My Super Estate

Chapter 974 Asura Demon Race

Chapter 928 The Shura Demon Race Beast Fruit

The beast tree is very magical and has a strong attack power.

Countless Warcraft mice were directly suppressed by the coercion naturally carried by the wild animal trees, and then, they were easily pierced into the body by countless roots and quickly absorbed the power of flesh and blood in the body of Warcraft mice.

The most terrible thing is that the Warcraft mouse is attracted by the fragrance of thousands of beasts, and it is directly suppressed by the terrible coercion. Then, in the phenomenon, such a wonderful scene has been formed.

A mouse the size of a child, stacked on top of one another, the back is still rushing forward, the front is like an invisible wall, directly blocking all the mice, all like the Warcraft mouse , Spontaneously, with his body, built a strong wall.

On the ground, countless roots quickly pierced the body of the Warcraft mouse, one after another...


Such a scene is usually unique. Shenwu Dafa has been sedated at this time, as if he had eaten a face mountain and added a rice mountain, completely supporting it.

Although he can still speak, his heart has been calmed down.

"Ten thousand beasts and fruit trees grow from the blood of ten thousand beasts.

In addition to those top-level Warcraft bloodlines, all Warcraft will be suppressed by the coercion contained in the Wan Zengguo tree itself.

Ten thousand beasts need a lot of Warcraft to grow. Similarly, ten thousand beasts need to mature and also need a lot of Warcraft essence.

Where is normal natural growth, where are the beast fruit trees obtained?"

"That's it."

A look back.


A slight horror, a bloody human figure, shot out of the thunder domain.

"who are you?"

Isn't there no one?

Why is there a figure in the thunder field?

"Be careful."

Wang Yang's face changed wildly, and he stepped back towards Shenwu Fatty.


It was still a peaceful face just now, and now it is full of grimace.

It's terrible. This time the situation has exceeded all their cognition. Perhaps, this is the poor God, who carried on that precious trial.

"It's the Demon Race, damn, how can there be a Demon Race in this minefield?"

Shenwu Big Fat shouted in horror.

This is the battlefield of the Demon Race, but the guard of the Tianwu Academy. How could the Devil Race appear?


Shenwu Dafa doesn't understand. Obviously, the Demon Race will not give him time to think slowly. The battle of races, endless death, and meeting, it means only life and death.

This Demon Race is a Shura Demon Race, with no three heads and no six arms, but it definitely does not mean that the Devil's strength is weak.

Bang Bang Bang...

Wang Yang shot quickly, and it is impossible for the Mozu to slaughter his own people in front of him.

"who are you??"

The Shura Demon Race retreated three times in a row, and in the battle, he actually fell out.

How is it possible to come, but how can Jindan Wuwu be stronger than himself?

"Oh, who am I? I think this question is not very important right now, but what kind of person are you? It looks like you are the Shura Demon Race?"

Wang Yang's face is relaxed, but his heart jumps.

Being able to make three moves with yourself, and finally only taking three steps back, is itself an extremely incredible thing.

Such strength, if it is outside, is the current strength of the Tianwu Continent. I am afraid that the deputy dean must be at a level to deal with it.

In other words, this person turned out to be at least one level.

How is it possible that, in the current environment of the Tianwu Continent, if such a person really emerges, I am afraid that the victory or defeat of the war has already been decided.

"Are you a remnant soldier of the Mozu blocked in the Mozu battlefield?"

The demon battlefield is the ancient battlefield of a world war that was thousands of years ago. Many supreme gods and demons all fell into the battlefield and could be subjected to unstoppable supernatural power attacks at any time.

"What do you say?"

The Shura Mozu grinned and looked at Wang Yang. His eyes were completely concealed except for greed.

"Haha, look, those ten thousand beasts, but they are about to mature, you have to be careful!"

With that, I saw the Shura Mozu twisted and completely disappeared.


Shen Wu big fat heart bursts of surprise.

He just listened to the conversation between them just now.

God, in this Demon Battlefield, there will still be Demon Remains.

This is undoubtedly the worst news I heard.

"Now don't talk too much nonsense, he is right, the beasts are about to mature, and we have to be careful.

This time the Ten Thousand Beast Fruit is completely derived from the essence of Warcraft Mouse. Therefore, the first Thousand Beast Fruit is very likely to appear the great magical power of the rodent family.

Perhaps you are the most suitable."


Great power of the rodent family?

Could it be that this kind of beast fruit will have such a terrible magical effect, that it can even make people cultivate into some kind of magical power?

"Is it talented?"

Supernatural powers, in general, are all methods of martial arts cultivation, which can only appear when you reach a very high level.

Generally speaking, supernatural powers can be classified as talented powers.

"God, Master, don't you tell a joke!"

For his own body type, would he even get great magical powers from rats?

Oh, this is definitely a joke, yes, just a joke.

A fat mouse?

I believe that if this news comes out, it is definitely a joke that makes people laugh for three days without sleeping.

"Rat supernatural powers, why don't you like it?

In the legend.The great supernatural power of the rodents, there is a kind of bite rats, legend has it that they can devour the divine power of others and strengthen themselves.

Perhaps, you can change your destiny and have the strength to step into the invincible grand master.

At that time, if Ling'er wants to break into the Demon Race and wants to open the gate of Tianwu, maybe you are her most suitable combat partner.

Why are you reluctant?"

"No, I am willing, who said I am not?"

Improving the expression of the brow furrowed before, Shenwu Big Fat quickly nodded.

This time, Xian Ling'er was trapped alone in the thunder domain. He had no way but to hurry.

He was absolutely reluctant to endure such helplessness.

Isn't it the great magic of the rodents?

As long as you can change your own destiny, as long as you can fight side by side with Ling'er, and fight, mice will be mice, this time, in any case, we must grasp.

"Master, I decided, for Ling'er, and for the future of our Tianwu Continent, I decided, I want to get this great supernatural power of rats."

Shenwu Big Fat took out the momentum to go to the death penalty, came to Wang Yang and said aloud.

Look at him like this, if, it means if, Wang Yang disagrees, fearing that he will be anxious.

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