My Super Estate

976 God Eater

Chapter 930 God Eater

"Master, these ten thousand beasts are amazing."

Shenwu Big Fat stood up excitedly, looking at Wang Yang, his eyes full of worship.

Yes, just now, the first ten thousand beast fruit has been fruited, and Wang Yang gave it to fat.

Thousands of beasts have an incredible effect on beasts, allowing them to conduct a deep enlightenment directly.

You must know that the bloodline of beasts is extremely powerful, and many of its roots are derived from congenital gods and beasts. They are naturally nurtured by the laws of heaven and earth, and the blood veins naturally contain infinite potential.

However, beasts are also greatly restricted, and their blood vessels are powerful. However, the powerful blood vessels completely suppress the spirits of the beasts, and even their perceptions are greatly restricted.

This is a defect of beasts, and it is also the hope that humans can rise between this world.

However, Ten Thousand Beast Fruit can completely break this defect. As long as there is one, it can completely allow the beast to undergo the deepest transformation. This kind of transformation will directly undergo a thorough evolution of the bloodline of the beast. It restores the place where heaven and earth are nurtured.

This state can be said to be a good way to develop the bloodline of beasts.

And human beings use this most radical transformation to make humans have a powerful bloodline of beasts.

This is the magic of the undead, not only the beasts but also the human beings, as long as they are swallowed, it is the most thorough transformation.

For example, the first Ten Thousand Beast Fruits were bred from countless World of Warcraft mice flesh and blood, and the Shenwu Big Fat swallowed Ten Thousand Beast Fruits, which directly obtained the bloodline of the top rodent god beasts.

"Master, I feel it. Really, I have already felt that my bloodline has undergone the most thorough transformation. I already have the blood of the Devouring Rat.

No, I am the God Eater, the humanoid Eater."

Shenwu was so excited.

He knew that his chance came, yes, his chance really came, he could feel the power of the bloodline, and even, he could feel the infinite glory of his future.

"Ling'er, don't worry, since then, I will never let you down."

Shenwu big fat vent roar loudly.

This time, it's really suffocating.

Really, this damn minefield directly cut off the entire hope of progress and also cut off my hope of quickly looking for Ling'er.


The fruit of the Ten Thousand Beasts is not fully ripe. After the Shenwu Big Fat swallowed one, there were seventeen.

For beasts, the fatal attraction is still there.

Shenwu Big Fat roared wantonly, naturally caused countless beast roar roar.


In the past, in the face of these monsters, Shenwu fat, absolutely did not dare to growl.

But now, he dares.

Moreover, he quickly rushed towards the tiger beast taller than the three of them.


Blazing Tiger, within the same level on weekdays, is also a party hegemony, no one dares to be brazen.

This little human, a little reptile, dare to pounce on himself, simply provoking.

Yes, it is provocation in person.

Can you bear it?

Can you endure as an overlord?

Can't bear it, fucking fucking.

As a result, a battle between monsters and humans broke out directly.

If it is usual, in the face of such monsters, Shenwu is fat, and he dare not dare to move forward. Although he is also a grandmaster, he is sure, sure, that he will be killed by the monster if he is responsible.

However, today, miraculously, his reptile-like body faced such an incomprehensible monster.

"Haha, happy, it's so happy."

When the battle was excited, Shenwu became fat and laughed for a while.

He simply couldn't believe that he would have such a happy day today.

Yes, absolutely can't believe it.

"Ah, monster, you will set your fat man on fire!!"

Flame Tiger, the natal magic power is the flame magic power. When the battle is imminent, the flame tiger will spit out the infinite flame directly.

If placed in peacetime, Shenwu fat is absolutely dead.

However, when the flames disappeared, Shenwu Dafa appeared there intact.

Well, it cannot be said to be intact, because all his clothes were burned by flames.

Feel the wind swish of his lower body brother, a burst of cool feeling, directly thrown into the nineth heaven.

"Ah, damn monster, I will eat you, I must eat you!!"

Saying that Shenwu was fat, he opened his mouth wide and directed his monster at the monster.

——God Eater——

Yes, the mortal supernatural power of God Eater-God Eater.

I saw that from behind the supernatural powers, a phantom of the Devouring Rat appeared directly.

When Shenwu Dafa practiced in the realm of the Xeon King and proved his success, this phantom of the Devouring Rat will directly condense into reality and form a true Phantasmist.

In other words, this ghost-eater ghost image is actually a dharma-image ghost image.

The flaming tiger was wrapped in flames and became the overlord in the flames. The tall body gave it the confidence to fear nothing and dare to challenge everything.

However, all of this, in front of the phantom of the God Eater and the Phantasm, has become a crush.

Yes, it is real crushing.

From within the tall body of the flaming tiger, an illusory flaming tiger was directly plundered and swallowed by the phantom of the god-eater.

It can be seen that the phantom of the God Eater is actually a little solid.


Even Wang Yang was shocked when he saw such a scene.

Wang Yang was able to see that the god-eater rat's talent was so amazing that he actually devoured the soul to grow.

This is really the most terrifying magical power.

It can be said that the strength of the soul is not enough. In the face of this talent, it is directly the result of the spike.

"Master, how is it? Is my big fat man very powerful?"

Feeling the growth of his natural talent, Shenhu became fat and excited.

"Yeah, it's amazing.

However, your physical body must also strengthen cultivation, especially your soul.

The God Eater is gifted with supernatural power, and it is based on devouring the soul. If your soul is not strong enough, you will be directly killed by a powerful enemy!"

This fat man was so mad, Wang Yang felt that he had to sound a warning bell for him, otherwise, a thousand beasts of fruit was really too wasteful.


Wang Yangyi said that the fat man who was just a little overwhelmed suddenly felt tight.

Yes, martial arts practice has never been invincible.

The God Eater is so talented and supernatural, but its own limitations are also very large. It is impossible to succeed in the face of an enemy with a strong soul.

It was even directly killed.

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