My Super God QQ

Chapter 265: Misunderstanding and pleasing

The endless horror struck Shangyue's eyebrows, and this feeling collapsed with the sky, about to crush her to death.

She let out an unwilling and angry howl, struggling to escape control. But the suction force fixed her so tightly that she couldn't move, and even felt like she wanted to pull her up.

Finally, her eyes widened, and she could only watch the sword heart penetrate her own eyebrows, a sudden pain in her mind, and her consciousness fell into endless darkness.


When she fell, her eyes bulged, her bloodshot eyes spread, her pupils squeezed into pinholes, full of extreme horror.


A monk who came down from the realm of truth actually died, or died in the hands of ordinary people.

Seeing this, the three monks had a little nervous reaction, and there was an uproar in their hearts, as if in a dream.

how is this possible?

The gas-refining monk who was barely killed just now killed the powerful foundation-building monk all at once?

If it is said that they just have a little doubt, whether Li Qing is behind a powerful shelter, then, the appearance and power of jade gourds have almost been nailed down.


They all think that they have underestimated Li Qing, even if he is a person of ordinary world, he is definitely not an ordinary person, and the hidden cards in his body may exceed them.


Thinking of being able to throw these treasures to Li Qing, how powerful should that be? Duan Yue couldn't help but take a breath, and there was consternation in his eyes. It was more envious of Li Qing.


At this time, when he looked at Li Qing again, there was no initial contempt, and instead he was dignified and careful.

He didn't want to be killed by such a series of attacks because he offended Li Qing. Even if he could kill Li Qing and lead the people behind Li Qing, then it would be a deadly situation.

Liu Changqing looked sullen, his eyes seemed to be thinking about something, and then he decided what.

The masked woman did not show anything, but the mask kept shaking, and from this detail she could see that she was not calm.


Seeing Yue Po's death, Li Qing relaxed all over, and immediately lost her strength, swaying slightly, and sat down on the floor.

"A Qing..."

Murong Fengrou called out and then passed out.

It stands to reason that Murong Fengrou, even if he is a cultivator, is also the lowest kind, and there are not as many defensive exercises as Li Qing practiced, and it can’t bear the torture of Yue Po, everything depends on her willpower. Concerned about Li Qing’s heart, and seeing Yue Po’s being killed, she was completely relieved and completely comatose.


With a sigh, the masked woman walked to Murong Fengrou and squatted down.

"What do you want to do!"

Seeing this, Li Qing's whole body was tense again and angered.

"Relax, I'm not malicious!" the masked woman said.

I don't know if her voice sounded good, or Li Qing really couldn't feel her maliciousness, so Li Qing relaxed again.

"Then trouble you!"

The masked woman put her hand on the pulse of Murong Fengrou. It seemed to be looking at something. After pulling out a golden elixir, she fed it into her mouth.

"This medicine is called Huichundan~" She seemed to be afraid that Li Qing would misunderstand again, and she murmured.

"Rejuvenation Pill is a good medicine for healing! Gee~ It seems that not all people in the Secret Star Palace are detached from the world, and there is no desire or demand!" Duan Yue was beside, humming and authentic.

In his words, there was a little ridicule.

The masked woman ignored her, and after feeding the Elixir into Murong Fengrou's mouth, she put her right palm on her chest and massaged it for her, as if helping her digest the Elixir.

That is to say, two or three times. When the magic happened, Murong Fengrou woke up again.

Only then did I see that this masked woman saved herself for the second time, thank you quickly.

"You're welcome, I can see that you and I are destined!" She nodded.


A relief appeared on Liu Changqing's face, which could explain why she wanted to rescue Murong Fengrou repeatedly. The people in the Secret Star Palace have always been detached from the world, and they are not involved in the disputes of the real world, but they value the fate and providence very much.

Now that you have a relationship with Murong Fengrou, all this is right.

"Fate?" Murong Fengrou was also a little surprised, not understanding.

"Yes! You have a destiny with me, so I save you. There is a fixed number of things in this world, one drink and one peck. Today I saved you, maybe you will save me next time by coincidence. , Or the people around me!" she said such an unpredictable sentence.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you!" Murong Fengrou felt that the pain in his body was much better, so he struggled and saluted her.

The masked woman received such a gift from her without hiding.

"Can you tell me, what were you thinking about?" Suddenly, the masked woman asked again, the topic's thinking jump was really a bit fast.

Murong Fengrou hesitated for a moment and wondered what he was thinking. It took a long time to answer: "I was just thinking, how can I be so weak that I cannot protect my younger brother... At that time, there was anger, pain, and Deeply unwilling..."

"Then you can one day protect him?" the masked woman interrupted and asked.

Murong Fengrou no longer hesitated, focusing on the head.

"Then these days, you will follow me! When I find the people I need, I might be able to give you this opportunity."

"Do you mean that you want me to worship you as a teacher?" Murong Fengrou remembered the fact that Yue Po forced her.

"Are you reluctant? Well, even if you are willing, I may not be able to accept you now, and I have to test it. I will stay if you want, and let you do if you don't want to!" It's as light as a breeze, and the sound is still so nice, without a trace of fireworks.

"Good!" Murong Fengrou nodded: "However, can my mother wait for me to wake up?"

"Doing filial piety is the normal sentiment of human beings, or just give you a day to settle her!"

Seeing that Murong Fengrou was for himself, he had to worship this masked woman as a teacher. Apart from being moved by Li Qing, he cried in surprise: "Sister, you!"

What he meant was to say that you should be careful when you don’t know the origin of the other party, Miss, and it’s too sloppy. Even if Murong Fengrou didn’t worry, Li Qing had to take care of her.

It seems to understand Li Qing's thoughts, but Murong Fengrou gave Li Qing a look. It seemed to be saying, no more, I'm determined.

Li Qing had no choice but to shake his head.

In fact, he also thought from the back, that the masked woman should not do anything to the younger sister, otherwise, she would not try to save the younger sister.

"Daoyou, hello~"

Li Qing was still thinking about the younger sister's affairs. Suddenly, Liu Changqing interrupted him. He came over and shook his hand in a courteous manner.

"Hello~" He had to respond quickly.

"I would like to ask, what is the realm of respecting teachers now?" Liu Changqing was so curious that he asked almost immediately.

When he was in the lower realm, he once heard the teacher say that this ordinary world is no longer suitable for the survival of those who cultivate. Now, I have learned that there is such a powerful person, of course I am curious.

"Uh..." Li Qing thought for a while, and the lie opened his mouth: "My Master never took the initiative to tell me about his affairs, but, I guess, it should be Jindan period."

Li Qing began to brag.


Not bragging!

Who knows what roles these guys are in front of?

If you let them know that they do not have a master, the consequences are really difficult to explain.

Li Qing does not think that he still has power, and then he deals with a cultivation person who is higher than his realm, not to mention that his treasures are showing up, and it may become the motive of the other party's shot.

Fortunately, Liu Changqing believed his words, his eyes flashed with surprise, took a breath, and spit out again after a long time, said: "The fruit is a master!"


What Li Qing said was quite convincing. Not only did he not directly point out the realm of the master, but also guessed by himself, it also made the other party feel more credible.

"I don't know what strength is the senior?"

"On the fifth floor of the foundation period, only people below this level can come to the lower realm and be directly exterminated without being tolerated by this world."

"The foundation period?"

Li Qing understood it No wonder Yue Po is so strong, it turns out that they are all comprehensionists who are a lot higher than themselves!

Then this time I can kill Yue Po, really not wronged!

Fortunately, the loot "Jade Gourd" was temporarily obtained from Murong Qingtian, otherwise it would really be the end today.


"No, did you come down from the realm of truth?" Li Qing suddenly looked at the younger sister again, realizing what she exclaimed.

"Yes indeed!"

"Then if she accepts the younger sister, wouldn't she want to go to the real world with her?" Li Qing panicked, really wondering what to do, and was anxious like the ants on the hot pot.

Finally, Murong Fengrou was rescued, but she was going to cultivate the realm, which could not be seen in a lifetime!

He decided to talk more with the younger sister.

But didn't wait to talk to her, Duan Yue came over again, patting Li Qing's shoulder familiarly, "Yes, brother! Powerful!" Then he extended his thumbs.

As the saying goes, people reach out without making faces laugh.

Although he felt a bit awkward about his move, he smiled sincerely at the other party's smile. He also said that his brother, Li Qing wanted to be polite and could only smile at him: "Overwhelming!"

In fact, he was clear that this was the case when the other party really misunderstood that he had a Jin Danqi master.

People! That's it! Either you have an identity, or you need a status, so others can only despise you. It seems the same is true of the realm world, no difference from the ordinary world!

This is not, people deliberately made friends not!

But the next second, what he said made Li Qing's nerves tight again.

He actually pursed his mouth and said, "There must be a lot of good things in that month's wife, don't you go search?"

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