

It's just that his life was recovered again with the help of some law on the roof.

However, he has been eliminated, so he directly stepped on the tenth step."

Luo Jian shouted so loudly and gave his guess.

"Perhaps, among them, there is another reason, the White Horn Devil will not have a victory.

Therefore, he can only step on the tenth step."

Wang Yang said suddenly.

No one can cope with Wang Yang’s words.

However, while everyone was relieved in their hearts, they also took a deep breath.

Although they did not want to admit it, they were really nervous.

The so-called'send you on the road', maybe, this is it.

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