My Super Estate

983 War Demon King

Chapter 937 The War Demon King

Thirty-six Shura monster generals are not only the thirty-six Shura monster generals they represent, but more importantly, they represent a kind of heritage and a card.

In order to form various battle fronts, it is necessary to satisfy an innate condition, telepathy.

Yes, this is a powerful battle line, the conditions must be met.

It is impossible for a few people to form a battle front.

In particular, some high-level battles must be nurtured from an early age, live together, practice together, eat together, and sleep together.

Thousands of people are in a collective, but there is no one who can always advance together and maintain the heart of Chi Zi together.

It is really not easy to cultivate a battle front.

For over a thousand years, the Shura Demon Clan has only cultivated 36 Shura Demon generals. As long as they go further, perhaps, they can form the Great Asura Battle Formation, even the Great Shura Demon Battle Formation, and the most terrifying Shura Demon King. Battle front.

However, all this is impossible.

Thirty-six Shura monster generals were killed by the damn human race.

Thirty-six Shura demon generals, but now only thirty-four.

It's really hateful.

"I will give you thirty-six asuras to you. Is this how you lead?"

The Shura Demon looked coldly at the big Asura, his cold eyes, just looking at it, it made people feel a burst of ice invading the body.

"My king..."

Asura's face changed drastically, and he didn't care about any injuries, so he climbed up and knelt on the ground, kowtowing hard.

He knew that the thirty-six Shura demon generals, the foundation of the Shura demon clan, were the most hopeful that they could form a thirty-six-day Shura battle array one day in the future.

Even, the Shura Demon has placed the greatest hope on them, hoping that they can form 36 Shura Demon Battle.

But now, all is impossible.

"Do you think you still need to live?"

The Shura Devil is worthy of being the Shura Devil, is this to kill?

Is it to vent anger?Or for punishment?

For the thirty-six Shura demon generals, he actually beheaded a large asura.

"Go to hell!"

The Shura Demon King didn't have any sympathetic thoughts at all.


A great Asura, even being killed by the Asura Demon King, shot him to death.


Witnessing this scene in front of me, even though Shenwu Dafa had extraordinary knowledge, but in his heart, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

God, this is a great Asura, just because of one thing, he was directly killed by the Asura demon king.

You know, the strength of this big Asura is no worse than the deputy dean of the ordinary Tianwu College.

However, such strength was actually slapped by the Shura Demon King. The Shura Demon King's strength can be imagined.


Originally, before Wang Yang's strength, Shenwu became fat, there was a little confidence, but now...

"The devil is worthy of being the devil, cruel enough."

With a sneer look at the Shura Demon King, Wang Yang was so relaxed.

"There are more cruel, you will see more."

With that said, the Shura Demon King showed his demon war body, which turned out to be three heads and six arms.

"Three heads and six arms?"

"Haha, yes, three heads and six arms, this is the magical power of our Shura Demon clan known to the heavens, huh, but it is not a fake product of Heaven."

Fake products of heaven?

Remember, there is a third prince in heaven, which is a supernatural power with three heads and six arms. Is he talking about him?


Wang Yang could defeat Great Asura, and the Devil King Shura could not be underestimated. He held a six-handed big hammer in his hand and killed him towards Wang Yang.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

With that said, the Ziwei Excalibur in Wang Yang's hand, toward the Shura Demon King, is to kill!

Good fellow, Wang Yang, with Ziwei Excalibur, actually ran into a round hammer bigger than the water tank.

Such violence must be teased by others if it is usual.

However, today, Shura Mo will not laugh, not only does not laugh, but also a shock in his heart.

"How could it be a soft sword, how could it be so powerful?"

The Asura Lord felt the violent shock in his hands, and he was shocked.

Obviously it is a soft sword, but the special effects of this human race have been used by the Epee?


Although there are accidents, it is absolutely impossible to make the Shura Lord retreat.

Three heads, one in front of the main, and two staring at the Quartet.

Six arms and six round hammers, carrying the unmatched momentum, took turns towards Wang Yang's hammer.

As long as there are people with eyes, there is absolutely no doubt that such a giant hammer will hammer people.

However, such a powerful round hammer, every time he hits Wang Yang, the sword in his hand seems to possess a kind of magic. Every time he shoots, he can lead the round hammer to the other side, and even better. It leads to another round hammer, and the collision between them will directly resolve all the attacks of the Shura Demon King.

"Such a delicate solution?"

The Shura Demon King was shocked again.

Before, Wang Yang's powerful attack, huge strength, shocked his arm, all trembling.

For a long time, he has been a path of powerful attacks, but it is unexpected that he has such a powerful deconstructive power.

In fact, Wang Yang's heart was full of surprises.

At the beginning of cultivation, Wang Yang has always been on the path of strong offensive, but just now, he had a good idea and thought of some unloading power, and tried to integrate into it. Under the initial test, he had such a magical effect. .

In fact, the path of Wang Yang's cultivation was originally an absolute defense.

It's only that Mingwu's defense is the strongest, but after the attack, he will be more aggressive in the confrontation.

However, the truth is this, as long as the enlightenment is understood, the so-called application will naturally come hand in hand.

Cultivation is fundamental. The so-called martial arts is the way of application.

The same person, some people can only use wooden sticks, some people can use iron rods, more powerful people, they can use firearms, and more powerful characters, they can use mechs.

This is the way.

Different ways, under the same cultivation base, the strength is turned upside down, the difference is extremely huge.

Realized, Wang Yang will naturally use the lifting force Kendo.

In fact, if you look closely, there are many related sword moves, which are all on the earth and can be seen everywhere.

Yes, it is the land of various parks, those grandpas and grandmaes, exercise Tai Chi Kendo.

For a time, Wang Yang was attacked by Shura Demon King.

"This, Master, is so powerful?"

In the Tianwu Continent, if there is also a Shura Demon King, Tianwu Academy, in order to deal with the Shura Demon King, every time, four or five people must join forces...

But this, this scene, how is it possible?

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