My Super Estate

Chapter 938

Chapter 198: You are Suicidal and Suicide

The battle of the rooftops does not stipulate who will play first and who will play later.

No rule is the biggest rule.

Before, the breeze road leaders, one by one, challenged the Shenshui Manor one by one, and even the breeze road leader, relying on Qian Kun in his sleeve, directly won two wins from the Shenshui manor, and finally, if he met Wang Yang , Wang Yang broke his supernatural powers, or he could win another victory.

If one victory is a point, then the leader of the breeze road has already earned two points in Shenshui Manor.

What's more, there are god generals and sword hearts.

Now, Xiao Yuanshan broke the rules, killed the white elephant demon, and opened the killing ring.Even, in the end, Xiao Yuanshan himself was killed by Blood Lord.

At this moment, no one dared to shoot easily.

All the people in Shenshui Manor and his party were determined to be gunless.

After the invincible magic gun defeated the invincible gun, Abing came out again.

"To bully too much!!"

This kind of behavior is the great elder of the sharp gun door, the white-haired gun king, who also can't stand it and swears.

"Huh, aren't some people overbearing?

Why, I can't stand it now?"

Shenshui Manor is showing his glory, and Mo Jun is overjoyed. Looking at the white-haired spear king who yelled at him, he certainly would not be stingy with a few "friendly" greetings.

"Junior, do you want to die?"

The white-haired gun king stared fiercely at the eyes.

He could not wait to tear the bastard alive.

"Something, you let me die!"

Mo Jun is not afraid of him.

If in other places, he is really worried, but now Huashan, he is not afraid, after all, before, he was fighting the Quartet, among them, there are many strong in the sky, stronger than the white hair gun king, definitely not without .

However, no matter who it is, it must be suppressed here. It is even more terrible than the suppression by the Hunyuan ban. It can't even open the banned space.


The white-haired gun king was choked with blush.

Before, he didn't make fewer shots, but he couldn't take down the kid of Shenshui Manor together with many strong men.

No matter how angry the White Haired Gun King is, or how proud Mo Jun is, the current gun is invincible, and it is the most bitter, because Abing's magical powers have made great progress.

It’s really a sun dog, how could this kid be in battle, and Dao Dao Wonder has made such a big progress?

Gun Wudao crying.

Yes, I really cried.

Because, after Wang Yang and the invincible sharp gun, he was once again defeated by the people of Shenshui Manor.

"You are good, really."

With a knife, he almost cut the gun Wudao into two pieces, watching him fall to the ground, unwilling to get up, and Abin was embarrassed to shoot again. Looking at it from afar, he said to the gun Wudao sincerely.

Gun Wudao really shed tears.

Looking up at the sky, he suddenly felt that life was so difficult.

Living is even more painful.

Why not go back?

Without a gun, he thought of suicide.

"This brother, look, how cold is this ground?

In case, if it catches cold, it would be bad."

Luo Jian came to Gun Wudao and reminded him with kindness and fear that he would catch cold.

"Thank you!"

Looking at the young man who appeared in front of him, Gun Wudao had an inexplicable gratitude in his heart because of his concern.

In the past, this situation was absolutely impossible.

"no, I'm fine.

You see, on this floor, it's so cool, it's not good to catch a cold, it will runny nose, and it will hurt your stomach."

Luo Jian really cared about him, and even stated that he had a strong relationship.

"thanks, thanks!!"

It is also strange to say that in the past, he often heard such concerns, but he never paid attention to it.

However, today his heart really moved from his heart.

Even, he really got up from the ground.

"are you OK!"


"It doesn't matter if you are injured!"

"It's okay, my immortality, although it can't be regarded as true immortality, but healing is not a problem."

Gun Wudao actually had a feeling of meeting a confidant.

Even in the face of Luo Jian, no matter what he asked, he always answered.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

Gun Wudao looks like this, but it really shocked everyone.

Your mother, Shenshui Manor has abused the gun Wudao into a dog, and now he comes out of Shenshui Manor to show a little care, you are just as fart as you are.

This is really eye-opening.

Before, Luo Jian came up and even expressed his concern. Everyone felt that the gun had no way to swear, or even pierced his stomach directly with a gun.

However, this situation is really unbearable!


God will tie Tsing Qing's face, staring at the gun Wu Dao, there is a burst of anger in his heart.

How could he do this, he was abused by the Shenshui Manor over and over again, did you forget?

You were beaten to death, did you forget all about it?

Others care about two sentences casually. You and his mother's, just so fart, just plopped up?

Why do not you go to hell?

"What should I do, this guy, betrayed?"

Jianxin is also full of incredible. When he thought about it, it was absolutely impossible. How could this happen?

Even, he felt that he had worked hard to maintain his faith for many years, and today all of it collapsed.

"Aren't they enemies? Shouldn't they be fighting each other?"

Jian Xin's voice did not cover up. In the evidence, there was quite a bit of hatred for making iron impossible.

However, his voice did not arouse any water splashes, as if all of these were nonexistent.

People really doubted how the gun was innocent, how was it really being stupid.

"Oh, you're really all right!"

Luo Jian's eyes gleamed strangely, as if the gun Wudao was really all right, how incredible it was.

"So, you see, you are all well, can we..."

Luo Jian looked at the gun shyly.

"Shit, is Luo Jian still shy?"

"I bet you will not promise him if you have no guns."

God will point at Luo Jian and look at his shy look, feeling a vomit.

"it is good!"

The gun nodded.


God will really vomit, but he vomits blood.

Sister, do you want to make a face?

He was abused again and again by his Shenshui Manor. If someone cares about you, you agree?

Why don't you die?

God scolded his heart.

like.The scolding of the gods really touched the heavens and the earth and the people.

In the same way as Luo Jian's challenge, Gun Wudao faced Luo Jian's attack. He did not dodge, neither attack nor defend. He was directly punched by Luo Jian.

Your sister...

God will stare at his eyes and can't believe it.

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