My Super Estate

Chapter 967 The Trial Begins

Chapter 923 Trial Begins

"Master, Grandpa just informed me that the trial has begun."

"Has the trial begun?"

Wang Yang stared at Xianling'er, staring stunned.

The Tianwu Academy is the last hope of the Tianwu Continent. Naturally, they are not only the talent training ground of the Tianwu Continent, but also the biggest pillar in the battle against the Devil.

Celestial Continent, the most common mentor, must have Hunyuan Venerable. Such a strength is enough for them to sweep the side.

What's more, at Tianwu College, there are also deans and eight vice deans.

A total of nine strong kings, such a force is absolutely desperate.

"Master, in legend, the Demon Battlefield is the first main battlefield thousands of years ago, after the Demon invasion.

At that time, the dean, Tianwu Supreme, was there to fight the Shura Demon King. In the end, he used his strongest magic power, the dream world, to directly kill the big demon king at that time, Shura Demon King.

It is a pity that the Supreme Master of Heaven at that time was already exhausted, and after killing Shura Demon King, he died soon after.

Otherwise, the history of our Tianwu Continent may have to be rewritten."

Xian Ling'er's expression is not like an eighteen-year-old girl at all. Sentimentality is like a poet worrying about the country and the people.

With a sigh in his heart, Wang Yang said, "Don't think about it all, everything will be fine."

Looking at the girl at the moment, Wang Yang thought of himself.

Before being inherited, he was inherently ugly and was looked down upon many times.

Determined to use his own hands to support his future.

To this end, he went south many times and also looked for opportunities many times.

It's just a pity that at the initial meeting at that time, the talents were completely full. If you want to fight for a path of your own in the rich army of talents, Wang Yang has no special skills. Therefore, waiting for his own, It seems to be an established fact that is difficult to be changed.

Until the Romance...

"A long time ago, I always believed that-men should be strong.

I also want to give you this sentence. Although you are a woman and an 18-year-old beautiful girl, when you make such a wish, your life has already been decided."

Seeing the sufferings of the world, the Buddha made a grand vow and a vow. In order to make a full vow, he was willing to fight for his life.

The Dizang Bodhisattva said that hell is not empty, and he will not become a Buddha. To make a vow, the Dizang Bodhisattva is willing to be suppressed in hell forever.

Xian Ling'er is determined to achieve the invincible grandmaster and to open the gate of Tianwu. Wang Yang will naturally remind her appropriately.

The Demon Battlefield is not very far from the Tianwu College. Even the Tianwu College was established to suppress the Demon Battlefield.

It's just that it's not far away, it doesn't mean it's easy to enter.

The entire Mozu battlefield was completely shrouded in a very powerful enchantment. The Mozu attacked the Tianwu Academy many times, just to open the enchantment and enter the Mozu battlefield.

Therefore, entering the battlefield of the Demon Race is definitely not an easy task.

"Today is also the day of trial for the Demon Battlefield at Tianwu Academy.

And you are the future of Tianwu College and the hope of Tianwu Continent.

Therefore, here, on behalf of Tianwu College, I wish you all the best."

Xian Changji, standing on the high platform, looked at the many students underneath, and felt proud for a while.

"Is the Demon Battlefield very dangerous?"

Wang Yang and Xian Ling'er stood together, and next to it stood a big mountain—Shenwu Big Fat.

"Of course, the demon battlefield is very dangerous. Legend has it that a mentor once entered, accidentally, being hit by a drop of black blood, was directly demonized, and became the devil who only knew the killing. In the end, he was still the dean. Only by shooting in person will he be killed!"


Wang Yang was shocked.


The mentors of Tianwu College are the least, and they are also Hunyuan Venerables.

A drop of black blood demonized a Hunyuan Venerable?

Have you made a mistake?

"This is absolutely true, don't believe it, you can ask Linger!!"

Seeing that Wang Yang didn't believe it, Shenwu Big Fat was in a hurry and quickly patted his fat chest, saying so.

"it is true."

Facing the Demon Battlefield, Xianling'er is also rare and dignified.

This place is really terrible for them.

"According to the legend, in the original battle of the Demon Invasion, many characters of the Supreme Deity level participated in this battle.

In the battlefield of the Demon Race, there is the indestructible will of the devil and the eternal wave of eternal magical power."

This is what Shenwu Big Fat told Wang Yang.

No matter what, Wang Yang also felt terrible.

Legend has it that a five-finger mountain of the Buddha suppressed the demon monkey for five hundred years.

The eternal magic power may not be very real, but it is definitely not difficult to remember a magic power for a thousand years.

"set off.!"

In the end, Xianchang Ji issued an order to start.

This time, Ma Rufeng led the team. At Tianwu College, there was a teleportation array.

"You two, wait a minute, don't leave me too far!"

On the Demon Battlefield, Wang Yang felt that the facts were not simple.

As the tutor closest to the deputy dean, Ma Rufeng can be said to be the future of Tianwu College.

Such characters, even leading the team in person, are enough to explain many problems.


In the teleportation array, Wang Yang is definitely not the first time.

However, this time is different.

There is no portal, nor that kind of portal, but a vortex.

Yes, in the midair, a vortex that never stops.

Wang Yang is in front, Xian Ling'er and Shen Wu are fat, and the three of them enter the whirlpool together.

Into the whirlpool, even Wang Yang's strength is constantly turned by a strong rotating force.


At the end, Wang Yang sacrificed the golden bell, fixed his body with the golden bell, and walked quickly in the whirlpool.


The terrible screams made Wang Yang feel shocked and turned his head to see that he turned out to be fat.

Wang Yang quickly reached out and grabbed the big fat.

"Thank you Master!"

"Can you see the fairy?"


Wang Yang frowned gently.

"Master, Ling'er will be fine!"

"It shouldn't be. I have left a locator on her and entered the Demon Battlefield. Let's find her sooner."

The demon battlefield is really very dangerous.

"it is good!"

The fat man was really worried about Xianling'er. He was relieved when Wang Yang said that she had a locator on her body.

The space passage is not very long. Wang Yang has a golden bell to hold himself and spend this distance smoothly.

Finally, when Wang Yang was down-to-earth again, he felt a new life.

"Here, this is the Demon Battlefield?"

This place is a very empty area. Looking from a distance, I saw countless thunders roaring in that far place.

"Here, is there Thunder Field?"

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