My Super Estate

Chapter 961

Chapter 99

"Haha, this is the dream world, once the first supernatural power of the Tianwu Continent.

Now it seems that this is the case!!"

When Ma Rufeng's magical power is broken, Shura Mo will be very happy and will laugh with excitement.

It's as if breaking such a supernatural power is an exciting event.

"Ten thousand years ago, the old ghost of Tianwu used this dream world to kill the devil. Today, I am Shura the demon, and I will use the magical power of the devil to kill you."

With that said, Shura Demon will be rushing towards Ma Rufeng.

Ma Rufeng's magical power was broken, his spirit was damaged, and his body was fine, but without the control of Yuanshen, how could he withstand the attack of the Shura demon?

Seeing that Shura Mo will give a palm, and directly shot towards Ma Rufeng's head.

As long as people with eyes can see it, there is no possibility of surviving such a palm.


The Shura demon hides his ugly face with grief.

Looking at Ma Rufeng's eyes, brutal, evil, and arrogant.

This is Shura, a race that kills itself.

However, when his confidence was highest in his heart, his palm did not smash Ma Rufeng's head as he expected. On the contrary, his palm was directly on the hard iron wall.

"It's you……"

Seeing Wang Yang coming out in front of Ma Rufeng, Shura Mo will be startled.

He never imagined that his confident palm was unsuccessful, but was blocked by others.

"People who want to kill me don't say hello to me, it seems bad!"

Facing the fierce Shura demon, Wang Yang has no expression. It seems that he is not facing the fierce Shura demon, but the beggar on the street.

Even if you want to beat my dog, don't even tell me?

Well, probably, that's what it means.

"Haha, is he yours?"

"of course!!"

"Well, now I will tell you, I want him!"



Ma Rufeng jumped wildly.

Immediately, he felt a little sad in his heart. Perhaps, in the face of such a fierce Shura demon, even the kid in front of him, with unpredictable supernatural powers, can make ginseng breathe for thousands of years, it can't bear it!


Shenwu Big Fat shouted anxiously.

How could my master be such a person?

For a time, Shenwu Big Fat was distressed.

"Okay, then you will let me go!"

It seemed to the Shura Demon that Wang Yang was afraid.

Wang Yang’s cultivation practice, of course, can be seen, but the Jindan warrior, in his own eyes, is like a ant.

"Well, as long as this damn guy is killed, the two ants like things in front of him can be destroyed by turning their hands."

Shura Mo will say so.

"I have a branch here. If you can hold it, I will let go."


Shura Mo will look forward to his eyes, he wants to see if this guy is stupid.

A branch?What can a branch do?

Did you make firewood?

"A branch, do you know what a branch can do?"

"of course!!"

Wang Yang's expression was very serious and said, "A branch can beat a dog!"


Shenwu Big Fat's tense mood suddenly let go, even laughed out loud.

A branch, a branch can just beat a dog?

"Asshole, what are you talking about?"

"Haha, what's wrong with this world, I'm scolding people, why would anyone want to be scolded?"

Will Wang Yang be afraid of him?

What a joke, a dragon demon like a demon will be able to fight against him. A small Shura will make himself afraid?

"Asshole, I want you to die!"

The Shura family is a violent family. How can he not be angry when Wang Yang sneers so much?

Shura under the wrath is irrational, and his shot is definitely to die.

"Damn, hurry up!!"

Ma Rufeng was very anxious in his heart and asked Wang Yang to leave quickly, because the Shura Mojiang, regardless of his own physical body, could bear it and cast six reincarnation punches.

This kind of boxing technique, practiced to a very high level, is a great magical power.

Ma Rufeng has a deep experience.

Six rounds of roulette, rotating behind Ma Rufeng, boundless fierce anger, darkened half of the world.


The fist print is like six complete worlds, pressing towards Wang Yang.

"Huh, supernatural vision, and not you alone?"

Such a supernatural vision is really amazing. Ma Rufeng's face was even paler. The spirit was seriously injured and affected the soul of the soul. After being shocked by this supernatural vision, Ma Rufeng sat directly on the ground.

He couldn't stand up.

In the face of such magical visions, ordinary people have already been scared silly, but Wang Yang didn't care at all.It's like what he said is a supernatural vision, and you're not alone!'

"Humph, watch me break you..."

Faced with such a supernatural vision, of course, the same supernatural vision must be broken.

It's just that such a supernatural vision is very scary for ordinary people, and even standing is not stable, but for Wang Yang, it doesn't care.

The branch in his hand flicked up, and suddenly, with a hint of fresh branch, it seemed that someone was injected into a will to cut nothing.

Although the branch is still a branch with a hint of novelty, but under this inexplicable will, the branch of the branch even burst out with a fresh edge.


The branches in his hands were cut out, and suddenly, heaven and earth seemed to be unbearable, and bursts of roar came.

It turned out that it seemed to be a world, and pressed directly towards the Shura demon.


Shura will be scared.

The whole world was turned into a sharp edge, and such a supernatural power, even if it was the supreme king, could not bear it!


All the people, including a Shura demon, took a sigh of relief.

When it came, it was just two Shura demon generals, and now it has turned into three.

A Shura demon, has been directly cut in half by Wang Yang.


In the blink of an eye, the two Shura demons have become three, how can the remaining Shura demons not be angry?

"Don't point at me. I have a very strange problem. If anyone dares to point at me, I want to kill."

Wang Yang said with a cold face.

The Shura Demon will be terrified all over the body.


Ma Rufeng couldn't believe it anymore. The powerful Shura demon just now was shocked by the words of Mr. Hui.

Suddenly, Ma Rufeng was really lucky.

Such a big person, but very rare, met once, it is all a thousand years of eulogy,

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