My Super Estate

Chapter 947: Total Destruction (2)

Chapter 905 Completely Extinguished (2)

"Amitabha, Demon Venerable, you Demon Realm, are you going to do anything with humans?"

The actions of Dali Bear Demon and others will naturally be seen in the eyes of the ancient Buddha burning the lamp.

Jianglong Bodhisattva wanted to save people, and someone immediately stopped him.

At first glance, it turned out to be a demon.

"Demon, don't forget, this is a world, and you can't allow you to be arrogant!!"

The Buddha also has the appearance of a Ming dynasty, not to mention the Dragon Bodhisattva?

Other people in Shenshui Manor will not say for a while, Luo Jian is still his disciple, and now he is besieged by the demon, so the Bodhisattva is so angry?


Facing the question from the Bodhisattva, the demon did not speak, but snorted.

Taking a deep breath, the Bodhisattva Dragon appeared as the bodhisattva's true body, with gleaming golden light and a great majesty, which set him off with extraordinary power.

"Jianglong, do you think you can walk under this eyelid?"

The heart demon is worthy of being the heart demon. As soon as he opened his mouth, between the world and the sky, there were many shadows, and the endless demon head emerged from the void.

What a terrific mental demon...

Even if it is the Dragon Bodhisattva, this moment is also frightened.

The horror of the demon lies in his demon skills. In a word, a note, or even an action, can cause alien demon, and even cause the devil.

The same as the warrior is promoting himself, it is also a spiritual practice.

If the soul is not cultivated enough, the powerful force will be completely out of control, and under the invasion of the outer demon, it will definitely get out of control.

All schools and schools have different spiritual methods.

Buddhism pays attention to the reincarnation of silence, and enhances the soul by reincarnation.

The demon proves by killing, and Taoism pays attention to doing nothing.

Such and so on are all methods of spiritual practice.

Meng Gong is a terrible magical power to guide the demon.

"Today, Shenshui Manor will be destroyed!"

Mozun's tone was very firm.


The ancient Buddha of Lantern looked at his eyes and shook his head in disappointment.

Huashan's strong men from the world of heaven are not rare, but there are very few who are really willing to shoot for Shenshui Manor.

"Devil Hugh is going to be rampant. Today, we must let you come and go."

The ancient Buddha was stared at by the burning lamp, and someone shouted loudly and killed towards the demon.


What else can ancient Buddhas say?

Shaking his head in disappointment, he can only sue the Buddha.

"Today, your Shenshui Manor must be destroyed."

The Sirius Demon will bring all the demon of the Wolf Demon Clan to the Sirius and Luo Jian and other people, and immediately start the battle and kill them directly.

Will be ruthless when he shoots.

The demon world is very well prepared, except for the three earth demon generals, none of them is lower than Yuanshen Consummation.

Eighteen people, with three-on-one, directly pressed the six people of Shenshui Manor to fight. For a time, Shenshui Manor suffered a big hit.

"Huh, if you want to destroy my Shenshui Manor, have you ever asked me that the sharp gun is invincible?"

The magic gun is invincible all his life, firmly believe that he is invincible.

Not only is the invincibility of marksmanship, but also has an invincible Dao heart.

The demon sieges in a big way, and the disparity between the enemy and me is replaced by someone else.

However, the sharp weapon is invincible. In his eyes, there are not many enemies, only strong and weak.

"Human power..."

A shot is directly the strongest trick.

Endless world and vitality, quickly gather, the invincible sharp gun takes people as a gun, and kills the Quartet.

A shot stabbed, the boundless vitality fluctuated, and the shadows were heavy, forming a crowd of people, forming a party of guns, and directly killing the Quartet.

This is where the human power is strongest.

In ancient times, in the battlefield, the lance array is the most classic and the most terrifying formation. The individual strength may not be strong, but when tens of thousands of people form a huge lance array, any enemy must pay a price for this. .

Even if it is Laiyun Wuying's cavalry, in the face of such a spear array, they can only strike at it, and cannot directly rush to kill.

The so-called human power is that the invulnerability of the magic gun has evolved from the ancient spear array.

The magic gun is invincible, the potential is extraordinary, and the breakthrough to the Yuanshen, the cultivation is directly completed.

On the way, get enough benefits, but, don't go through the robbery for the time being.

Of the many demons, none of them is weaker than Yuanshen Consummation. It stands to reason that such a strength is invincible, and of course there is no resistance.

Indeed, fifteen monsters with perfect Yuanshen, such a lineup, even in the face of the demons, is enough to kill the other party.

No one believes that a sharp weapon is invincible and can survive safely with such strength.

It's just that all this, at this moment, all people are staring, an invisible human power directly forms a huge spear array

"Stop me..."

In the face of the invincible sharp weapon, no one dared to take this opponent in his eyes.

However, when the sharp gun invincible shot, they were shocked.

They knew that such a gun situation was simply not something they could bear alone.

The fifteen master demon masters who fulfilled the Yuanshen did not have the confidence to face a warrior who fulfilled the Yuanshen.

It was absolutely impossible to put it before.

However, this is impossible, and today it actually appears.


Fifteen magic generals, with all their strength to resist the invincible attack of the sharp gun.

As a result, the fifteen demons will go straight back three or four steps.

Although it was just three or four steps back, but it was a full fifteen demons.

Such strength makes people feel terrified.


"Do you really think Laozi will kill?"

With that said, the invulnerability of the sharp gun is so great that you want to slaughter everyone.


The spear was inserted into the ground, and suddenly, countless thorns, fled towards the fifteen demons.

Yes, the invincible and awesome strength of the sharp gun is really frightening. Fifteen magic generals will turn around and leave.

"Come, come and go.

Your Excellency, don’t put my sharp gun invincible in your eyes"

In other words, it was another tactical rifle, and it was killed directly.

In this battle, only the sky was lost and blood was scattered.

"Haha, the invulnerable sharpshooter, my task has been completed, what about you?"

After killing the vigorous bear demon general and the hundred ghost demon general and other three people, Wang Yang rushed over the first time.

Others are still in the air, his boxing power has already arrived.


The ordinary demon won’t be able to resist Wang Yang’s boxing strength. The boxing strength has not yet come to the body. The flesh completely resonates with this shock. Even, it doesn’t even need to be so powerful. The whole body must be exploded.

In conjunction with the invincible sharpshooter, the fifteen magic generals had no way to escape from the siege of the two of them.

It is true that the fifteen magic generals, facing Wang Yang and the invincible sharpshooter, could only escape, and did not dare to fight anymore.

However, for them, running away is already a very luxurious hope.

Even, they only hate their parents for giving birth to themselves.

Just a moment, all the people have killed with all their strength.

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