My Super Estate

988 Dream World

Chapter 92 The Dream World

"Master, this is the Shura Demon King left."

Shenwu big fat hand holds three-story pagoda and handed it to Wang Yang.

He can feel that this is a very extraordinary treasure, even as long as he holds the pagoda in his hand, he can feel that the waves of space fluctuate.

This turned out to be a very rare space treasure.

Even, it is a very powerful space treasure.


Wang Yang's eyes were bright: "Before, the Shura Demon King left for a period of time, and the Shura Devil King was very greedy. He used all the beast fruit trees and Lei Dihua I planted for his own use.

Lei Dihua has matured, he turned around and left, only for the fruit tree.

Could it be..."

Suddenly moving in Wang Yang's heart, he quickly refined.

The Shura Demon King has died, and the three-story pagoda is already an unowned thing. If Wang Yang wants to refine it, it is naturally easy.

"His... a big space!"

Even if it was extraordinary, when he saw this space pagoda, he was shocked in his heart.

Good guys, each of these three-story pagodas is extremely large and vast, with millions of World of Warcraft living in it.

"In the legend, the Beast Demon King once carried an extremely large army of Warcraft with him.

In the World War One Thousand Years ago, the strength of Shura Demon King was naturally the strongest, but the Warcraft Army of Thousand Beast Demon Kings was also a huge threat.

It now appears that after the Beast Demon King was beheaded by Lei Di, his portable artifact, the Beast Beast Tower, has been taken away by the Shura Demon Clan."

Looking at the three-story pagoda in his hand, Wang Yang flashed a message in his heart, quickly looking for relevant information.

"Master, do you mean that this is the artifact of the Thousand Beasts?"

"There is nothing wrong with the Shura Demon King going back, just because of the retrieval of this artifact, he can supply a large number of beast fruit trees and let the beast fruit trees grow quickly.

Only, now, this tower of ten thousand beasts has fallen into my hands.

Haha, it just happens that a large number of beasts must also have a large amount of Warcraft. Only by providing a large number of World of Warcraft, can a thousand beasts grow quickly."

"Master, do you mean that we can quickly develop inborn beasts?"

Thousand beasts fruit, the biggest effect is the blood of the god beast.

According to legend, each Supreme King represents a strong bloodline.

The so-called congenital beast is born with a very magical blood line, for example, the God Eater.

Wang Yang just nodded and said, "Hurry up and search to see if there is Linger's information."

Xian Ling'er fell directly into the thunder domain. The time has passed so long. Although a lot has been gained, but for the whereabouts of Xian Ling'er, there is no landing yet!

Leiyu has now been eliminated. For Wang Yang, the next step is to find the whereabouts of the fairy spirit.

"Yes, look!"

I saw that Shenwu Big Fat really searched for some clues from Shura Demon King.

A blood coat.

This is Xian Ling'er's dress, but it is now broken and completely soaked in blood.

Even though Shenwu Big Fat is a seven-foot boy, grabbing this bloody coat, his eyes are still red.


Shenwu Big Fat stared at Shen Wangyang urgently.

It's just that his expression has told everyone that he is very anxious, very very anxious.

"Is there any?"

Holding the bloodcoat, Wang Yang pondered silently.

There was no accident with the magic charm, but the blood-coat seems to have told everyone that the accident has happened.

"Also, look..."

This is a broken piece of cloth. It can be seen that this is Xian Ling'er's underwear, or that this is a piece of cloth torn from Xian Ling'er's underwear.


Even the underwear is broken, and Shenwu Fatty eats his teeth tightly.

He wished to kill the past directly.

"This is Linger's own tear off!"


"Look, there is handwriting here.

Dream world?What do you mean, what is the dream world?"

There is such a line on this little cloth strip.

Only, what is the dream world?

"Master, Master Ma Rufeng, has mastered a magical power, as if it is the world of dreams."

"Do you mean to say?"

Wang Yang stared in both eyes, and he was very surprised.

Could it be that Linger has another chance?

"Go, we will go in now."

Now the minefield has disappeared, blocking everyone's way forward, and has been cleared. Since there are already some clues, Wang Yang is of course going to explore it.

"This way will be your path of experience. The entire Demon battlefield is completely surrounded by a strong forbidden force. No life of the Demon can exceed the Grand Master. This is a path that is just right for you.

Moreover, in the old site of the thunder domain, many demon creatures have extremely high cultivation practices, there are definitely many golden pill, and there is absolutely no shortage of primitive gods.

If you walk along the way, if Thunder Domain is still there, naturally it will be much more difficult. However, now that Thunder Domain has all disappeared, all the Demon creatures are once again suppressed by the power of the ban, and no matter how powerful they are, they are just Grand Masters.

This is your chance. Your talents and supernatural powers must devour a lot of souls. Only by absorbing massive amounts of soul energy can your talents and supernatural powers become stronger. The demon life in the thunder domain is suppressed, but, soul energy, Not only the quality, but also the quantity, are very extraordinary, you must grasp."


"Everyone, just now, the deity sent a message, Lei Dihua, has matured.

These are three Lei Di flowers. We promised the Great Saint. Now, we will contact him!"

At Shenshui Manor, Wang Yang's doppelganger of the idol was finally successful. Although he can only stay in Shenshui Manor, it is enough.

"Okay, I will contact you now!"

Shenshui Manor is famous for planting elixir.

For the sake of his children, Niu Mowang once stayed in Shenshui Manor for many times, and left a deep relationship with Shenshui Manor.

Now that Sun Dasheng provides the seeds of Lei Dihua, three Lei Di flowers are needed, and Wang Yang is naturally unable to speak.

After Skynet opened, cross-border contact was already a very simple matter.

In the Shenshui Manor, Snow Wolf only realized a face-to-face communication through a display.

"Do you have anything to do with my grandson?"

On the display, a portrait of Leigong's face, with golden monkey hair, showed extremely beautiful.

"Dasheng, the deity has successfully planted Lei Di flower, and has sent Lei Di flower, please accept it!"

With that, the idol avatar waved his hand, and in the midair, three crystal flowers completely poured by thunder appeared side by side.

It looked like a purple lotus.

Nine flowers blooming.

"Lei-Emperor-Flower -"

Seeing Lei Dihua again, Da Sheng's fire eyes and golden eyes were revealed, and the golden light was shining, as if, across a lot of space, the true and false could also be seen.

"Okay, here is my monkey wine from Huaguo Mountain, then!!"

Da Sheng was very happy to get three Lei Di flowers, and even sent out the best wine-Monkey Wine directly.

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