My Super Estate

Chapter 975 God Eater

Chapter 929 The Great God Eater

In Lei Yu, the Shura demon appeared, and his strength is still very strong. For Shenwu Big Fat, this is a very important thing.

"Ling'er matter is no small matter!"

This is a meaning conveyed by Shenwu Big Fat. This word is also said by Shenwu Big Fat Grandpa, Shenwu, the first deputy dean of Tianwu College.

Tianwu Continent is really at the last moment of life and death.

Hearing this, Wang Yang's first thought was like this.

"Master, how long is it?"

Looking at the three-foot tall tree, Shenwu's fat appearance was anxious.

In three days, three days have passed since the planting of ten thousand beast fruit trees.

The rat tide erupted, and now it has been a long time. Seriously, Shenwu Big Fat is really very anxious now.

Mineland is extremely dangerous, and now it is still out of the Shura demon. In the big fat heart, the risk factor has once again been raised by a grade.

After entering the Demon Battlefield, he didn't do anything. At present, he doesn't even know whether Ling'er is alive or dead. How can he be at ease when he is fat?

"Relax, this is just the beginning. Eighteen thousand beasts need a lot of time to fully mature."


Big Fat suddenly turned his head and stared at Wang Yang, saying, "Master, we have to wait for eighteen fruits, are they all ripe?"

Big fat can't imagine what kind of suffering Linger will encounter after these 18 fruits are fully ripe.

in case……

Big fat dare not continue to think about it.

"What do you think?"


The fatness was so anxious that his skin was red.

If it wasn't for Wang Yang, he must have drawn a big slap.

Damn, I'm so anxious that there is smoke in your mouth. You're not tepid here, is this not to challenge my tolerance limit?

"You think I don't care about Linger's safety?"

Wang Yang stared at the fat man, his eyes sharp.

"Me, I didn't say it."

"Okay, I know you didn't say it, just thinking in your heart.

It's just that you think that if such a minefield is not broken, can we go in?

And, do you think, if there is no such a beast fruit tree, there are many monsters in this mine field, we went in, am I safe?

Boy, save people, everyone thinks, but if it is done, it will not have much effect.

What's more, the thousands of beasts and fruit trees planted here must be a lighthouse, attracting all the monsters in the minefield.

Do you think that Linger has spent so much time in the thunder domain safely, without those monsters, would she be in any danger?"


It feels like Master is right, but, how can I not be at ease?

"You have faith in Ling'er.

In this minefield, if she is really in danger, she will break the charm by herself. When that happens, she will naturally tell us that she is no longer safe.

However, she did not break the charm, at least, to be sure, Linger was not in danger for the time being.

Perhaps, in this thunder domain, Ling'er will still have his own chance, who can make it clear?"

Your chance?

What is your chance?

This minefield is the indestructible minefield left after the death of Lei Di, but it is the essence of Lei Di's body. Similarly, in such a minefield, there was once a beast demon king Lei Di pulled, and went directly to the end.

In the same way, the first dean of Tianwu College, Dean Tianwu, used to be here to fight against Shura Mojun.

Perhaps, what will really be left here?

"Master, you mean!!!"

Shenwu Big Fat is really excited.

No wonder, Master once faced his own problems and always said that there was no accident with the magic charm. It turned out that all of this was because he blamed Master wrongly. It really shouldn’t be.

Right now, Shenwu became fat and settled down directly.

Half a day passed. During these half days, countless rats exploded, and finally, they were all suppressed by the ten thousand beast fruit trees. Finally, they were absorbed by the countless roots.

Even many extremely terrible monsters, in front of this mass of mice, all became funerary objects.

"Look, the so-called ants often bite the elephant, you see, the violent bears are absolutely terrifying in strength, at least all of them are at the same level.

But now, it was swallowed up by these countless rat tides!"

Yes, just in front of Wang Yang, there was a violent bear taller than the three-story building, attracted by the fragrance of thousands of beasts, and walked out of the thunder domain.

If the terrible bear is in the thunder domain, it is definitely a hegemon. In peacetime, there is absolutely nothing, and dare to easily provoke.

However, the existence of such a terrible overlord level was actually swallowed by countless mice.


Even if it was not the first time I saw this scene, Shenwu was fat and still scared by a jump. The whole person shivered.

It’s terrible, such a terrible bear, at Tianwu College, the deputy dean doesn’t take action. Even Ma Rufeng, the mentor, can’t easily defeat it. All swallowed.

"The so-called unity is strength.

The individual mouse is not very powerful, but the number is really too much. Once the rules are formed, there is no existence and dare to underestimate.

Not to mention the devil?"

Countless devil rats are attracted by the fragrance of ten thousand fruit, but in one day, the first ten thousand fruit is finally ripe.

"Haha, this beast fruit, the devil will laugh at it!"

"you dare……"

In front of yourself, dare to snatch the ten thousand beasts, is it really that you don't exist?

"Sword cut..."

The decisive shot, Ziwei Divine Sword, was waved by Wang Yang, and the whole world was cut with this sword.

The world is like paper, and the sword is cut out, as if the whole paper is cut directly, exposing the mountain behind the paper.

The so-called blind leaf is what it means.

Just, is this really the case?

Heaven and earth are heaven and earth, and Wang Yang forcibly moved from heaven to earth, leaving behind a god mountain.

Shenwu Dafa witnessed it with his own eyes, so amazing, he was shocked to heaven.


Wang Yang's own attack power may not be that of a human demon, but the Ziwei Excalibur is extremely extraordinary, and has already cultivated his own Tao and became a real Excalibur.

With the help of the Excalibur, Wang Yang's strength has at least one more level.

This Shura demon, where is the opponent?


The Shura Demon will be too confident. The Shura Demon is strong and fearless of everything. However, when the Excalibur is cut, he realizes that he is too big.

It's just that when he was awakened, his own arm had been cut off.

"Human tribe, this hatred will be remembered!!"

Cut off his arm, and Shura will turn around and run away.

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