My Super Estate

Chapter 973

Chapter 927 Thousand Beast Fruits

Roar roar roar...

The horror of Warcraft roared in horror, and the thunderous fields rolled over and over, making people feel the terrors.

Soon, here, the horrible roar of the beast disappeared, and after a while, a man, a young man, came out of his back, carrying a house-sized amethyst cow.

God, the amethyst cows that are the size of a house are at least a few tens of tons. Even if someone is so easy, they just carry it on their shoulders and walk away.

The so-called world weightlifting champion, seeing such a scene, I am afraid they will feel ashamed.


A fat man with a mountain-like body moved quickly.

If you don't know someone, you will definitely think that this is a humanoid Warcraft.

"This amethyst demon ox is a demon who will be a level of people. It just happens that if thousands of beasts and fruit trees are to be planted, a lot of warcraft flesh must be needed.

The more complete the variety, the better. When the time comes, after you take it, the faster your strength will increase."

In this world, martial arts practice is most about talent and talent.

Talent represents the martial arts cultivation progress. Some people practice a kind of exercise, and they can become masters in ten years, and some people cannot fully refine their skins in their entire lives.

This is talent, and only talented people can improve quickly.

However, with talent, there is absolutely no such kind of talented understanding, and it is also impossible to achieve too much.

After the Grand Master, basically, the path of the warrior is already a world of teaching: standing, seeking, proving, and breaking.

Dao is the world, the martial arts practice, after the grand master, if you want to achieve success, you must ask the world.

However, there is a magic medicine that can break this imprisonment.

This is the preciousness of immortality.

As for congenital creatures, encounters are hard to come by.


The two quickly came to a thunder weak place, where there was a white jade fruit tree, nine feet tall.


Ziyang Demon Ox was thrown on the ground by Wang Yang.


Suddenly, the white jade fruit tree seemed to be alive, and countless roots acted quickly, directly piercing the amethyst demon cow.

Soon, the amethyst magic cow was absorbed by the white jade magic cow.

It is hard to believe that the average size of the house, with dozens of tons of important amethyst demon cattle, was directly absorbed by the white jade demon cattle.


Even though the fat man has seen countless times, he was still shocked to see such a scene.

The amethyst demon bull of the magician level, even if it is dead, is absolutely impossible to cause trouble for him.

In other words, such a white jade demon tree directly exists even more powerfully than itself.

"Okay, it's finally the result!"

The fat man was still shocked by the white jade magic tree, but Wang Yang had already seen the green fruit on the white jade magic tree.

"What, did you bear fruit?"

"Yes, it's fruitful, you see, isn't that right?"

Sure enough, the fat man looked up and saw that there were more than a dozen fruits there.

"This, so much?"

"The quality of World of Warcraft here is very high. Affected by the fluctuation of the minefield, basically all the magic has ran a level of Warcraft out.

Such a quality naturally produces a lot of good things."


"However, next, we have to pay attention to, the fruit of the beast is fruiting, then, for all kinds of beasts, that is called terror.

Basically, almost no beasts are attracted."

Wang Yang seemed to be a prophet. After his words were just finished, a large number of beasts roared and came from all over the world.

Bang Bang Bang...

I don't know how many monsters and monsters are coming, and Warcraft. The ground trembles violently under the running of such beasts.


This movement is too big. Although I haven't seen any beasts yet, this movement is really too big. Even the whole person is not good. Shenwu's fat face shuddered and his eyes twitched. Even, the skin is already pale.

The whole person was frightened.

It is really hard to believe that such a timid guy would actually be Shenwu fat from Tianwu Academy.


God, the mountain-like elephant, the most terrible thing is that the elephant's nose is not a nose, but a big python. Even, there are two meat bags on the head of the python.

Is this a dragon elephant?

Shenwu Big Fat doesn't know, but he can understand that such a monster must be very scary.


The ground was rolling, and countless child-sized mice quickly climbed out of the ground.

God, is this 10,000 or 100,000?

Big fat can't imagine how many monsters there will be in this area.

"God, where are these monsters? When we came here before, we didn't see these monsters."

Yes, these monsters did not come out of the minefield, on the contrary, they actually came from other directions.

"Leiyu was originally a place to attract monsters. Usually, there will be many monsters entering Leiyu from all directions.

This time, we planted thousands of beasts and fruit trees here, of course, it will attract more various monsters."


Hearing Wang Yang’s words, the big fat looked around, and these monsters were not particularly powerful.

Even if it is a snake like the size of a house, its strength is only one level of the Grand Master.

This is also a sign to indicate a problem, Minefield is really terrible.


Thinking of this, Shenwu Fatty couldn't calm down.

"Okay, don’t think about it. For now, we must protect the beasts.

With the strength of thousands of beasts and fruit trees, how many ordinary monsters come is not much of a problem.

However, if we encounter some particularly powerful monsters, then we have to take action, otherwise, those thousands of beasts will most likely be eaten by the monsters."

With that said, Wang Yang took out the Ziwei Excalibur and waited for it.

Sure enough, Wang Yang was right. Once the tens of thousands of mice entered the animal tree, they were directly suppressed by the animal.

No matter how many mice, there is no way, as long as you enter the front three feet of the beast fruit tree, all will be suppressed.

Even tens of thousands of mice appeared superimposed layer by layer. Layer after layer, the rats in front had been suppressed, and the mice in the back were still desperately climbing towards the front.

It is really hard to believe that such a phenomenon will happen here.

However, in comparison, the huge snake is very troublesome.

The cultivation level may not be very high, but its huge volume has successfully created extraordinary strength for it.

"Since it's here, then you die!"

Looking at the snake-like elephant, Wang Yang was polite and directly cut out with a sword.


It is simply slaughter. The huge snake elephant is directly beheaded with a sword.

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