My Super God QQ

Chapter 207: Successive failure

Today’s fourth more, thanks again to the boss of the rudder, Ji Yong, and three other bosses. You big tigers will not starve to death! There are also recommended monthly votes! You are really Li Qing's good father! Thank you

He leaned his head away from the whistling knife, the flat head wind knocked the person in front of him, but his right shoulder was cut with another knife.

The situation is too chaotic!

There are so many people in the other side, they are simply undefeated.

The flat-headed wind no longer expected him to be rescued, he was constantly looking for gaps and was thinking of ways.

Finally, he wondered if he could run upstairs and jump from one building to another.

"Run, retreat, we run!"

Seemingly this became the last hope, he shouted to the people around him and told them to retreat upstairs.

"Run upstairs? Do you want to jump?"

The cannon also thought of this, and it seemed that in anxiety, his brain was better than before.

"Yes! Staying here must die, especially the two of us, running up there, there is at least a 10% chance of escape!"

"Then let's run!"

The cannon immediately agreed.

"Let's pad..." Biantoufeng thought for a while, and said, "If you let Daimaru put them in, they might be blocked for a few more seconds. It's useless. It's not as good as our pad..."

The cannon glanced at his brother Daimaru, and nodded heavily.

Not because of righteousness, but now his thigh is injured, and he really can't run away from other brothers.

A total of seven people, the remaining seven people retreat while playing, retreating upstairs.

The other party didn't mean to kill them all. When they saw them wanting to retreat, they just kept chopping them with weapons, and seemed to be playing with them.

"Hahaha, don't force them. I want to see them commit suicide by jumping off the building. No one can refuse such a good show..." Dahui, Murong's gangster who was smashed with money, stood in the distance, surrounded by everyone Next, he laughed wildly.

Hearing this, the cannon was so angry that he could swear with various swear words that he could think of.

The flat-headed wind stared at him with blood-red eyes, as if to imprint his appearance on his mind, and continued to retreat.

From the first floor to the second floor, and from the second floor to the fourth floor.

Above the fourth floor is the rooftop of the building. They ran to the rooftop, and there was another two-storey residential building five meters away. Now, what they are thinking about is to jump from here to residential houses. But it's really too dangerous. From here, unless you jump really long, I am afraid that most of them will fall directly into a broken watermelon shape.

"Jump, you guys jump!"

When they were forced to the edge of the rooftop, Brother Dahui also came up and laughed excitedly and wildly.

"Jump, cannon!"

"Nima, you haven't seen my thighs hurt because of the flat head wind. How can I jump?" The cannon cried with mourning and screamed angrily. He also found that he didn't seem to jump upstairs.

"Just do it! If we have time, we can pass by 100%, but now, we can only do it!" Biantou said with red eyes and gasped.

"You come first!" The cannon was afraid of cold juice on his forehead.

"Okay! If I die, remember to collect my corpse if you are still alive!"

"I think I'm more likely to die than you!" The cannon looked at the bleeding wound on his leg, airway.

Dahui saw that they were still saying, uncomfortable, and his face sank: "Ink is a wool! Brothers, they don't jump, you help them, give them a ride!"

Seeing that they are coming over and the pressure is increasing, the flat head wind will be forced to a dead end. When desperate...


Suddenly, he heard a roar from the stairs.

I saw someone pounding Dahui's person and rushed up the stairs.

"All come up, don't be on the stairs, we are crowded! The advantage of the stairs cannot be magnified!" Dahui asked, rushing up a dozen people below, and ordered.

He was quite smart, wanting to rely on a large number of people, let the other party rush up, and then take advantage of the advantages. On the contrary, on the stairs, he can only play fair, which is not cost-effective for him.

So, Dahui's people stepped back, and the people below rushed up.

"Ah, brother...and Li Shao's friend..."

The cannon saw the person rushing up, almost fainted, and saw Zhang Sangou and Wang Lin with a dozen people already rushing to the rooftop.

The flat head wind is also dumbfounded.

"A dozen people rushed up, is this brother crazy?" he thought, but he was all moved.

Just because the dog brother brought a dozen people, he dared to rush up, he was stuffed warmly in his heart.

Their younger brother is also happy, and he is sad.

There are now 40 or 50 people in the other party. A dozen of them come up. What can they do!

"Brother, you still retreat, you can't beat it! You didn't call, let's do it yourself!" The cannon said silently, he was also moved, but he was also very angry.

"Yes, brother, why don't you call everyone to come again! Also, how did you bring Li Shao's friends, if you hurt him, how would you tell Li Shao?"

Flat head wind cried with a wry smile.

He also knows Wang Lin. Wang Lin is really a playboy. He often takes his sister to Di Bar to play. The consumption is all linked to Li Qing's name.

It doesn’t matter what his own game is, but in his memory, Wang Lin is really a **** without any help!


Even if Zhang Sangou now brings people, they are still almost desperate.

But they didn't find it. Just after Zhang Sangou and Wang Lin appeared, the two little bosses next to Dahui's faces appeared stunned.

"Brother Dahui, the two of them!"

"Yes, the two of them are very powerful, very powerful...the one headed seems to be their boss..."

"Oh, a skinny as old monkey, a little rabbit, hairy, up, all give me, if they jump from here, otherwise, they will be hacked to death!" , Commanded vigorously.

At the moment, a group of people flocked to them.

In the eyes of Brother Dahui, the situation today is settled. If you kill these people, you will be able to complete the tasks set out above, and go home and hug the green tea **** to make a good output.

Next second!

Dahui brother's eyes were rounded to the extreme, and his eyes almost jumped out.

Oh my God!

He shouted in horror in his heart, because he found out that those two people were really powerful. As long as they couldn't cut them, they would fly out several meters.

Some almost flew out of the building and fell.

The screams kept ringing.

Seeing that a brother was almost beaten and flew out of the roof, they were all afraid, but they dared not go around.

"Brother Wang Lin, how do you feel about this?"

Zhang Sangou stared at these people and said suddenly.

"Fuck, haha, while they are afraid, just fight or kill!" Wang Lin laughed proudly.

After a killing, his skill became smoother and smoother, and his shots were faster and more skilled. Now, his courage has also grown, his waist straightened, and his voice spoke louder.

"Here, when did the dog become so powerful?" It took a long time for the flat-headed wind-stunned to be dumbfounded.

"I wonder if this guy is a dog!" The cannon stared straight, without focus, and looked dull.

ten minutes later……

Wang Lin and Zhang Sangou shot at the same time, defeating these people.

As their leader, Dahui was interrupted on all fours and left here in a van.

He will be taken away, imprisoned, and wait for Li Qing to come back and try again.

Here, Dahui was taken away, and on the other side, the young man received the news.

"Nima, what do you say, you say it again!"

As the master pressed hard, the pinch-shaped fullness almost burst out, and the sister in the twins cried out in pain.

"Failed? How dare you tell me that you failed, I fought your uncle, I fought your ancestors, how much resources our family gave you, the first time you used you, you told me that you failed, why did you not die, Can you still talk on the phone? Ah, why didn't you die—" The young man growled swiftly.

The twins heard the sister, screamed, and passed out.

Seeing her sister like this, the sister would talk to the young man in fear, but the young man was holding the head with his hand and pressing it towards the hip.

A trace of humiliation flashed in her sister's eyes, and she almost burst into tears. She wanted to resist, but when she remembered that the four bodyguards next to him would not let them go, or even beat them, she could only bow her head with determination and swallow hard. That soft stuff.

She regrets!

I regret how I look at the gorgeous appearance of the young man and his wealth.

Now, she feels that she really is not seen as an adult, but is treated as a kind of playful toy for the young man to deal with.

"I knew, I knew him and I followed him. Although he didn't have much money, he could always protect me, me, me..." She remembered that when she was broadcasting, a fan who had been guarding herself from head to toe, this It's a person who spends time guarding her.

However, the phrase "Companionship is the most affectionate confession" has long been forgotten by her. She finally chose the young man and chose the humiliating scene of falling to her eyes.

Suddenly, she couldn't help it any longer, and the tears rolled down her face.

"Uh, this hot water is very comfortable~" The young man felt the hot water flowing below him, and groaned happily before continuing to scold the phone again.


The two plans he shot failed all in one white and one black.

But the pleasure of the lower body made him not disappointed~ He still has two tricks waiting for Li Qing to crack.

Hanging up the phone, he looked at the twin sisters who had passed out, and anger shot directly into the faint body that passed out.


He laughed happily and played exactly the same, God-given twins.

Riding wildly in pleasure, he watched as his body trembled and he was about to vent, and the phone rang.

After receiving this call, his face turned white and pale as paper.

All the people he sent to steal the suspension technology were caught by the people of the Ministry of National Security. None of them escaped. This was a call from the person under surveillance.


He was terrified and frightened. He quickly pulled out the phone card and crushed it. He took the bodyguard and the twin sisters to change places.

When walking, his legs were soft, fearing that he would be caught by someone from the country in the next second.

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