My Super Estate

Chapter 963

Chapter 199 Hard to resist the strong king

"Dare you the devil king!!"

In the high altitude, there was a loud scream of Shenwufeng.

The snake demon is not only a supreme king, but also a poisonous king, with terrible strength.

In that small yard, not only have their grandchildren, but also fairy spirits.

Xian Ling'er, as the hope of the Tianwu Continent, is most likely to become the character of Jiezi, and she must always protect her.

When the snake demon is killed, how can it not make the Shenwu wind anxious?

In fact, in the mind of Immortal Chang Ji, there is also anxiety, but now that King Shura has not moved, he dare not take any action.

"Snake King, please, please avenge our brother..."

Seeing the arrival of the Snake Demon King, Shura Demon will be overjoyed.

It was just that he was injured so badly that his flesh was severely vibrated, and his vitality was immediately cut off. At this time, he could still speak, but only because he took a breath and was unwilling to cut off.

"Relax, this Demon King will make this human race kid feel desperate that he can't survive."

The snake devil is really the snake devil, driving a giant snake, as big as a car, dark and bright with scales, making people feel the air-conditioning.

Especially, the long horn on the upper arm is even more terrifying, pushing it to the extreme.

"This, is this a snake, or a jiao?"

The arrival of the snake demon king, Wang Yang first noticed that it was the giant snake.

The thick snake of the car is enough to make people desperate. Especially, the terrible length of the snake is not tens of meters long.

Such a snake, Wang Yang is really very rare.

"This one-horned black scale snake is a very terrifying snake, with the most terrifying black scale snake venom, just one drop is enough to make a city dead."

After the arrival of the Snake Demon King, he didn't kill Wang Yang the first time, but he seriously treated the Shura Demon King.

Two Shura monsters, one has died, and he cannot watch the other die as well.

It was this time that Wang Yang could ask Ma Rufeng seriously.

"I heard that snake gallbladder can be eye-catching. You said, is this big snake better?"

Wang Yang looked at the one-horned black scale snake, and his eyes were all green.


Facing such a problem, Ma Rufeng found that he had no room for answering.

Snake gall?

One-horned black scale snake?

You dare to think, such a horrible existence, you dare to make an idea?

Ma Rufeng usually doesn't dare to think about it. Who would not know that this one-horned black scale snake is the demon king's heart and liver baby, if you eat its snake gall, he can break you up.

This is a very serious question, a bad one that can make people die without burial.


After some treatment, the snake demon king desperately discovered that the Shura demon would be shattered by a force all over his body, and all the bones were broken, and the internal organs were also broken.

Of course, if this is the case, then there is no point of despair. Martial arts practice physical combat, and the vitality is more vigorous than ordinary people.

It's just that if the vitality is also shocked by a force, it is really powerless.

How can I make the Snake Lord angry?

Wang Yang stared. Suddenly, the huge snake tail, like the sword that swept across the thousand armies, swept towards Wang Yang.

"Hurry up..."

Such prestige made Ma Rufeng's complexion change, and he quickly pulled Wang Yang to let him leave.

This one-horned black scale snake, with its fierce name, was once the deputy dean of Shenwufeng. He shot it more than once and could not hurt it.

It is terrifying.

"what are you going to do?

Don't forget, what is behind you?"

Staring at the eyes, Wang Yang roared towards Ma Rufeng, his eyes glared, and there was an inexplicable coercion.


Ma Rufeng quickly swept towards him, and Shen Wu, the fat man who had just broken through the most powerful pressure, had sat completely on the ground.

Also, the fairy who has been swallowing two thousand-year-old ginseng and has been breaking through.

Suddenly, Ma Rufeng's mouth was bitter.

"Sir, you take them away soon, I will stop him for a while!"

Seeing such a situation clearly, he actually intended to use his life in exchange for Wang Yang leaving with two students.

"Unfortunately, it is too late."

The corner of Wang Yang's mouth carried that kind of subtle smile.

This is a gratifying smile.

At the last moment, Ma Rufeng did not let himself down.

It's just that it's really late, so the thick snake tail has swept over towards itself.

"bring it on!!"

Faced with this kind of power, Wang Yang did not shy away.


Ma Rufeng was in a hurry.

He must jump out, no matter what, he must fight for Wang Yang a glimmer of hope.

However, he suddenly found that he could not move, as if there was a force that was directly pressing on him.


Now, it is impossible to leave again, because the snake tail has been swept.


The low muffled sound, as if the ancient bell was ringing.

When Wang Yang was motionless, he directly used his own flesh to endure such a domineering blow.


The Snake King pointed at Wang Yang, staring at the triangle snake's eyes, and the whole person was frightened.

The one-horned black scale snake is the biggest means of the demon king.

However, at present, this method has not played any role.

how can that be?

"No, how could you not die?"

The snake tail, for such a giant snake, is the first means of attack, and it is absolutely strong.

In the past, no matter how many enemies you faced, under such a blow, no one dared to be so hard.

In other words, in the past, someone had such a hard connection, but now it has been exploded.

But what is going on now?

What exactly is going on?

How could this be?

"No, is this not true?

How could you be okay?"

No matter man or devil, I just believe in what I know, beyond my knowledge, I always think that this is false.

The same is true of the Snake Demon King. The power of the one-horned black scale snake has penetrated into the hearts of the people. Every shot, it can sweep everything.

Most of the prestige of the snake demon comes from the one-horned black scale snake.

Now, his strongest means is useless. How can the Snake Lord not be angry?

In other words, he was frightened.

"Since you don't want to believe, why not try again?"

Wang Yang expressed disdain for the roar of the snake king.

Ordinary man-devil generals can already roughly save their lives in the hands of the mighty king. The earth demons will be enough to suppress the mighty king to fight, and to the point where the demon king will really be, it is enough to defeat the king.

The former owner of Qiankun Cave was directly detonated by the dragon and Luohan.

Wang Yang once fought with the Demon-Long Elephant Demon King, and it is difficult to separate. Although his own attack power may not be as good, but his defense is a pervert.

How can a one-horned black scale snake be placed in his eyes?

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