My Super Estate

950 Vigorous dragon elephant, into the chaos of space

Chapter 908 Vigorous Dragon Elephant, Breaking into the Turbulent Space

"Well, I want to see if you can die!"

The Dragon Elephant Demon will be awe-inspiring, and within a second, he will hit a hundred punches in succession, and each punch will reach the level of the Heaven Demon Master.

This punching method seems simple, but in fact, it is the most terrifying. Without a solid meat shell, it can’t bear a hundred punches at a time. In a short period of time, it quickly hits the strong friction and high temperature generated by the space. .

Even when you have such power and speed, the flesh is not strong enough, and even the entire flesh may be directly ignited.

Of course, such a simple and brutal punching method has such a huge emphasis on the meat shell. Correspondingly, the very terrible power generated by this punching method is also extremely scary.

Some people have extremely strong defenses and can withstand a punch with all your strength. However, to block such a punch, he must have all his strength. Only in this way can he withstand it.

At this time, if I hit two punches in a row, and you can't keep up, you can only defend the first punch, and it is impossible to defend the second punch.

Naturally, the second punch cannot be defended, and will be directly killed.

This is still two punches fast, when you punch quickly, ten punches in a row?

What about twenty punches?Or thirty punches?


What's more, it is now a hundred punches.

This punching speed seems simple, but for most people, it is really a desperate abyss.

"Okay, the dragon elephant demon will really deserve to be the dragon elephant demon. Such a fast punch, even if it is the supreme king, without a real great magic power, it is simply unstoppable and will be directly killed!!"

Vigorous bear demon will wait for the failure of others, so that everyone in the demon feels as if there is no light.

A strong demon such as Dali Bear, in the demon world, it is also a great name. It is crowned as the hope of the next generation of the demon world, new leaders, young Tianjiao and so on, many fans and many admirers.

It can be said that the first-class demon world such as Dali bear has already represented an era of the demon world. Ten thousand years later, among them, a series of big figures such as the current demon king, heart demon blood demon deity and so on will appear.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they represent an era in the demon world.

However, such a group of people was actually beaten by people, and even beaten to death.

Such a result, how can you not make those demon mad face?

Of course, when the strength reaches the level of Mozun, their eyes are much deeper, and they also look farther. Of course, they also calm down a lot.

But, watching the rookies in the monster world, killed by a human kid, he still felt very angry.

It's just, how broad is the magical thought of Mozun?

Dragon Elephant Demon will break out from the chaos of time and space, let him feel the hope.

Even, he felt that this time, this Shenshui Manor could be completely extinct.

To this end, the demon spends mana to help the dragon elephant demon to break through the space and come to the world.

It can be said that the appearance of the dragon elephant demon gives the deity great hope.

It's just that Wang Yang's troubles once again refreshed Mozun's knowledge. The magnificent Demon King would not even kill a small golden martial arts warrior. Put it in the past. If anyone dares to say so and listen to him, he must beat this guy. Into an idiot.

But now, he has seen it with his own eyes and has to believe it.

"Okay, that's it."

The Dragon Elephant Demon will suddenly show his power, and let the Desperate Demon Lord see the hope again.

"Kill him, kill him!"

A little Jindan warrior, who jumped so happily, was really infuriating, and he was definitely a guy who wasn't tidy up.

It was so angry that Mozun even swears.

"Drink, the dragon elephant..."

In one second, one hundred punches were punched. At this speed, combined with such power, it was not easy for the Dragon Elephant Demon to send out completely without damage. Therefore, he had to rely on the power of his own bloodline.


In the space, there seemed to be a roaring beast with no sound.

The figure of a giant beast squeezed out of the space, standing behind the dragon elephant demon, the extremely burly body is even more domineering.

This is a very powerful fist. Under the blessing of the Dragon Elephant, it seems that even the space can't bear it. The entire space is completely exploded. Countless space fragments, like sharp blades, spread out around the surroundings. .

Sharp space debris, across Wang Yang's cheeks, even Wang Yang's defense, under such debris, it seemed so vulnerable, a blood stain, on Wang Yang's axe carving face , Leaving a deep blood stain.


Wang Yang's face is extremely dignified. This kind of power is actually just Yu Wei. It is really unbelievable. If such a fist hits his body, then how terrible it will be.


All along, Wang Yang believed that his physical body was enough to defend most attacks.

However, this time, Wang Yang was inexplicably lacking that kind of absolute self-confidence.

It seems that his physical defense, if he bears such a fist, will definitely be killed.

"Chaos Clock, come out..."

For the first time since the beginning of the war, Wang Yang revealed his magic weapon of life-Chaos Clock.


The invisible bell sounded between heaven and earth, as if it were, this heaven and earth must be given to it.

However, such a force is, after all, weak, and the dragon is shocked. This force disappears without a trace.

Wang Yang's body is fast and weak, and he is directly covered by the Chaos Bell.


Immediately afterwards, a series of fast punches hit the Chaos Bell fiercely.


Space can't bear such a fist, it is directly broken by Juli fist.

The Chaos Clock was completely knocked into the chaos of space.


Witnessing all this, all the people were stunned.


Well, good, this bastard, how dare he not take our devil world into his eyes, it is damn.

Now, it can't be beaten into the chaos of space."

Witnessing all this in front of me, many people applauded in their hearts.

In any case, the great fortune is always greedy by the world.

Anyone who gets it must have a war. Now, Wang Yang is directly exiled into the turbulent flow of space, which is naturally what everyone wants.


Luo Jian, who had been running away as if he had telepathy, suddenly shouted.

"what happened?"

"My brother, he may be in danger."

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