My Super Estate

990 Mysterious Realm

Chapter 940 The Secret Realm

"Open a physical store?"

The avatars of the ubiquitous idols, and Wang Yang’s deity, of course, are connected to each other.

Of course, Wang Yang knew of the meeting held at Shenshui Manor.

At this time, Wang Yang has already penetrated into the thunder domain.

The difference is that the Thunder domain has disappeared, leaving only a dark ground completely scorched by Thunder.

This was caused by the continuous high-temperature burning of the mine field after thousands of years, and the entire land has been deteriorated, forming a black coking crystal.

Walking on the ground, you can really feel the hard crystal sense on the ground, and even some slipping.

In this minefield, it is definitely not empty.

Not far from the left front, there is a thick blood mist, from which you can feel the strong vitality.

Obviously, this blood mist is definitely not simple.

In fact, this blood mist is indeed not simple. Even the Shura Demon Clan usually never dares to approach this area easily.

"Qua...haha...hee hee..."

In the blood mist, there are bursts of weird laughter, the sound has not changed, but, listening to the ears, you can feel different emotions.

It seems that someone mixes the different laughter of laughter, laughter, grin, etc. perfectly, listening, there is always a desire to explore deeply.

"No, there is a spirit born in this group of blood mist, and even, it may be integrated into some kind of ghost magic power, and the soul attack is extremely powerful.

You have to be careful."

Such a weird existence, Wang Yang also had to be careful.

"Yes, Master!"

Shenwu Big Fat looks firm and walks towards the blood mist.

Lei Yu has been eliminated, and along the way, it is also the time when Shenwu Fatty is practicing. Any creature, as long as it is on the way forward, Shenwu Fatty must defeat.

This is the first weird existence encountered by Shenwu Big Fat. If you are not careful, you may not be able to wait until you find a fairy, and you will be swallowed by this weird existence.

Came to the blood mist near the first three feet.

This is the biggest limit that Shenwu Big Fat can withstand. Going further, perhaps, you will lose your mind and be swallowed by the blood mist.

"Are you sure?"

Wang Yang came to Shenwu Dafa and asked Shen Sheng.

Now the Thunder domain has disappeared, this strange iron blood mist also has such a terrible soul attack ability, this strange blood mist, the soul strength can be imagined.

"If you are not sure, we will retreat!"

Wang Yang has already felt that this strange blood mist is spiritual, but there is no spiritual wisdom, everything seems to be instinct.

Otherwise, with such a powerful spirit, it will definitely take the initiative to attack immediately.

"I want to try it!!"

Shenwu Big Fat looked at the strange blood mist, and his eyes were extremely firm.

"Okay, then you try, but you must do what you can."

Wang Yang knew that this trip to the Demon Battlefield was a heavy blow to Shenwu Big Fat.

Xian Ling'er has always been a forbidden area in his heart. He regarded everything about Xian Ling'er as more important than himself.

However, when Xian Ling'er fell into the thunder domain, he was helpless and could only hurry.

Now, Master has given himself the opportunity to show himself the direction of progress. He is absolutely unwilling to give up.

Even if it is dead, try it.

It is precisely know that Wang Yang will not stop.

"God eats..."

Shenwu big fat shouted.

This strange blood mist, the most powerful supernatural power, is the soul attack. Similarly, the most powerful means of Shenwu Dafa is also the soul attack.

This is a contest between supernatural powers. Similarly, this is a contest between soul powers.

The same magic power, in the hands of different people, the power is very different.

It is also a great magical power. In the hands of the king, it is a real great magical power. However, in the hands of a Hunyuan Venerable, perhaps, it can be comparable to a general Xeon king. Even, he may still be at a disadvantage.

Devouring a god is an absolute supernatural power. Even if the martial arts big fat is enough, and the talent is enough, there may not be a chance to enter the peerless supernatural power.

The purple mouse, like a giant elephant, appeared behind Shenwu Big Fat, and set the ordinary fat man of Shenwu Big Fat even more extraordinary.

For a time, that very fat body, as if everything, was so geographically taken for granted.

The huge mouse opened a pair of purple mouse eyes, and its sharp mouth opened widely, as if it were a stealing mouse, wanting to carry out its own actions.

It's just that the average mouse steals food rice, but the purple giant rat steals the soul.


The strange laughter is even more frightening, as if this unspiritual spirit reacted instinctively.

In other words, it sensed danger and reacted naturally.

Suddenly, the blood mist rolled over, showing a huge face.

Eyes composed of blood, full, are all malicious.

Just looking at it, Wang Yang felt as if his soul had been frozen.

In fact, the giant purple rat was really frozen by a layer of blood ice.

If Shenwu Dafa can't succeed, perhaps, Shenwu Dafa's soul will be frozen by this strange blood mist directly.

"Fat man, you want to succeed!!"

At this moment, Wang Yang had no absolute certainty.

This terrible strange blood mist is really terrible.

"God eats..."

The Devouring Rat is the phase of Shenwu Fatty. Although it can only be regarded as naive, it has been connected with Shenwu Fatty's soul, and even with the blood of Shenwu Fatty.

It can be said that if the phantom of the God Eater is frozen, Shenwu Fatty must be vitally hurt, and even hurt the soul, it is not bad.

It can be said that this is a contest between life and death. Once Shenwu Big Fat loses, perhaps, he will have no further possibility.

Even, it is possible that he will directly become a waste person.

Feeling his own crisis, Shenwu Fat has tried his best.

If he loses, he will be reduced to a waste person, and if he wins, perhaps he will be greatly benefited.

The soul is strong, and the control of the blood is more powerful.

All this seems to have been bet on it.

If you lose, you will withdraw from Wulin from now on, and if you win, you may really hope to become a party.

Perhaps it is really an explosion of potential, a life-and-death contest, that weird blood mist, in the end, there is no wisdom, everything is based on instinct, whether the opponent is strong or weak, it is always the case.

On the contrary, the potential of Shenwu fat gained a great explosion between life and death. Cultivation as a realm may not be improved, but it has made a great progress in grasping the power of the bloodline.

Under this situation, the strange blood mist is finally unsustainable, and it is directly destroyed, transformed into a rich soul energy, which is quickly absorbed by the God Eater

"Master, here is information about the secret realm."

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