My Super Estate

Chapter 980

Chapter nine hundred and thirty-four chapter anger, killing demons without soft hands (2)

"You guys, no way!"

He stretched out his middle finger, gently swayed, and looked at the other party's thirty-six demons with contempt.

Throughout the sky, the Shura Demon Clan has always been synonymous with terror, and no one has ever dared to be so contemptuous.

Fighting the skies is the authority of the Shura demon clan and the most authentic portrayal they bring to people.

In the world of heaven, they have always plundered the quartet, killed the quartet, and created one after another no man’s land,

"Asura Battle Front..."

Big Asura urgently conveyed the order.

In the Shura demon clan, the devil will be a level, and the ordinary throwing the devil will be the Shura demon, who has been given the level of a human devil, and is given to the Asura demon to reach the level of the devil. Basically, they are called Great Asura demon.

The so-called asura battle front is also one of the battle battles of the asura demons. The thirty-six people unite, and any one of them can have the strength of the asura warlord.

This is one of the details of the Shura Demon Race.

"In the battle of Datiangang, thirty-six demons will unite, and they will become the power to unite the thirty-six demons. In the battle, they will crush everything with their mighty strength.

I did not expect that you could see the mystery of the situation and break this powerful situation.

However, all of this, you will end, asura battle front, thirty-six asura monsters will be merged into one, each asura monster will be able to exert the strength of asura.

How can you break if you are not a golden warrior?"

Asura was confident, looking down on Wang Yang with a high profile on the ground.

The prestige of the Shura Demon Clan is not allowed to be trampled on their own hands. The human race in front of them must die!

The big asura demon thought so.

The Shura Demon King has given up his power. He believes that a big Asura Demon will sit in the town, and this human race in front of him can never turn the sky.

But the two immortals are still absorbing energy and growing.

Especially the thousands of beasts, from all directions, and countless Warcraft, are gathering rapidly towards here.

"Well, that's what it is."

The two immortal medicines have been regarded by the Shura Demon King as the Shura Demon Clan. Of course, he is not allowed to have accidents.

At this moment, the Shura Demon King will directly drop the Shura Demon, and he will be directed towards those Warcraft.

"Great Asura, the human being is given to you. The king will now hunt Warcraft to promote the growth of the ten thousand beasts.

Remember, the one lost beast fruit belongs to my Shura Demon Clan. The Shura Devil's things are not allowed to be lost."

"Yes, my king, Great Asura will not disappoint my king. Great Asura will surely get it back."

Asura had the confidence to retrieve the lost ten thousand beast fruit, even if it was eaten by others, he could refining it.

As for the immortal medicine, it belongs to the human race. For this problem, either Shura Demon King or Big Asura, they automatically ignored it.

"In the sight of my Shura Demon Clan, it is naturally the Shura Demon Clan, not the same, who is not convinced?"

The Shura Demon Race is so overbearing.


The Shura Demon King was slain towards the high-level Warcraft, and the big Asura sat in silence, but his command was cold and ruthless.


After getting orders and fiddle with the position, the 36th Shura Mo will form an extremely huge position, and will directly circle Wang Yang in the position.

"Surrounded by the Asura battle line of my Shura demon clan, human race, you are dead."

The great Asura will sneer and express his confidence.


Thirty-six magic generals, all drinking together, and the Shura magic general itself is extremely ugly appearance, it seems that it is really people crying all night, no matter how bold people, see their brave Appearance, I am afraid that I will be scared.

This is the Shura demon inheritance supernatural power, Shura roars.

A single Shura demon, a Shura roaring, enough to make a Yuanshen great concubine venerable, heart and soul split, thirty-six Shura demon will join forces to form an Asura battle array, which can directly threaten the devil level The strong man, if the soul is almost, perhaps, the soul is broken directly.

Yes, this trick Shura Roar is itself a means of soul attack.

"Haha, Shura roared, and with the increase in Asura's battle array, it was the Earth Demon General, and the soul was almost repaired, and the soul was torn apart. A human race will die, perhaps, no longer need to cast other magical powers."

Seeing Asura's Demon will cast Asura Roar, Grand Asura was very satisfied.

"Soul attack?"

Wang Yang stared at him, his face full of anger.

"Damn, did you actually perform a soul attack?"

The convulsions in Wang Yang's face seemed to have been really hurt.

"Haha, human race, let you know today, my Shura Demon Race is amazing!!"

Big Asura was very excited.

The Datian Gang battle front was formed just now. It was originally intended to be suppressed by one move. Who knows, this human race has extraordinary eyesight, but only one look, it can see all of it directly, and even break the Datian Gang battle front with one move.

But what about that?

You have a supernatural power and extraordinary eyesight, but your human race has no special soul, and it will die under the Asura battle line of my Shura Demon Race.

"what are you laughing at?"

Wang Yang, who has just been suffering constantly, seems to have a broken soul at any time, and he is now fully recovered.

Standing in the battle line of Asura, his eyes were looking outside the battle line, and the big Asura demon laughed.

"Are you okay?"

"Can't you think I should have something?"

"Impossible, apart from the special races of the souls of the demons and other decimals, it is the man-devil general, who is placed in the battle of Asura and bears the roar of Asura. It is also mortal.

How could you be fine?

You are a hybrid golden pill, the existence of ants generally, how could it be all right?"

Big Asura is absolutely reluctant to believe that the inheritance of his Shura Demon Race will be so unbearable?

"Hey, soul attack?

Very good, since you Shura Mozu likes to play soul attack, then I will play with you?"

Speaking, I saw a long roar from Yang Yang.


As the Shenlong came into the world, the terrifying Dragon Song, the sound waves rolling, spread towards all around.

Like the tide.


Suddenly, the thirty-six demons will all hold their heads and roll back and forth on the ground. At this time, they are all thrown out of the sky.


Holding his own head, the big asura devil splits his liver and gall.

"Impossible, how could you have such a powerful soul attack?"

The strength of the soul attack depends on the strength of the soul.

This human race is no more than a golden martial arts warrior, how can it have such a powerful soul?

"No, stop, stop..."

Suddenly, Big Asura's eyes cracked, like a madness.

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