My Super Estate

968 Master, you are finally here...

Chapter 924 Master, you are finally here...

Entering the Demon Battlefield is the practice of Tianwu Academy.

Xian Ling'er certainly knew that, in fact, she also pinned all her hopes here.

What's more, this time, he followed his master.


"Master, where are you?"

Xian Ling'er was crying with a small face, and the whole person was trembling with fright.


The outside world, the boundless thunder, tilted ragingly, so that the whole world was exploded.

The most terrible thing is that in this thunder, it must not be regarded as a quiet no man's land. On the contrary, it is very lively here.

The headless corpse demon, the bone demon without flesh and blood, and the desperate blood shadow.

Of course, in such an extreme environment, it is also not without creatures.

For example, the three headed black wolves stood there, the size of a house, and the terrible thunder raged on the body, but they could not reduce his beautiful black hair by one, and even saw thunder. Absorbed by him.

Two heads, a devil with no tail.

The most terrifying thing is that this devil tiger has a tiger head in its head and a snake head in its head.

It didn't look very big, but the snake's head, like an arrow, shot towards the three black wolves in front.


The three black wolves, who were not afraid of Thunder, were knocked off by the snake head.

"Master, come on!!"

Seeing this scene in person, the little girl almost collapsed.

Her talent is very good, she is also very hard, and likewise, she is also ambitious.

However, these will not change the fact that she is just a teenage girl,

The most terrifying thing is that such a terrifying snake-tailed tiger was actually hit by a drop of blood dripping from the blood shadow.

Then, this once majestic snake-tailed tiger was directly transformed into a mess of blood by the drop of blood.


"Master, there is clue to Linger..."

Looking around, I didn't find the kind of girl who made herself determined to protect her for life.

"I already have a sense."

"where is it?"

Shenwu Big Fat suddenly came to the spirit and asked quickly.

"If there is nothing wrong, it is there?"

Pointing to the direction of Lei Yu, Wang Yang said solemnly.


Mineland?Damn, how could it be in the minefield?How could it be in the minefield?"

Looking at the piece of thunder zone that seems to have no margins, Shenwu Fatty has no spirit at all.

"No, it's too dangerous. I have to find her. Ling'er will be afraid."

With that said, Shenwu Big Fat is going to go over there.


Wang Yang Tieqing scowled and said, "Are you going to death?

There is a thunder domain. One of the most dangerous areas of the Demon Battlefield in the legend is that the mentor enters, and there is a danger of falling at any time. Are you going to die?"

"I don't care, Ling'er is there. I can't let her be there alone. I'm going to find her!"

Shenwu Big Fat blushed and roared loudly towards Wang Yang for the first time.

"Asshole, don't you find her when you go?

It was the place where the Xiuluo devil died, the land where Lei Di died, and the place where all the beasts devil died.

There is a terrible magical power that is eternal and immortal. There are also immortal spirits and even more terrible Warcraft.

These things, you go in, can you cope?"

"But Linger is there, I can't leave Linger alone."

Shenwu Big Fat stared closely at Wang Yang, not too loose.

"Can you save Linger when you go? Can you find Linger? Can you save her?"


Shenwu Big Fat hugged his head in pain, not letting go.

"This immortal thunder domain is left by the spirit left after the death of Lei Di, and even contains Lei Di's indelible will.

To save Linger, we must break through this minefield."

"Master, you mean..."

Shenwu Big Fat spirit was shocked, staring at Wang Yang, could not believe it.

"Why, do you think that Master is the kind of bastard who sees his disciples in distress and does nothing at all?"

"Me, I dare not me!!"

"Don't dare, that's what you think in your heart, just dare not say it?"


"Okay, don't stop me, the fact is urgent, we must act, otherwise, Ling'er will most likely be unable to bear it."


Shenwu Big Fat stared closely at Wang Yang and looked at Master, what should he do?

"Here is the essence left behind after the death of Lei Di. In my memory, it happens that there is an elixir of Lei Di flower. If you want to plant it, you must have such conditions.

We only need to get this kind of Lei Di Hua seed, and then we plant it, even if we can completely destroy this huge Lei Di flower.

Even, it is possible that we can still get a Lei Di flower.

You must know that this Lei Di Hua is a real immortal medicine. As long as one plant, perhaps, we can really make Linger lay the supreme foundation, and finally, directly become the invincible grandmaster."


Shenwu Big Fat stared at the eyes that were not originally very big, and I couldn't believe it at all.

This, in this world, there is such a thing?

"Invincible Grandmaster, don't you need the luck of one side of the world?"



"Do you think that such a vast minefield contains the remnant essence of a Lei Di, and it will not be comparable to the luck of a world?"


Well, Shenwu Big Fat said his knowledge is really too bad.


"Boss, you said, where did the owner go?"

In the Shenshui Manor, Abin came out of the Shenzhou World again, and still didn’t see Wang Yang’s figure, and once again found the invincible magic gun, asked.

"In Shenzhou World, Wu Xiaohong asked me more than once, how did the owner not enter the Shenzhou World.

I have been dragging.

However, in my opinion, Wu Xiaohong's current cultivation progress is very fast. I am afraid that it will take a long time before it will break through.

Abing didn't say much.

However, the invulnerability of the sharp weapon is already understood.

"Isn't the owner saying that? He and the dragon elephant demon will fight, and as a result, the dragon elephant demon will be beaten into the chaos of space.

Now, it seems to have entered a lost continent, once one of the seventy-two worlds."

"The sharp gun is invincible. Come and see. Just now, the owner has sent a message. It seems that he has found a perfect place to plant Lei Dihua.

Now, we need to find the seeds of Lei Dihua for him."


The invincible sharp gun and Abing jumped up and exclaimed loudly.

Lei Dihua?

how is this possible?

That's the real immortal medicine. Even the Shenshui Manor has never planted this kind of real high-end elixir!

"Yes, Lei Dihua.

It seems that there is no need for a beast tree.

God, as long as this beast god tree is available, Sirius must be able to directly preach, and even, most likely, become the first great supernaturalist of our Shenshui Manor."

Wang Yang had a message that kept the entire Shenshui Manor busy.

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