My Super Estate

960 Powerful Shura Demon

Chapter 98 The Powerful Shura Demon

"Don't waste time, do it as soon as possible, solve them, and later change."

Wang Yang wanted to keep the two Shura, and the two Shura were unwilling to delay.

Others don't know, they know very well that during the retreat of King Shura, who came outside of Tianwu City is just an avatar.

Once things are revealed, the consequences are unbearable.


The four arms of Shura are naturally stronger than humans.

A set of Shura punches, powerful enough to shock the world.

"Don't be arrogant."

Wang Yang hasn't started yet, and Ma Rufeng has rushed up there.

"court death!"

How can the Ma Rufeng and the two Shura of a district be taken into consideration?

At the moment, a Shura was killed directly towards Ma Rufeng.

The waving of four arms is directly a gust of wind.


Ma Rufeng was directly beaten by Shura Demon.

"This, Master, Master Ma Rufeng will be fine!"

Shenwu Big Fat came to Wang Yang and asked nervously.

He was also a tofu heart with a knife in his mouth. At first sight, it was only the first move. The knife Rufeng suffered a loss, and he was a little nervous.

"Relax, for the time being, he will be fine.

With the help of massive belief power, his mind is very powerful.The Shura Demon will be physically strong enough, but it is really difficult to overcome Ma Rufeng easily."

Wang Yang said so.

This is not Wang Yangwu's aim, on the contrary, this is the conclusion he made after careful consideration.

Martial arts practice is famous for its strong physical body.

However, there is one category, but the opposite is true. This category is the martial arts practitioners who believe in the cultivation of faith. Because of the belief in spiritual cultivation, all of these martial arts are extremely powerful.

Sure enough, Ma Rufeng will be repelled, and Ma Rufeng has no fear, on the contrary, he is still calm.


As a mentor of Tianwu College, Ma Rufeng is the most promising mentor of the deputy dean, and he is not lacking in blood.

There is a divine light in the eyes, a huge world emerges in his eyes.

"This, this is the dream world!!"

Shenwu Big Fat was shocked.

Looking at him like this, it seems that this dream world is very incredible and has a feeling of hell.

"What is the dream world?"

For Wang Yang to practice the magical power of Ziyang, he also needs to rely on the spiritual fluid of faith. However, he does not rely on the power of faith to cultivate spiritual power. On the contrary, he mainly uses the power of faith to resist the evil.

Theoretically, as long as you can resist the alien demon, the war body of Ziyang can be transformed infinitely.

Ten thousand years ago, the reason why the Ziyang Emperor would become the first place in the Gods List, and, for ten thousand years unchanged, the powerful Ziyang war body occupied a huge reason.

In the same way to cultivate with the help of faith, the sentient beings in the Tianwu Continent are different. They are more inclined to cultivate spiritual power and strengthen the physical body with strong spiritual power.

These are two completely different roads, so Wang Yang really doesn't know what a "dream world" is.

"The dream world is a great supernatural power created by the first dean of Tianwu. A thousand years ago, the first strongman of the Tianwu continent was not the current Shura king, but the once Shura demon king."


Wang Yang was surprised, and the name of the devil was not something that could be called casually. This was a respected position and was recognized by the entire demon world.

Insufficient strength, dare to call it this way, will be killed.

"At that time, Dean Tianwu used such a supernatural power to kill Shura Demon directly.

However, it is a pity that the Dean Tianwu was also hit hard, and finally fell."

Wang Yang got serious.

With such a powerful magical power, did Ma Rufeng succeed in practicing?

So, is there hope for Lei between him and this Shura Demon?

A thousand years ago, Dean Tianwu used such a great magical power to directly kill the Shura Demon King. After a thousand years, as the most promising mentor of Tianwu Academy, Ma Rufeng, is he the same? Can one move kill this Shura demon?

Wang Yang looked forward to it very much.

I'm just a golden martial arts warrior, if I can't do it, try not to do it as much as possible.

In the dream world, this trick is really very powerful. Behind Ma Rufeng, a round of the world is constructed from the dream, and it will directly cover the Mo Luo Mo.

"it is good……"

Seeing this, Shenwu Dafa was very excited. At this moment, all his dissatisfaction with Ma Rufeng's mentor had disappeared.

Seems to see the return of the hero.

Big fat fat face, there are tears.


Even Wang Yang was shocked to see such a supernatural power.

Such magical powers are terrible. Once covered by the world, life and death will be controlled by Ma Rufeng. Even when he annihilates the world, everything in the world will die.

"Dream world?"

The Shura Demon will be roaring. Once the Shura Demon King died under such supernatural powers. Now how can he not be surprised when facing such great supernatural powers?


The Shura demon shouted with anger, and the four arms moved quickly, each with a seal, to form a stunning magical power.


There are six reincarnations behind the Shura demon.

"Damn, legend, six reincarnation punches!!"

Shenwu Dafa's face was pale and pale.

"According to legend, such a fist is the supernatural power of Shura Mojun.

Thousands of years ago, the Shura Demon will rely on this fist to dominate the Tianwu Continent and become the first strong man.

This Shura demon, actually got such a heritage, it is really damn it!!"

Shenwu Big Fat never thought that such an accident would occur.

Six reincarnation punches?

A thousand years ago, Shura Demon's peerless supernatural power?

Interestingly, Ma Rufeng's dream world was the fame of the Dean of Tianwu College a thousand years ago. This Shura demon turned out to be more than a thousand years ago.

Is this going to continue the battle a thousand years ago?

In other words, this is the continuation of the war a thousand years ago?

So, who wins and loses?

For a time, Wang Yang looked forward to it.


Just a moment of anticipation arose in my heart, and the big collision over there began directly.

"No, tutor Ma Rufeng can't support it!"

At the beginning, Ma Rufeng's instructor was directly beaten down.

"This this……"

Big fat is desperate.

In the face of a Shura demon, Ma Rufeng, who has already used the great magical power of Dean Tianwu thousands of years ago, still lost. So, who can be against the two Shura demon?

Shenwu fat is really desperate.

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