My Super Estate

964 Retreating the Snake Demon King

Chapter 920 Retreat the Snake Demon King

"Black Wolf Demon, you are looking for death!!"

Shenwufeng's roar is always so strong, as if he is attacking, and always has less defense.

Opposite the Shenwufeng, there is a huge black wolf. Above the black wolf, a figure completely covered by a black robe is directly standing in the sky and fighting side by side with the black wolf.

This is the biggest feature of Tianwu Continent.

Tianwu Continent, the gate of Tianwu has been closed, and separated from the world, independent of chaos, the entire Tianwu Continent has completely become the land of the final law.

In the Tianwu Continent, the vitality of heaven and earth is already the most precious energy. Even the strongest king, it is extremely difficult to draw the vitality of heaven and earth from between heaven and earth.

In order to improve its strength and defeat its opponents, Tianwu Continent has developed its unique path of martial arts, drawing on the power of faith, absorbing the power of faith, and strengthening itself through cultivation.

Such a path has the least dependence on the vitality of heaven and earth. As long as you have enough power of faith, it is not difficult to testify.

However, it is simply impossible to become an invincible grandmaster, and it is even more impossible to break through.

The Tianwu Continent has the situation facing it, and the Demon Race is also facing it. Without sufficient heaven and earth vitality, the Devil Race must rob others if it wants to promote itself.

Even, in order to improve the strength, the demon used their blood power to surrender to various kinds of Warcraft, and fully cultivate their own Warcraft.

The black wolf of the black wolf demon, the one-horned black scale snake of the snake demon, are all such warcrafts.

Only cultivate the power of the flesh, not the law.


Shenwufeng deserves the name of Shenwu. In the face of the attack of the black wolf demon king, he is not afraid of it, and his big sword is cut out in the sky.


The black wolf jumped up bravely, before the knife.


The ten-foot high black wolf was directly cut off by Jiangang,

This is Warcraft, only practicing the flesh, not practicing the laws.

"Cut again!!"

The Snake Demon King has begun to act, and Shen Wufeng must quickly resolve this Black Wolf Demon King, otherwise, his grandson is fat, and the fairy spirit, and even the mysterious Wang Yang, will be killed by the Snake Demon King.


Divine martial arts, you want to defeat this demon king, impossible, you just wait to collect the corpses for those boys!"

The battle, from the beginning, was terrible.

Shen Wufeng's mission is to block the Snake Lord and the Black Wolf Lord.King Shura's strength is really too strong. As the dean, Xian Changji and other deputy deans must be united together, and they must not be distracted, otherwise, they will be destroyed by King Shura.

The black wolf was hit and flew, and the black wolf demon didn't care. He knew that as long as he resisted for a while, his partner would definitely come.

Isn’t it easy for the Xeon King to deal with a few small Hunyuan Venerables?

Thinking of this, he even had free time to glance at the battlefield below.

"No, what's wrong with this, how could this be?"

He, what did he see?

A warrior in Jindan Realm completely blocked the Snake Lord?

Yes, my God, a warrior in Golden Pill Realm can actually block the Snake Demon King. Which jerk made a joke for himself?

"Snake King, what are you doing?"

If you want him to believe that a Jindan realm warrior can block the snake demon king, it is better to believe that his mother was given a big belly by the black wolf.

This is totally impossible.

Since this is the case, must the Snake King be delaying time?

Immediately, the Black Wolf Demon was furious.

"Damn it, Snake Lord, what the hell are you doing?"

Could it be because of the thing half a year ago?

As if I thought of something, the black wolf devil is totally bad.

No matter how the black wolf demon roars, the snake demon is in a very bad mood now.

His one-horned black scale snake, can't even kill that little golden pill warrior?

Not only does the Black Wolf Demon think that someone is joking with himself, but also, the Snake Demon also feels that the Devil is joking with himself.

It's just that this joke is very funny.

The one-horned black scale snake was cultivated by itself, and it is its own fighting partner, which means half of its own strength.

"Drink, I still don't believe it, can you still not be poisonous?"

The one-horned black scale snake is the best weapon in the hands of the demon king. Sweeping the tail of the snake is a great trick for the one-horned black scale snake. Similarly, the snake venom is also one of the one-horned black scale snake's tricks.

The huge snake body flew into the sky like a real dragon, a dive, the sharp horn, and the sharp arrow, came towards Wang Yang.

"Hum, come on well!"

Ziyang Soft Sword appeared in Wang Yang's hands.

To deal with the Shura demon general, Wang Yang only needs one branch to kill everything, but in the face of the snake demon king, Wang Yang had to take out his weapons.

The purple rainbow light is always noble and charming, which makes people feel intoxicated.

It's just that the noble purple rainbow light contains the edge of destroying people's lives.


The painful hissing sound of the one-horned black scale snake is deep and contains a force that captures the soul and makes people feel only a burst of headaches.

The one-horned black scale snake actually possesses the means of soul attack.

It was really unexpected.


Soul attack, known as the most mysterious magical means, even Ma Hunfeng, the Hunyuan Venerable who is closest to the level of the strongest king, can't afford it. He vomits blood with a sip of blood.

On the contrary, Shenwu is fat and immortal. Under the protection of Ma Rufeng, they have nothing at all.

"Impossible, how could you not have anything at all?"

Merely affected, Ma Rufeng, who is about to preach, has already vomited blood. You have suffered such an attack on the front. Cultivating as a kid of Jin Dan has nothing to do. What is your reason?

For a time, the Snake Lord felt the trend of the world's variation.

"Huh, it turns out that the so-called highly toxic is like this!!"

Wang Yang sneered.

What the Snake King said was a highly toxic attack, but actually a soul attack.

If someone else, it might really be a trick, but Wang Yang is the strongest soul, even the flesh, for Wang Yang, it is not as good as the same level, his soul must come strong.

Perhaps, in terms of quality, it is far behind, but, in quantity, it is already desperate enough.

Not to mention, the one-horned black scale snake is itself a low IQ Warcraft.


After carrying the soul attack of the one-horned black scale snake, Wang Yang is of course the most violent offensive.The unmatched blade, for the one-horned black scale snake, is perhaps the strongest offensive.

The tens of feet of sword blade, like a purple horse, directly cut off the black scale snake's horn.

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