My Super God QQ

Chapter 208: Desire

It took one night, until four o'clock in the morning, Li Qing dispelled the poison from his mother.

It is worthy of being the most famous poison in ancient times. Even now, Li Qing has expelled it, but it still swallowed the essence of life and the vitality of Zhang Min.

Today, Zhang Min seems to have lost more than 20 pounds overnight, and his face is deeply recessed on both sides.


Yan Di was terrified and lost her mind. She could not speak for a long time. In the end, she squeezed out such a problem.

Seeing Yan Di scared of her entire small face, Li Qing comforted: "It's okay, don't be afraid, wait a while, I will give her medicine to drink, it will get better! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid... "

He touched Yan Di's head, comforting.

Maybe it was the trust in Li Qing, or maybe the action was a little ambiguous, and the fear in her heart was so timid that she nodded blushingly.

"Come, help the leader and put my mother's clothes on!"

Li Qing picked up her mother and asked Yan Di to help her put on her jacket.

Yan Di shot quickly and watched the black on the belly of Zhang Min fade away, the red gradually recovered, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

If Li Qing was not coming back, Zhang Min would really die!

Yan Di remembered Li Qing's amazing acupuncture and tactics. He really worshipped and died. Li Qing was really handsome.

"Uh, why isn't it good?"


After being reminded, Yan Di dared not think about it any more and quickly dressed Zhang Min.

After the treatment of Zhang Min, Li Qing gained a lot of experience, so, taking advantage of his spirit, Li Qing treated the following three teenagers again.

Detoxification, which is very delicate to live, requires a strong mental support.

This busy time, until noon the next day, was considered successful.


Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief, only feeling that his mental body was exhausted and reached the limit.

"A Qing, are you going to rest?"

Yan Di looked very bad at Li Qing and worried about authenticity.


Li Qing responded feebly, stood up, and finally relaxed, unable to support anymore, his head fainted, and sat down on the sofa.

"A Qing..."

Yan Di exclaimed in silence, waiting for a retired soldier standing next to him to come over and find out that he was only relieved after sleeping.

She asked the soldier to help Li Qing to the room.

When the soldier walked out of the room, she adjusted Li Qing's sleeping position on the bed and covered the quilt before leaving.

But when she was about to leave, she remembered something again, hesitated, and slowly walked to Li Qing's edge. Cherry Xiaozui leaned over and kissed him on his forehead.

Just like this, she jumped back like a scared little white rabbit and rushed out of the room.

When she left the room, her lovely face was still red.

"What a shame! How can you have that kind of impulse, hey, flute flute, flute flute, you are too shameless..." She scolded herself in her heart, and immediately pretended to go downstairs as if nothing had happened.

in fact……

When she kissed her forehead, Li Qing woke up and opened her eyes.

However, he saw Yan Di kissed himself, and he was stunned again. Then, he saw Yan Di's huge fullness because of his body.

So white, so dazzling!

A scent of milk came out.

Originally he was very tired, but he was irritated, strangely, but instead he had a urge to hug Yan Di and kissed him hard, rubbing her into his body hard. Fortunately, he still managed to hold back, but the chicken was hard and hard, really uncomfortable!

After the impulse, he realized that something was wrong: "I have this impulse, but when he expelled the poison, he was bitten back a bit? It should be, it must be..."

Struggling from bed, locking the door, Li Qing disappeared into the real world again and entered the third floor of QQ Book City.

He was going to take a good nap here, really wasting time outside.

Thinking of this thought, he realized that he was so unknowingly that he felt so urgent and pressured by time.


The Murong family started to shoot. Li Qing felt extremely pressure on him, not only him, but also someone around him to protect, so he had to be strong as soon as possible to get back in revenge.

Must avenge!

Almost killed his mother, Li Qing decided to wake up and went to revenge!

During this sleep, I slept into darkness.

Sleeping on the third floor of QQ Book City has the advantage that you don’t need to set an alarm clock and sleep naturally until you wake up. It may be less than an hour outside.

Therefore, after Li Qing wakes up naturally and wakes up, he is still in the afternoon after returning to his villa.

Go downstairs...

Li Qing actually smelled the smell of meals.

"Did mom wake up?"

When he entered the kitchen, he saw that Yan Di was wearing an apron and was cooking.

She was wearing a white dress, which was very simple but beautiful. She was so absorbed in cooking that she didn't find Li Qing's arrival.

"Jingle Bell!"

Li Qing's cell phone rang, and then she exclaimed.

Li Qing smiled embarrassedly at her and answered the phone. It was Xia Mo Can Yue.

"No, brother."

"Huh? What's wrong, Sister Xia?"

When Li Qing called "Sister Xia," Yan Di's face changed slightly, and she seemed a little jealous.

Li Qing did not notice and continued to talk to her on the phone.

"Last night, three thieves were caught in the factory. They seemed to be coming for the suspension technology."

"Have you caught it?"

Li Qing's mind raised a thought that the Murong family sent.

"I got it, but the focus of my call is not this, but someone from the country said that this technology is very important to the country and should not be lost. I want us to leave this technology to the state for safekeeping."


Li Qing suddenly stunned, then raged violently, rushed to the crown.

He had known for a long time that this technology was likely to cause people to covet, but he did not expect that when he got on with Mr. Zhu, there was someone so bold that he wanted to get his fingers dirty.

"Did you find Mr. Zhu?" Li Qing asked.

"I've found it. Old Master Zhu said he would try to deal with it as much as possible, but he said as much as possible, I have no idea! Brother, what do you say we do?" Xia Mo Can Yue looked very panic, she knew that if this kind of thing was Some people think that it is safekeeping, then it may be indefinite.

"Hold on, don't panic!"

When Li Qing said this, he took a hard breath and suppressed the anger in his belly.

"Okay, but do we always have to find a way?"

"In this way, I immediately went to Fuzhou, and I added a lock to this technology. Even if they took it away, they wouldn't be able to make a suspended technical product."


"Yes, you can think of it as a kind of fingerprint lock, or a loophole. As long as I lock these technologies, they can only produce waste products."

"But, the technicians in our factory?"

"Technician, don't be afraid, didn't you sign the contract?"

"This is!"

"Well, if you are okay, hurry up." Xia Mo Can Yue urged: "You don't know, I got the news, and the whole person was in a state of discomfort, and my heart was turbulent."

"Well, I've arranged something here and immediately set off."

Li Qing promised to hang up.

At this time, his mind was almost overwhelmed by anger.

Needless to say, those thieves must have been sent by the Murong family, and it is very likely that they want to put this suspension technology under the ownership of the country.


Two-pronged approach, first to make trouble, and then to attract strong national intervention.

This method is simply insidious!

"His uncle!"

Li Qing secretly scolded in his heart.

Since yesterday, Li Qing has been constantly making moves. Li Qing has cracked everything. Unexpectedly, they still have follow-up routines.

It's too sinister!

Too ruthless!

This is to get a life and death with Li Qing!

"A Qing, what happened?" Yan Di asked worriedly when he saw that Li Qing's face was not good.

"I have something to go to Fuzhou right away. If you have time in the past two days, help me watch it. Also, don't touch the outside world..."

Yan Di nodded seriously: "Then be careful."

"Well, my mother will please you! This medicine, given to her, you feed her ten milliliters a day." Li Qing thought about it and took out another bottle of ground lotion.

After explaining many things, Li Qing left here and went directly to Fuzhou.

"Wei Huang!"

"Yes, Master!"

"In the past few days, don't take Xiao Guoguo out, or let strangers come in, I will go to Fuzhou."

After thinking for a while, Li Qing explained Wei Huang again.

Fortunately, Wei Huang also got thorns and tendons, so he was less worried about the safety of Xiao Guoguo.

So, he arrived in Fuzhou.

It was the underwear company that entered Xia Mo Can Yue's office. She was walking around like an ant on a hot pot, feeling restless.

"Sister Xia!"

"Well, Zhu Lao just called again, let's go to the capital again."

"No hurry, I will go to the factory to revise the technical information before we start."

"it is good……"

After three hours...

They just arrived in Kyoto.

Here, it has just entered the night, about eight o'clock.

The two were sent from Zhu Lao to the military yard from the airport.

This is a courtyard protected by heavy soldiers. Those who are eligible to live here are all dignitaries and high-ranking officials.

When he came to the hall of a courtyard, he saw that there were seven old people talking to Zhu Lao. The faces of these seven old men were all a bit wrong. It seemed that they had argued with Zhu Lao.

"Zhu Lao!"

"Well, come, sit!"

When Mr. Zhu saw Li Qing they came, they let them sit down.

The two found a stool and sat up.

Zhu Lao continued to talk to them.

After listening to them, Li Qing realized that these seven old people were all officials of the There are technical departments, people's livelihood departments, research institutes, even military departments, and commercial departments. Yes, the one from the Ministry of Construction, the one that most puzzled and angered Li Qing, even the one from the Ministry of Education came...

Why is the Ministry of Education coming?

Li Qing was a little embarrassed, but in the end, he laughed fiercely in his heart. The purpose of these people's coming was that the lion opened his mouth and asked for suspension technology!

An irresistible anger rushed to my mind, as if a volcano erupted, a terrifying cold light flashed in Li Qing's eyes, and a very big decision was suddenly made in his heart!

That is, if they want to force it, then Li Qing will definitely not agree, but will make them all pay a terrible price!

What about the country!

Can the country bully others?

Yes, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid I can only bend down the waist bar and succumb to them, but Li Qing is not an ordinary person. His waist is straight and not easy to bend!

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