My Super Estate

Chapter 937: The Unlucky Gun Has No Way (2)

Chapter 895 The Unlucky Gun Is No Way (2)

"Ouch, this immortality is really extraordinary."

The magic gun is invincible with a "human power", and the gun is invincible.As long as the strength is shaken, the gun Wudao will be shattered by a sharp gun invincible.

It can be said that the gun is incapable of life or death, all of which are in the mind of the invincible magic gun.

However, when the gun had no way to despair, closed his eyes and waited for death, the invincible magic gun actually let him go.

"You are a good thing and can't be wasted."

Shaking his head, the sharp weapon turned invincibly and left.

Looking at the back view, the gun was indifferent for a long time without waking up, what is it, I am a good thing?

In other words, am I a thing?

Yuck, you fucking thing is the thing, your house is all stuff.

The gun was in a hurry, pointing at the invulnerability of the sharp gun. He seemed to be insane, and pointing at it, as if he could not speak.

Regardless of how angry Gun Wudao is, his immortality really attracted everyone's attention.

"Gun Wudao's own gunway is not very powerful, but his immortality. It gave him the courage to die without fear of death.

Even, his special magical power has made the most perfect compensation for his gunshot."

In the battle with the gun, Daoqiangwudi had a very deep understanding of the strength of this opponent.

Abing is going to play, he cannot help but remind Abing.

"Relax, my knife can cut everything."

Abing held his head high and strode forward.

Cut off everything, this is Abing's way, if, there is constant, just because his cultivation is not home yet.

"The gun has no way, come out, I want to challenge you."

Coming to the rooftop, Abing stared at the gun without a word and challenged.


God will stare at Abin with wide eyes, and said: "What the hell is this Shenshui Manor, a sharp gun was invincible before, now another Abin?"

Jianxin was silent.

Little Luohan folded his hands together, just thinking about his own scriptures.

"Before, we challenged their Shenshui Manor arbitrarily, and now they challenge us, it is reasonable."

Although he was unwilling, the breeze director said a fair word.


Gun Wudao almost cried.

You guys challenge their Shenshui Manor, why would they challenge me?

"Why, can't the majestic martial arts world dare to fight?"

Abing stared at the gun and stared at the gun without any way, as if he dare to say that he did not dare to fight, he would dare to cut him directly with a knife, and he was extremely aggressive.


Gun Wudao is really about to cry.

Bullying people is not like that.

"Dare you fight?"

His eyes widened, and Abin took a step forward, slashing, condensing, and turning into a sky knife, as if it would be cut off at any time.

See what he means, you have to fight, and you have to fight if you don't.

"Ah, it's too much to deceive people. It's really deceiving people. To fight, to fight. I have nothing to do with the gun. Are you afraid that you will not succeed?

The gun had no anger and jumped towards the rooftop.


The gun has no way to make a decisive move, pushing the gun to the limit.

The void seems to be pierced by this extremely sharp gun, forming a void crack, which will not disperse for a long time.

Such a shot shows its true character, and no one dares to underestimate it.

"Good job."

When Abin's eyes lit up, the narrow blade in his hand, with a ground-breaking posture, slashed out fiercely.


The knife is sharp and has the faith to cut everything. The gun is sharp and can pierce the space.

It can be said that the tip of the needle is against the wheatgrass, and it is really right.


The extreme blade, the condensed lance, the needle tip facing the wheat ground, directly cut the air, the whole space is fragmented, as if the space is a piece of white paper, then, on this white paper, it has been Poor-quality painters, graffiti-like, drew countless lines.

This is the extremely sharp knife gas collided with the condensed gun, and after the explosion, the residue left in the space.

If their strength can be stronger, perhaps, in this space, it will leave immortal traces.

"Come again!"

Self-confidence, his own sword can cut off everything in the world, Abin's eyes are brighter, and the mana in his body works, all injected into his own long knife.

The long knife vibrated slightly, and the violent knife gas cut the air back and forth in the space. The air around the blade body could not bear the cutting of the knife gas, and it was already ignited by the overbearing knife gas.

"Come here, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Gun Wudao is also a world of martial arts. Even if he doesn't want to, the honor of martial arts makes him absolutely unwilling to give up resistance.

Even if I know I am out of control, I will never flinch.

Secretly making a decision in his heart, Gun Wudao once again killed Abin.

Between the two, the battle was extremely exciting.

Gun Wudao's cultivation base is already the perfection of Yuanshen. At his level, he will face two choices.

Continue to go further at the level of Yuanshen, or, to break through and prove the way with force.

It can be said that Wu Dao Xiu Wei, at his level, is already a real big figure. In the heavens, he can be called a master.

Abing's cultivation practice is only the Yuanshen Dacheng. In cultivation cultivation, he is inferior to the gun Wu Dao, but his swordsmanship and his faith support his bloody battle.


Shout loudly and express your beliefs perfectly.Even though the guns are incompetent, the gunway is extremely powerful, and even there is still undead magic, but Abin is also unwilling to let it go.

This is a real battle of death, and once there is something less, he will have no chance to return.

However, it is such a belief that under the circumstances of insufficient cultivation, he is supported by his unyielding battle, and even his swordsmanship has made a great progress.


There was no dazzling person on the scene. How could it not be seen that Abing's swordsmanship had made great progress in battle.

"Where does this Shenshui manor have so many perverts?"

Under such circumstances, the expression of God's character like Xiao Xiong has also changed.

It is really amazing.

During the battle, Daodao has made such great progress.

If, at the beginning, Abing could barely resist Gun Wudao, then now, Gun Wudao facing Abing is also extremely difficult.

Even in the face of Abing’s knife attack, he even often used the power of his undead.

This is a little scary.

You know, Abing is only a great success, far from being complete.

However, it is such a cultivation practice that he even fought against the characters of the realm sub-level of the primitive god like Gun Wudao, and even won the upper hand.

This is incredible.

The depression in Gun Wudao's heart can be imagined.

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