My Super Estate

Chapter 951

Chapter 109 The Outsider

"Brother, how is it now?"

Shenshui Manor, after Luo Jian came back, immediately entered Ziyang Cave, where there was a god.

This is the avatar of Wang Yang's cultivation.

Of course, in the Tianshan Mountain, Qiankun Cave, I got a god statue, but it was used to practice the doppelganger.

Since these days, the idol has always been located in Ziyang Cave.

The so-called Ziyang Cave is the former Qiankun Cave, but it was arranged by Wang Yang and planted hibiscus trees, sun flowers and other positive spirits, and it was directly transformed into a cave of Yang property.

Dongtian is a side of the world opened up in chaos. It depends on the earth and exists in large and small.

The Dongfu is to use the formation method to create a space in the earth space by using the technique of dissipating the meson in the earth space. It is not a world, and the area will not be too large.

Ziyang Cave is only ten miles away.

"My deity, fight with the dragon elephant demon, and use the power of the dragon elephant demon to temper his own.

Don't want to, Dragon Elephant Demon will improve its strength compared to before, and break through a round of fast punches. The power has long exceeded my tolerance limit.

For this reason, I must not use the power of the chaotic clock to directly hide into the chaotic clock.

However, the dragon elephant demon will be the dragon elephant demon. His strength is really too strong. After a round of fast punching, the space will be broken directly, and the chaotic clock will be directly into the chaos of space."

The gods need massive power of faith. For now, Wang Yang’s avatar can only be regarded as a god, not a real avatar.

There is no emotion in speaking like this.

Listening to the emotionless statement, Luo Jian's eyes were already red.

"Damn Dragon Elephant Demon, I'm going to skin him for cramps."

Cousin was even directly hit by the bastard into the spatial knowledge. How could Luo Jian not be angry?

"Brother, what shall we do next?"

Luo Jian stared at Wang Yang and asked anxiously.

"In the depths of turbulence in space, there is chaos, chaos is boundless. To return from chaos, you must have a coordinate.

This avatar must be busy practicing."

"Okay, brother, rest assured!"

In the 21st century, so-called brothers are rare, and cousins ​​and cousins ​​have become real brothers.

Between brothers, there is no dispute over family property, and each other's feelings are more sincere.

The end of the law.

Generally speaking, the end of the Dharma era represents the end.

Actually, otherwise, the so-called end-of-fascism era is more likely to be closed by heaven and earth, energy is lost and not accounted for, and heaven and earth are out of self-preservation, limiting energy, allowing this world to lose its martial development from then on.

The same was true of the earth once. As a human being, it was blocked by the great array of heavens, and the earth lost the opportunity to re-enter.

Of course, the so-called lost opportunity for re-entry is never a problem for a real person.

On the earth, there was a dragon god, which shattered the entire array of heavens, and returned the vitality of heaven and earth, and resumed the grandeur of the millennium before.

Now, Tianwu Continent is also facing such a problem.

Thousands of years ago, the Tianwu Continent was also one of the seventy-two holes in the past. However, before the millennium, an invasion of the Demon Clan completely destroyed the entire Tianwu Continent.

Finally, out of self-preservation, Tianwu Continent closed the door of Tianwu and was cut off directly from the branch.

Since then, the Tianwu Continent has been directly floating in chaos.

Nowadays, Tianwu Continent is facing the impact of chaos all the time, and there are often space cracks.

The most important thing is, Tianwu Continent, there are those demons for the purpose of destruction.

Tianwu City is the last hope of Tianwu Continent.

Xianling'er is one of the most talented students in Tiandi College, and is most valued by Tianlu College.

"What are you?"

On Baiyu's arm, he held a small bell like a bell, big beautiful eyes, blinking, curious.

"Three days ago, you directly fell from the sky, and even my strongest defense was smashed by you.

You must not be an ordinary thing."

Three days ago, Xianling'er was practicing. As a result, this small bell-like bell fell directly from the sky, and even brought horrible coercion.

Xian Ling'er is the most talented student in Tianwu College. The perception is the most powerful. The first time, he supported his defense. As a result, his defense cover was directly smashed. Even, finally, even his own spiritual consciousness, They were all smashed. As long as they used force, Xianling'er would have no doubt that his own body would be smashed.

Finally, the little bell stopped.

"You must be spiritual, right? This must be the case."

Xian Ling'er is very certain that this little bell is very extraordinary, otherwise, it is impossible to have such a huge power.

Even, most likely, this little bell is spiritual in its own right, otherwise, at the last minute, it is impossible to stop on top of his head.

"Grandpa said that the current Tianwu Continent will be broken by the chaotic tide at any time.

Also, those damn demons are still attacking Chaoshen again and again.

Probably, it won't take long for our Tianwu Continent to be assimilated by chaos!"

Xian Ling'er's beautiful face had unsolvable sorrow.

"Now in Tianwu Continent, the vitality of heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner. Even the fifth-level elixir is already very scarce.

Grandpa said that if it were my talents thousands of years ago, it must be the best person in the world. Even now, it is very likely that he has become a Hunyuan Venerable.

However, now, I can only become a first-class master, and even the legendary list of people, can not enter."

The fairy's beautiful face was full of pain.

This is the pain of burying one's talents. It is also the pain of not having a future in life.

"You said, in the legend, how invincible the Grand Master is?

Xian Ling'er was very eager for the legendary invincible grandmaster.

Originally, with her talent, it is possible to achieve, but today's Tianwu Continent cannot support her to achieve the invincible grand master.

"In fact, if you are willing, perhaps, there is still this opportunity."

Suddenly, in the room, there was a sound.

Most importantly, this voice turned out to be the voice of a man.

how is this possible.

Here, but my boudoir, how could there be a man's voice?


"Come out, who are you, come out for me."

"Am I always in your hands?"


Xian Ling'er's eyes widened, and she looked at the little bell in her hand.

"Yes, are you talking?"

"Yes, I am talking."

"You can really make me an invincible grandmaster?"

As long as you become an invincible grandmaster, you can become a true supreme supreme, you can destroy the entire Demon Race, and even you can open the door of Tianwu, and then, the entire Tianwu Continent can be rescued.

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