My Super Estate

Chapter 989: Shenshui Manor Development Plan

Chapter 933 Shenshui Manor Development Plan

"Everyone, our Shenshui Manor has been established for more than a year.

For now, the transaction of our Shenshui Manor is mainly reflected in Skynet, and there are those who come naturally.

However, for now, our Shenshui Manor needs to develop, and we must go out."

Sitting on the high seat, Wang Yang looked at both sides.

The meeting halls are all masters of Shenshui Manor.

"Now, let's take a look at our Shenshui Manor. At present, how many strong people are there? Perhaps, as far as we are concerned, we have to discuss how we can get out."

"Okay, for now, our Shenshui Manor Guard Team has a total of 100 people, Sirius and five others, each of whom is responsible for one team.

For now, the escort team's entry requirements, at the very bottom, must also have the strength of the Grand Master.

In addition, there are reserve teams, a total of 1,000 people, most of them have reached the level of dark energy, and among them, there are also a number of groups, reaching the level of energy."

As the captain of the escort team, Mo Jun controls the entire escort team. Of course, he is most familiar with the current strength of Shenshui Manor.

Time has passed very quickly. Shenshui Manor, from its establishment to the present, has passed more than a year, and even not long after, perhaps, even if it is the second anniversary of its establishment.

This two-year anniversary is not just about Wang Yang wandering around in the outside world. Similarly, Shenshui Manor is also developing vigorously.

For example, the most powerful team of Shenshui Manor, the Guard, is supported by the huge resources of Shenshui Manor. Basically, they are all masters.

Although it is very likely that they are only the weakest masters in Jiulu, but such a team has such strength in a short period of time, and it is absolutely impressive.

Of course, Shenshui Manor has an agreement with the national army. Some soldiers who retire from the army will basically go through a selection of Shenshui Manor as long as the requirements are right.

In fact, this is normal.

Every year, the national army recruits new recruits. Naturally, some people will be asked to retire.

In the army, there will naturally be a tight scrutiny. Among them, some of the top characters are naturally kept by the army themselves.

However, there will always be something special.

The army is a melting pot, and some of the most elite will naturally be retained, but some secondary ones with limited resources will naturally be asked to retire.

However, what Shenshui Manor does not lack is huge resources.

This pro, Wang Yang of course will leave some of the top soldiers who have asked to retire from the army.

In doing so, perhaps, you can't get out of the real master, but for an escort team, it is already enough.

"And what about my disciples of Shenshui Manor?"

When Shenshui Manor was just established, Wang Yang directly recruited 500 young men and women from major orphanages.

Now, a year has passed, and almost two years have come to an end. Those young men and women, basically supported by the huge resources of Shenshui Manor, have basically become talents.

"According to your cousin’s order, we have successively recruited some young men and women, many of them have really embarked on martial arts. The earliest 500 young men and women, and most of them, have become Jin masters, the most top of them, have become first-class masters, and they can also stand alone when they are released."

For the training of some young disciples, Luo Jian is in charge of this.

"Such strength is not enough!"

The avatar of the idol frowned gently and said: "In recent years, the soldiers and horses of the devil world have become more and more rampant for the world of all parties.

If we can build a huge business network in all major worlds, it is very beneficial for our Shenshui Manor.

However, such strength, if we go out, it must be untenable."

Wang Yang felt a little embarrassed.

This time in the Ziyang War Body, I can go one step further and rely entirely on the particularity of the Tianwu Continent.

It's just that the Tianwu Continent is just a lost world after all. The people of the Tianwu Continent must rely on the power of huge faith if they want to enter the martial arts.

In this way, it already represents that Tianwu Continent itself has a huge demand for the power of faith.

The power of faith is the key to the progress of Ziyang's war body. There must be no accidents.

What's more, if the idol avatar wants to increase its strength, the demand for the power of faith is even a huge number.

All these indicate that Shenshui Manor must go out.

Moreover, to develop and grow, Shenshui Manor must have a large number of strong men.

However, before Grand Master, Shenshui Manor may not be lacking, but after Grand Master, Shenshui Manor is really shallow.

For example, Wang Yang's cultivation of the sun requires a large amount of solar gold crystals, and even a large amount of sun god stones.

For example, Sirius cultivates the way of Sirius. If you need a ten thousand beast fruit, it is best to naturally infuse a lot of wolf family flesh and blood, mature ten thousand beast fruit, so that Sirius can become a real sky. The possibility of a wolf god beast.

These all require a lot of resources, which is definitely not something that can be achieved by ordinary elixir.

Therefore, only by going out and trading with the powerful ones of the heavens and earth, perhaps we can quickly collect various resources.

"Brother, we may be able to rely on the relationship between Dasheng and others."

Merely relying on the strength of Shenshui Manor can't suppress the huge pressure.

Shenshui Manor, located on the earth of the earth, no matter who it is, must be suppressed by the Hunyuan ban, plus six invincible grandmasters of Shenshui Manor.

Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in front of the heavens, otherwise, such a huge resource has already caused a siege of wolves.

However, when you go out, in the world of heaven, it is no longer the same.

In the world of heaven, it can be said that the real strong man is respected.

The demon world even once every thousand years, launching a great unrest.

No one knows how many elixirs of Shenshui Manor really appear in the heavenly world, and how many people will be besieged.

"You mean, working with people?"

The idol avatar lit up.

So, maybe it is a solution.

"Okay, now, let's contact Dasheng again and try!"

It was not long ago that he had delivered the Three Reed Flowers of Dasheng, leaving a touch of friendship with each other.

At this time, if it is proposed to cooperate with it, maybe it will succeed?

"Okay, contact Dasheng now."

In the end, Wang Yang knocked on the board directly, although it was only an avatar of the idol.

Come to the huge screen again, do some operations, and contact Dasheng again.

"you guys

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