My Super Estate

Chapter 936

Chapter 994 The Unlucky Gun Has No Way

The strength of Xiao Yuanshan is amazing.

The white elephant demon will [invincible in the power, in the field, can really be sure, and absolutely defeat him, in addition to a few strong masters who have special magical powers, he will be the king.Such a powerful white elephant demon was directly killed by Xiao Yuanshan.

One can imagine Xiao Yuanshan's strength.

However, Xiao Yuanshan, who was so powerful, was killed by Blood Lord.

The killing was started by Xiao Yuanshan. He could never imagine that he had become the second person to fall.

Similarly, on the rooftop, the atmosphere became more tense.

"Look, Xiao Yuanshan appeared on the ninth step."

Luo Jian pointed to the ninth step and said.

"Xiao Yuanshan killed the white elephant demon. Although he was killed by Blood Lord himself, he still achieved a victory."

With ten victories, you can climb to the first level.

The White Elephant Demon will appear twice, and he is also unlucky. For the first time, he met the head of the breeze road, and he had a hand in his hand, and he could directly kill him.The second time, he met Xiao Yuanshan, a dragon catcher, imprisoning the void, imprisoning cultivation, and possessing no matter how powerful it is, there is no use of force, nothing, just to be caught, even even small Life was lost.

He played twice and did not win a victory. After his death, he could only climb to the tenth level.

"From this moment on, the fighting will be very tragic.

If you want to get a bigger character, survive."

In Wang Yang's eyes, there was a bright light, which was the motive of moxibustion, burning.

"We at Shenshui Manor do not ask everyone to climb to the first level, but at least don't have a battle without victory."

Ten steps represent ten different treatments.

Not seeking the best, but definitely not the weakest.

"The five of us, except you, only Sirius, have won a victory, and the three of us have not won a victory.

In the field, probably, there was only that gun, and his strength was probably the weakest.

We start with the weak."

The magic gun invincible stood out, and, he planned to challenge the gun invincible directly from the weak.

Poor guns are incompetent, and the magnificent martial arts world has directly become the soft persimmon in everyone's eyes, and has become a tool for everyone to score points.

"The sharp gun is invincible, don't kill him."

If it is said that the invincible choice of the magic gun is the Dragon Sword, which has 100% of the lethality, then Wang Yang’s tip is a real artifact, which is directly a thousand% of the damage.

Regardless of the invincible sharp gun or Wang Yang, they never concealed what they said, and of course the gun Wudao was in his ears.


He was treated as a weak person and looked down upon, and the gun had no way to be furious.

"Stop calling, know you have immortality, and let me see if you are really immortal!"

The invincible sharpshooter didn't talk much to him, he just picked it up.

Both of them are great gunmen. Between them, they are extremely powerful. If they are in normal times, their strengths are all characters of one side.

However, the two of them are going to face each other today.

"Invincible with me!!"

This is the invincible gunway of the sharp gun, extremely fierce, the spear is like the pillar of the day, and the pillar of Tianzhu leans towards the gun without killing.


The invulnerability of the magic gun lies in the situation and in the invincible belief.

There is no way to shoot a gun, it is to kill, it is to fight hard.This is the greatest guarantee that Gun Wudao has undead magic.

Both of them are also masters of gunway, but their gunways have their own characteristics.

The gun is not afraid of death, dare to die, even, in many cases, in the face of the invincible attack of the magic gun, he does not resist it, and uses his body directly to block the invincible gun of the magic gun. Similarly, he is also decisive Shot.

This is to replace injuries with injuries.

"Haha, didn't you say that you should start with the weak?

Today, I will let you see who is the weak in the end."

Once again, he used his body to block the invulnerability of the sharp gun, and even nearly wounded the invincible sharp gun.

Looking at the incompetence of the invincible sharp gun, the gun burst into laughter.

"damn it!"

Not to mention that the sharp gun is invincible, but it is a bystander.

Abing, who has the best relationship with the invincible sharpshooter, usually swears.

"This gun has no way, it is really disgusting."

This rogue play is Luo Jian, and he can't see it.

Where there is this, no matter how you come to attack, I will not hide, just block it with my body, take the opportunity to directly attack with my strongest attack towards the enemy.

In the past, Luo Jian had never seen such a rogue play.

"This gun has no way of immortality, but it is quite famous.

It's just that the sharp gun is invincible, and his gun situation has a lot of room for improvement.

Be aware that the small trend can be changed, and the general trend is irreversible.If his firepower is really strong enough, when ignoring any supernatural powers, the mighty, crush everything."

The invulnerability of the sharp gun is strong enough, he has enough confidence that he can be invincible.

However, in Wang Yang's view, his gun situation is only a small trend, not really a big one.

In the face of the real situation, it should be that God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha, and destroys everything.

"you wanna die!"

Time and time again and again and again, they were all blocked by the other’s undead power, and the good temper of the invulnerable sharpshooter was also unbearable at this time.

"Human power..."

Repeatedly being disgusted by the gunless way of that rogue play, the invulnerability of the magic gun was finally unbearable, and he used his strongest moves.

The invincible gunway of the invincible practice of the magic gun, which was to suppress people with strength, finally believed that the general trend was irreversible.

Human power is the first form of gunfire supernatural power he created, which is people-oriented.

Human power, first of all, is the integration of human and gun.

Between heaven and earth, there seems to be only one unstoppable big gun, and the invincible sharp gun has disappeared.


The whole big gun, like the arrow of the off-string, came towards the gun without killing...

"This, this shot..."

The invincible magic gun suddenly made a move, which immediately scared everyone to death.

Even if it is the arrogance of the god general, in the face of such gunfire, the arrogant face is also white.

"Human power, the world, there is such a shooting method?"

God will whisper in his heart.

With this kind of marksmanship, he felt he could not resist.

"What a terrible Shenshui Manor!!"

God would have seen the invincible shot of the magic gun, and he could not resist himself, Jianxin, but saw the terrible of Shenshui Manor.

In the field, the only one whose face did not change was Blood Venerable.

"Such marksmanship does not threaten me."


No matter what everyone thinks, in short, Gun Wudao is already terrified.

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