My Super Estate

982 Furious Shura Demon King

Chapter 936 The Raging Shura Demon King

It is worthy of the name of the Devil Race, and it is taken to be a doctrine and engrave the whole into the marrow.

After working hard for many days, Wang Yang finally planted thousands of beast fruits and Lei Di flowers. Seeing that it is about to mature, it is time to harvest. Under the leadership of the Shura Demon King, a large number of Shura Demon will surge out and directly The two immortal medicines were all overwhelmed.

As for Wang Yang, the immortal medicine, is this important?

Well, it is still very important, after all, is it a grower.

Big Asura demon, you take thirty-six Asura demon, and take him directly, kill it!

Since you are so important, killing you, of course, there is no master of the immortal medicine. If you are important, it does not matter.

Well, such a domineering style of action, only these Shura Mozu.

For over a thousand years, under the leadership of Shura Demon King, Tianwu Continent was attacked and even exploded entirely. The entire Tianwu Continent completely fell from its heyday.

The prestigious name of the Shura Demon Clan penetrates into the bones of the Shura Demon Clan.

For a thousand years, they have been heavily banned by the thunder domain and the Demon battlefield. The Shura Demon Clan has completely become a frog at the bottom of the well. In their forgetting, they still stayed for a thousand years ago. In the heart of the tribe, this Tianwu Continent is already the possession of their Shura Demon Clan.

"Asura, go, take all the inventory, take out all, all the Warcraft."

As the Overlord of the Thunder Domain, in the old nest, the Shura Demon Clan still has a number of guardian forces.

Asura is the captain of Lao's guardian power.

"My king, is there any need?"

As a demon guard, Ashura must be responsible for inventory, even if the devil needs it, although it cannot be prevented, the necessary inquiries are still necessary.

"On the edge of Leiyu, there is not only a Lei Di flower, but also a ten thousand beast fruit.

Yes, you heard it right, it is the ten thousand beast fruit. According to legend, a single fruit can directly achieve the ten thousand beast fruit of a congenital god beast.

God, as long as we have gotten these batches of beasts, our Shura Demon Clan will come out of this forbidden land, maybe it is no longer a dream."

It was so exciting.

Even the Shura Demon King felt that he must find someone to share his joy.

Yes, someone like this must be found.

"What? My king, do you mean a thousand beasts?"

That's the immortality medicine, oh my god, is there anyone planting the immortality medicine?"

Asura's strength and his status have also surpassed the Shura demon general. In front of the Shura demon king, he also has a certain right to speak.

"Yes, it's the immortality.

Hey, Ashura, don't you find that Lei Di Hua is also artificially planted?"

"Yes, my king, Lei Dihua is also artificially planted.

God, is this the Shura demon blessing?"

Having received such news, Ashura was also excited.

"My king, please wait a moment, and then you will collect all the inventory.

Perhaps, the immortal medicine Ten Thousand Beast Fruits will be fully mature. By that time, our Shura Demon Race, under the leadership of my king, will successfully walk out of this forbidden land."

For over a thousand years, the Shura Demon Clan has been banned in the land of thunder domain, and it is definitely not doing nothing.

In contrast, Minefield has more room for growth. The land of the Demon Battlefield and the banned countless World of Warcraft almost all grew to a certain point, and they spontaneously walked towards the land of Minefield.

With a thousand years of accumulation, the number is extremely terrible.

Although most of them are almost digested inside the Shura Demon Clan to promote the growth of the Shura Demon Clan and accumulate into the current large team of Shura Demon Clan.

However, the rest still have a large batch. Such a batch of inventory is all prepared by the Shura Demon Clan for future needs.

Today, the Shura Demon King feels that it is when the Shura Demon Clan needs it most.

"My king, it's all here!"

The Shura demons once plundered the heavens and various kinds of treasures, naturally there are many.

Ashura walked out of the tribe, holding a three-story pagoda.

"My king, for thousands of years, we have hundreds of thousands of Warcraft stocks of the Demon Race, all here.

Among them, the vast majority, all are a level of Warcraft."

"Okay, with such a batch of Warcraft, we will certainly be able to grow a thousand beasts with outstanding effects."

After receiving the three-story pagoda, the Shura Demon King was greatly surprised.

"My king, come and save your life; my king, come and save your life..."

Being happy, or rather speaking, the Shura Demon King who was overjoyed by the coming of spring for his own future, suddenly heard the faint cry for help.

This, is this Asura's cry for help??


The Shura Demon King's face was just overjoyed. All of a sudden, it was all dark.

Big Asura's cry for help, Big Asura was assigned by himself to deal with that humanoid kid.

Is he actually asking for help?

Could it be that when dealing with two human races, you still need to save?

Or is it an accident?

What kind of accident can the big Asura ask for rescue?

Not good, two immortals.

The Shura Demon jumped in his heart and couldn't sit still anymore. He took the three-story pagoda and left quickly.

"Could it be that there was an accident with Grand Asura?"

Ashura's eyes changed.

"Don't let Ben King know who you are, dare to move me to the treasure of Shura Demon King, Ben King will make you die better than life."

In the heart of Shura Demon King, it turned into a rainbow of light and quickly moved towards the edge of the thunder field.


Wang Yang had just waved his sword in his hand again. Suddenly, the Shura Demon King appeared in front of Wang Yang in an instant.

"You, you damn!!!"

Looking at the corpses that fell to the ground one after another, the murderous intention in the heart of Shura Demon King could no longer be suppressed.

"Oh, are you back?"

Seeing the Shura Demon King, Wang Yang was not afraid, saying: "I thought, maybe, I could cut them all, and you would come back.

By the way, did you say that you want to hunt World of Warcraft, don’t know what the result is?"

It looked like Wang Yang had seen his acquaintances, and he didn't feel the tension of facing the Shura Demon King at all.

"This, Master is too fierce!!"

Shenwu Dafa Since the beginning, the whole person has been shocked.

There is a Shura demon hidden in Lei Yu. He can't even imagine what would happen if Xian Ling'er was alone.

In particular, this Shura demon clan actually has a Shura demon king sitting in town.

God, on the Tianwu Continent, the name of the Shura Demon King, like Lei Guan'er, runs in all directions, and no one can fight.

However, after that, Wang Yang was alone, trying to break the Shura battle array, and even scared his fat face, full of sweat.

But when the Shura Demon King who came back came out, he knew that the real enemy had appeared.

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