My Super Estate

Chapter 981: Enraged with anger, killing demons without soft hands (3)

Chapter 935: Rage, Killing Demons without Soft Hands (3)


Big Asura is going crazy.

What did he see?

He saw that the thirty-six demons would all hold their heads, and even some Shura with two heads, except for the main head, the deputy head, all exploded.

Even if it's the main head, it's because the seven wits bleed, and the horror is frightening.

This is that the soul can't bear it, and it is directly broken by the sound wave.

"Stop, you stop me!!"

No longer able to care about his severe headache, Big Asura pounced on Wang Yang.

"Haha, come on well!"

As big as Asura, Wang Yang is not afraid, between the palms, it is directly taken out of a mixed element stamp.

Chaos Clock is a magical power created by Wang Yang himself. The first thing is to use Hunyuan Gong as the main body, and to deepen the fusion of various magical powers.

Chaos Clock is the masterpiece of this magical power, but at the beginning of the Hunyuan Palm, Wang Yang did not drop it. On the contrary, after several fusions, Chaos Clock Supernatural Powers, besides practicing this life magic weapon of Chaos Clock, merged into the battle of Ziyang The body is also the biggest achievement.

The Ziyang war body is inherited from the hands of the emperor Ziyang. Among the inheritance, the highest is the gold war body. However, in the end, what kind of achievements do you still have to go?

The integration of Chaos Bell Profound Truth is Wang Yang's future path.


The immense palm print contains all kinds of mysteries, which stirred the world and turned it into a big handprint, towards the flying Asura.


There was another loud noise.

The first loud noise was that the sky and earth were too turbulent, and the vitality was surging, which was directly exploded. This second loud noise was printed on the chest of the big Ashura demon, the two strong collisions, and the vitality was again. Was fluctuated, the two powers were connected, and they were directly exploded.


The huge palm print, quickly condensed, is like a real fingerprint, directly printed on the chest of the big Asura. The asura body of the big Asura can't bear it, and it is left with a clear palm print.

The palm print is black, faintly, as if there is a force absorbing and transforming.


Big Asura quickly turned the energy in his body. He was confident enough that all human races, even if they could hurt themselves, could recover quickly.

However, reality again hit him hard.

The energy in the body has just been operated, and even it has not been deeply resolved. From the chest, there is a very powerful force of engulfment. The energy that has just been mobilized can't support it, and it must be swallowed by that force.

In order to get rid of this kind of engulfment, Grand Asura had to cut off such powerful engulfing power with great strength.

A powerful magical power, acting on itself, was once again repulsed.

"You, what did you do to me?"

At this time, the confident Asura was also frightened.

It is really terrible.

How could this be?

"Haha, a big Asura in your area is that at ordinary times, Lao Tzu wants to cut you off, and there is also a way. Now I am under the impact of Long Yin, my soul is very seriously damaged, it is difficult to play 30% of my strength, and I dare to take the initiative. Pounce towards Lao Tzu, is it true that Lao Tzu doesn't kill?

Huh, what's more, you just don't want to be soft, just like Shura Demon Clan, beheaded, etc.?"

"No, you can't, we are the Shura demon clan, you dare to kill us, Lord Demon, you will never let you go."

Feeling the rich murderous opportunity in Wang Yang's body, Big Asura was shocked in her heart and quickly opened her mouth.

Wang Yang pouted and said, "This is the so-called Shura Demon Clan. Where did the posture that I only respected just now go?

In the face of Lao Tzu, dare to grab Lao Tzu's things, I thought, you are born to be a cheap seed.

Now it seems that you are nothing but a group of hordes of fear of death."


How arrogant Great Asura, Wang Yang's immortal medicine, does not need to discuss with Wang Yang, the master, and is directly under his own name.

In his eyes, the Shura Demon Clan is above everything else. As a member of the Shura Demon Clan, he is naturally in control of the world. For the things in the world, there is nothing like the Shura Demon Clan.

How can the big asura accept the one-person tribe who dared to humiliate the great asura demons?

"Why, you are not convinced?"

Saying that, with a wave of Ziwei Excalibur in Wang Yang's hand, a Shura demon who was not far away was directly cut off his head.

"You, no, no!"

Pointing to Wang Yang, Big Asura was so angry.

However, in the face of Wang Yang's butcher knife, he had to beg for mercy.

Even if it is the Shura Demon Clan, it is extremely difficult to train a Shura Demon.

The thirty-six Shura demon generals are already the last details of the Shura demon clan. Once beheaded, it will be a huge blow to the Shura demon clan.

This is fatal.

"Hum, kill the devil, do you need soft hands?"

Wang Yang disdains sneer, and his sword is quickly cut out.


Seeing that another Shura demon would be beheaded, the big Asura really couldn't take it.

"Go for me... puff."

In anger, he couldn't care about his injury, and Asura would desperately fight with Wang Yang.

It's just that he is too small to look at Wang Yang, his chest and palms are still intact, and he wants to run the energy in the body.

"Ah, Lord Demon, come and save your life, otherwise, all people will die!!"

At this moment, the big Asura really couldn't bear it. The losses of the two Asura Devils were too great.

For Shura Demon, this is a missing card.

Thirty-six Shura demon generals are the seeds of various battles of the Shura demon clan and are indispensable.

However, Wang Yang has now beheaded two statues.

If the Shura Demon King does not appear again, perhaps the remaining thirty-four will be slain.

This is absolutely not allowed.

The Shura Demon Clan, in addition to the Shura Demon King, all kinds of battle formations are also the cards, the heritage, and the foundation of the Shura Demon Clan.

Once the battle front is broken, then, the day of Shura Demon Clan annihilation will not be far away.

"My king, come and save my life!!"

Da Ashura's face was grim, and he was extremely ugly and terrifying, and even more terrifying. As long as his eyes were not blind, seeing such a face, no one could sleep at night without nightmares.

"Do you think the Shura Demon King can save their lives?"

Wang Yang disdainfully sneered, and the sword in his hand was cut with another sword.


Big Asura demon tears tears into his eyes.

As the great Asura demon, known as a synonym for terror, he even cried.

Perhaps this is the true feelings, worried about the future of Shura Demon Race.

Zongjing is a man of iron and stone hearts. Seeing such a scene, it may be difficult to harden.

It's just that they are demons, asuras, extinct, and can slaughter the ascites of the world.

"Demon, don't need to be soft!"

In the end, Wang Yang once again determined to kill in his heart.

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