My Super Estate

948 Dragon Elephant Demon Will Emerge

Chapter 906 The Dragon Elephant Demon will Emerge

"it is good!"

Watching Wang Yang punch and kill many demons, Luo Jian was most happy.

If someone is happy, there will naturally be anger.

Dali Xiongmo will be this person.

All the eighteen demon generals were found by him. Now that they are all dead, the vigorous bear demon will of course feel the end.

It must be said that the body of the vigorous bear demon general is indeed very powerful. His body has been completely exploded, only the skeleton and the head are intact.

That's it, he wasn't dead yet.

Such tenacious vitality is indeed rare.


Of course, Wang Yang has not forgotten the strong bear demon general. Now all his companions are dead. Of course, the remaining strong bear demon general will not be in his eyes.

However, Wang Yang had not yet had time to act, and the world suddenly exploded a hole.

"Haha, I am finally back, I am finally back!!"

The arrogant laughter, Wang Yang could hear it from afar.

Such arrogance, such domineering, in Wang Yang's party, there is only one dragon elephant demon.

A true peerless arrogant, as long as he really grows up and is listed on the Gods List, he must have his name.

"No, you leave quickly."

Feeling familiar with the voice, Wang Yang's complexion changed, and immediately Luo Jian and others left.

"Damn, how can the Dragon Demon escape from the chaos of time and space at this time?"

Dragon Elephant Demon would be able to escape from the chaos of time and space, which is beyond Wang Yang's expectations.


"Go away, or it will be too late!"

Wang Yang shouted loudly.

The Dragon Elephant Demon King is really too strong to be able to escape from the chaos of time and space. Such terrible strength cannot allow Wang Yang not to be afraid.

It is not to say that the Dragon Elephant Demon will really be invincible in the world. In fact, in just one year, Wang Yang has also seen many big names.

The old Wu family, the magician, the ancient Buddha who burned the lanterns, etc. These are the powers of the world to suppress the party.

However, like the dragon-like demon general, Wang Yang brought such a threat, but only one.

In fact, it is indeed true. Wherever the devil puts, wherever he is, he is a big figure in the world, just like the Dragon Bodhisattva. Although he just just preached, his perverted strength is actually facing the devil.

Everyone is afraid of this potential.

"let's go!"

Wang Yang's voice was full of sternness, and the invincible sharp gun and Mo Jun looked at each other, pulling Luo Jian, and then retreated quickly.

Since the establishment of Shenshui Manor, this time, it is the first to retreat.

However, whether it is Mo Jun, or the invincible sharp weapon, there is a breath in my heart.

Luo Jian is Wang Yang's younger brother. In any case, he must also ensure his safety.

"Haha, who am I to say, it turned out to be a little bug!!"

Dragon Elephant Demon will still be that tall and mighty, but, unlike last time, this time he met, he was all smiles.

If you don't know, you will definitely think that Dragon Elephant Demon will be an affable friend.

In fact, anyone who knows knows that Dragon Elephant Demon will be a very overbearing person.

An overbearing person, even if he laughs, is also somewhat domineering.

"Dragon Elephant Demon..."

"Yes, it's me!"

Dragon Elephant Demon will watch, and his mood is very good, as if he has seen a good friend.

"What's your name? My dragon elephant demon, since becoming famous, has never suffered a loss.

You, the first person to lose money to me, before killing you, I want to know, I want to know, who are you?"

The Dragon Elephant Demon will look at Wang Yang, and smiles so naturally. He wants to kill Wang Yang too, so naturally.

"My name is Wang Yang, the owner of Shenshui Manor.

You should not not know."

"Wang Yang? Shenshui Manor?"

The Dragon Elephant Demon will widen his eyes and say, "Is it you?

The blood demon issued a huge reward, is it for you?"

Dragon Elephant Demon will quietly say, "Okay, very good, really good."

Dragon Elephant Demon will really be very happy, even his whole person is showing a happy breath.

Anyone who sees the dragon elephant demon can see that he is really very happy.

"Blood Demon, by contrast, has a much higher status than my Dragon Elephant Demon. Although I admit that I will not be weaker than him, for now, blood demon is a real power in the world, Strength is much stronger than me.

You can let him lose money, and even for you, he will not hesitate to issue a blood kill order. At this point, my dragon elephant will not be looked down upon."

"It's just that I am a dragon elephant demon, and not everyone can make me lose money.

You can make me suffer, I will recognize the Dragon Elephant Demon, but, what is the matter, my Dragon Elephant Demon will also get back!"

Dragon Elephant Demon will still be so calm, so natural.

As if it were, there are mountains and water, wind and fire, everything is so natural.

Long Xiangmo Jiang looked at the direction of Luo Jian and other people retreating and smiled: "It seems that you value your friends so much that you dare to stay alone.

I give you a chance, as long as you can stop my attacks, I will not hunt them down."

"Okay, then I have to thank the demon."

Of course, Wang Yang knows that this is the Yangmou of the Dragon Elephant Demon, threatening himself with the safety of Luo Jian and others, so that he cannot escape.

However, none of these matters.

Cultivating into a Zijin war body, Wang Yang also wanted to try it out to see what level he had reached.


With a rant, the Dragon Elephant Demon will be killed towards Wang Yang.

"watch out……"

Dragon Elephant Demon will move out, Wang Yang will not step back, on the contrary, he takes the initiative to face up.

"Okay, a man."

In the words of the dragon elephant demon, there is a certain atmosphere of heroes and heroes. Of course, if you don't have the fierce face and the fierce eyes, all this will be even better.


Wang Yang's heart is fierce.


Wang Yang's little fist was finally smashed with the huge fist of the dragon elephant demon.

In terms of size, Wang Yang's tiny fist will definitely be smashed by the dragon elephant demon.

Dragon Elephant Demon will think the same way.

It's just that, in fact, the two are comparable.


Feeling a tremor of great power above the flesh, the Dragon Elephant Demon would be quite surprised.

"Okay, come again!"

Although the shock was quite unexpected, the Dragon Elephant Demon didn't even care about it.

This is the dragon elephant demon general. For the strong demon demon general and other earth demon generals, such a force of concussion can determine the outcome of a battle.

However, for the Dragon Elephant Demon, this terrible shock was just a surprise.

Strongly suppressing everything, the Dragon Elephant Demon will be killed again towards Wang Yang.

It can be felt that the dragon elephant demon will be more terrible this time.

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