My Super Estate

Chapter 972: Monster in the Lightning Domain

Chapter 926 Monsters in the Lightning Field

A drop of blood smashed the sturdy body, enough to be over two hundred pounds of Shenwu fat

Wang Yang was also taken aback.

In fact, the martial arts practitioners have tight bones and strong muscles. Under the same body shape, they have already far exceeded their shape.


Shenwu Big Fat stared at his eyes, and the whole person seemed to be covered in anger.

This, this is just the outer periphery of Lei Yu. He even encountered such a monster. In Lei Yu, he couldn't believe what he would encounter.

However, he knew that Xianling'er might, probably, seem, be in danger.

The angry fat man was extremely terrible. He waved his thick palm and hit it towards the drop of blood.

It seems that I found a cute toy, and that drop of blood seems to have my own simple consciousness, and I am playing with it with'big fat', and it is even more unhappy.


Poor big fat, a fist smashed, a drop of blood had hit his forehead.


Although he didn't want to admit it, Big Fat clearly felt that he seemed, seemed, possibly, bullied by a drop of blood.


I can't bear it anymore, I can't bear it anymore. I yelled with big fat, like the angry bullfighting, rushed towards the blood drop.

It's just that the drop of blood was really too spiritual and too fast. He didn't even care about him, just jumped towards him and smashed it on his back.


Chubby's burly body hit the ground directly.

For a time, big fat, even had a feeling of unrequited love.


A drop of blood?

Wang Yang has some moxibustion.

He could see that this drop of blood contained a very huge energy of caution.

"go with……"

The golden bell in his hand was sacrificed, a golden light rolled over, and that drop of blood was taken away by the golden bell.

"Master, what is this?"

The fat man lying on the ground lying down quickly climbed up and came to Wang Yang, staring at the drop of blood bitterly.

It was such a drop of blood that he bullied himself.

"This is a drop of very spiritual blood, and its owner is extremely extraordinary, because, I see thunder flashing on it."


The fat man stared at his eyes for a moment, speechless.

There is a flash of thunder, a drop of blood with the flash of thunder?


"Okay, this drop of blood, perhaps, is very helpful for us to plant Lei Di flowers."

Wang Yang took this drop of blood from the golden bell and gave it a flick. The blood drop was ejected directly and merged into the seeds in mid-air.

Sure enough, Lei Dihua seems to have gained more power, a huge suction, from all directions, quickly absorb the thunder spirit of Leiyu.


"Be careful!!"

The furry claws protrude from the thunder domain and grab towards the fat.


The fat man yelled in horror. The horrible furry claws completely fixed the fat man. He could not move except the yell in horror.

The fat man feels that he is going to die...

Eyes closed tightly.

Bang Bang Bang...

A burst of fierce blows sounded in mid-air.

"Okay, it's all right for now."

Wang Yang's voice came.

The fat man opened his eyes. Sure enough, the furry claws were really gone.

No, it's not gone, at least halfway on the ground.

"Master, this..."

The fat man's face was still pale, and it was obvious that he was really terrified.

Anyway, he is only a child of 18 or 9 years old.

"This is the war that was thousands of years ago, some things left over.

In the thunder domain all year round, has been tempered by the thunder breath, and has already had a certain spirituality."


Fatty heart is not better because of Wang Yang's explanation. In fact, his heart has been completely replaced by panic.

"Master, you said, Linger she..."

I dare not imagine that there will be such terrible things on the periphery. If it is in this boundless minefield, what terrifying existence will it have.

Fairy Linger alone, in this terrifying thunder...

Fat people are afraid to continue thinking anymore.

"Spirit Run, temporarily..."

Wang Yang would like to say that there are no accidents with Lingfu.

But, looking at the fat man, Wang Yang found that it doesn't make much sense to say this again.

Within this minefield, you are yourself, and you dare not enter easily. Will the fairy spirit enter this alone, will it be safe?

"Dare to come..."

Wang Yang frowned lightly.

No matter what, Gu Gu felt that in this minefield, a monster ran out.

"You are waiting here, I cut this thing!"

With that said, Wang Yang's entire body, like a golden light, penetrated into the thunder domain, and then, he heard bursts of fierce fighting.


Fat people are completely shocked.

In this minefield, it's really terrible. I still haven't entered the minefield, otherwise, I don't know how many monsters there are?

Soon, Wang Yang came out, carrying a huge monster on his body, three demon bears.

"Master, this..."

"Thousands of beasts and demons once fell here in the battle thousands of years ago, and many of the Warcraft under his command remained in it.

This is a three-headed demon bear, the demon will be a level of Warcraft."


The fat man looked paler.

Here, it is just the outer periphery of Lei Yu, just running out, it is directly a level of the magician.

What about the core within this minefield?

The fat man is already a little neurotic, no matter what he sees, the first thing he thinks about is Linger trapped inside the minefield.

"Master, I'm going in!!"

"What do you think you can do?"


Fat man stuffed.

Yes, what can I do if I go in?

"Here, I still have some seeds of the Beast Spirit Tree. Maybe, we can plant it. Then, we will use the Warcraft in this minefield. Maybe, we can also make up for your foundation."


The fat man didn't want to have any foundation at this time, he only thought of Linger trapped in it.

"if not……

Even if you find Linger, can you help her?

Your strength may not be as good as Ling'er, why, are you planning to go in and add more trouble to Linger?"


Fat is really bad for the whole person.

He knew that perhaps, what Master said was right.

It’s just, really relieved!

"Maybe this time, it is a lesson. If, and next time, are you still like this time, when Ling'er is facing danger, he can only hurry and can't help her?"

If, you can quickly improve your strength, maybe, you cannot help her this time, but next time, next time?

Linger's desire is to open the door of Tianwu.Do you plan to let her bear all the difficulties in the future?"

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