My Super God QQ

Chapter 266: Mourning Woodbird Residence, pawn

Li Qing can't blame him because he is now facing three monks who are higher than his realm!

You have to be careful, step by step to prevent traps!


The other party said that there seems to be a trap in carrying Li Qing!

Duan Yue may be a kind reminder, but more likely, he is trying.

To test whether Li Qing will see the treasure, he will get it, and whether Li Qing will take Yue Po's things into his eyes.

If Li Qing does not put those things in his eyes, it is even more proof that Li Qing has many treasures and disdains, and the strength of the master behind him is strong.

And if Li Qing shows that he wants to get those treasures, then they may wonder again whether Li Qing really has a strong master behind him, or that the treasures on him are all his luck.

"Do I want it or not?"

If necessary, Li Qing also believes that Yue Po, as a foundation monk, must have something good on her.

If you don’t, it’s so wasteful, you can only cheap these monks, Li Qing still has some pain! After all, Yuepo killed herself, so what she has is definitely her loot.

"Or, just say, give the young woman's things to the younger sister?"

Li Qing thought of such a solution.

In that way, they can show that they don't care, and they won't be cheap.

Can be a bit pondered, Li Qing rejected this idea again.

The younger sister has given birth to the idea of ​​following the masked woman. If she really gave her the treasure, she might cause the masked woman's greed, which would harm the younger sister.

There is no harm to the heart, and a heart to guard against the people!

For the safety of the younger sister, Li Qingning is willing to use the heart of the villain to care for the gentleman's belly, and does not want the younger sister to be safe.


Seeing Li Qing's silence, Duan Yue asked curiously again.

This time, even Liu Changqing looked at Li Qing and kept glancing.

Instead, the masked woman was still talking with Murong Fengrou. The voice was very small, and she didn't seem to want outsiders to hear it.

Occasionally, Murong Fengrou will turn around to see Li Qing, but he does not know that Li Qing is now caught in a difficult choice. If he makes a wrong step, it is likely that death will come.


As the two of them watched, Li Qing burst into laughter and walked toward Yue Po's body.

"Good things, who doesn't like it! Then, I'm welcome!"

In Li Qing's laughter, there was a kind of careless grandeur and happiness, but there was no excitement. It was like the hunter hit a goat, but it was not the excitement of hunting deer.

This degree is very accurate!

For a time, Liu Changqing nodded slightly, but Duan Qing flashed an incomprehensible light in his eyes, and also laughed.

"Of course you're welcome, in our cultivation world, this is the norm!"

Li Qing squatted down, facing the body of Yue Po, the bold smile on her face has become completely vigilant, and her legs are also tight, like a leopard about to jump out of the jungle.

In fact, he did not take the risky battle. He had long thought about it, and if not, he went directly to the qq bookstore, but despite the care of the masked woman, Li Qing still thought about it. .

I have to mention that Li Qing's performance is very sufficient.

The two monks standing behind him, Duan Yue and Liu Changqing, were not different from beginning to end. In this way, Li Qing found three bottles of immortality and a magic handkerchief from her body. , A magic weapon bracelet, a charm.

Except for the handkerchief, Li Qing had already seen its power. Others, Li Qing didn't know what it was for.

Since they didn't have any movements, Li Qing also let go of his heart, and simply took these things generously, and went to Liu Changqing to ask the purpose of these things.

Dress like a teacher, of course, ask him.

"This handkerchief is an intermediate magic weapon, and the bracelet is an advanced magic weapon. As for the three bottles of immortality, the red one is healing, the pink is aphrodisiac, and the black is poison. The people of the Youhong Zong are born of evil ways and are best at Medication, in addition, this rung is a high-level lightning spell." At this point, Liu Changqing's complexion can't be expressed, and finally added a sentence: "I don't know what this mother-in-law thinks, high-level magic tools are not used, use intermediate-level , As well as the high-level thunder mantra. If she uses it early, you may be a blessing for Daoyou."

What he meant was that if Yue Po used them, Li Qing might have died!

"Come on! Who can guess, my brother has so many treasures, ha ha ha ha! In fact, she doesn't need those, maybe she is guarding us..." Duan Yue doesn't seem so developed on the surface, With a simple mind, this analysis is right, and even Liu Changqing can't help but nod in agreement.

After hearing these analyses, Li Qing was really scared after a while!

Think about it, it's also the other party's care, if she just started to use these, then Li Qing really dare not say that she can stop it.


"Does it mean that Xiao Guoguo's luck is causing trouble?" Li Qing thought of this inexplicably and smiled inexplicably.

"What is the brother laughing? That's right, even if she's not careful, there must be something better in your body to cure her, ha ha ha ha..." Duan Yue patted Li Qing a little fart again.

Li Qing is now guarding him very much, just modestly, no such thing.

The more humble he is, the more they affirm that Li Qing has such a powerful master behind him.

Li Qing dealt with them while picking up the red healing remedy.

According to Liu Changqing, this panacea is called "Little Rejuvenation Pill", which is a little worse than the panacea woman gave Murong Fengrou the panacea, but it is also a rare healing medicine. A bottle is worth a middle grade spirit stone.

Li Qing secretly expensive!

I put two into my mouth. Although the pain on my body did not disappear immediately, I immediately calmed down.

"Brother, can I trouble you?" Suddenly, Duan Yue said with embarrassment.


Li Qing knew this kind of monk during the foundation period. If he was pleased with the gas refining period, there was definitely no good thing. It must be in his own "master".

Sure enough, after Li Qing asked what happened, he immediately said something about Master Li Qing.

"I suppose that the brother's master must be the power of this common world. He knows everything about this common world, knowing everything well. I wonder if he can help me ask him something?"

"We are in the lower bound for a month. In addition to closing the disciples, I also want to find an ore. The ore is called earth-mixing stone..." As he said, he raised his axe: "My axe is only a little mixed Stone can become a high-level magic weapon, and I don’t know the brother’s master."

If you are asking anything else, Li Qing is really a little worried about how to deal with it. Ask this matter, it's easy to handle!

Li Qing immediately accepted it without any pressure, and asked if he met the master.


Can't ask, who can blame?

He didn't believe it. This guy dared to find his "master" in trouble?

It's a pity that this guy hadn't known that he had been deceived by Li Qing, and he was still happy and thanked him.


A call came from a distance.

Li Qing looked up at the source of the sound, but saw the Dingshishan people carrying the wooden bird lay, running from a distance.

It turned out that they hid aside early and saw Du Yinlong "flying" one foot above the ground, and they were frightened to escape. No, I thought it was okay, and Li Qing ran over again.

Li Qing does not blame them. After all, the two sides are not very familiar with each other. It is normal to see the force that cannot be contended. It is normal for Li Qing to escape.

After they arrived, the Dingshishan people hurriedly explained that Li Qing only knew that the Dingshishan people wanted to send the wooden bird lay to the safe place, and then come back to help Li Qing.

Regardless of whether this reason is true or false, Li Qing should be trusted, because the Dingshishan people have always been good to him, but this wooden bird lay, humming, it is likely that even if it is running, this wooden bird lay urged Dingshishan People run.

"You are fine. Are these few?" Seeing Li Qing listening to his explanation, Ding Shishan people asked with a sigh of relief.

"Come, let me introduce to you, these three are the predecessors of the foundation period from the realm..." Li Qing said that I don't know how to go down because they didn't mention their own from beginning to end. first name.

It's ridiculous to say, they are close to each other, but they even forgot to say the name, especially Duan Yue.

"Cultivation world? Foundation period?"

Suddenly, the Dingshishan people and the wooden bird dwellers were all stunned, as if the peasants in the village entered the city and saw the big boss in the luxury car, their expressions were restrained, and even a little frightened.

Cultivation world!

They had heard of it before, and the realm of comprehension will also come down to find the doormen, but I haven't seen it once, I didn't think it was true.

Especially the predecessors of the foundation period? This is a predecessor who can kill them with a slap!

"Have seen three seniors!"

Dingshishan people quickly saluted them.

Even if the wood bird lay off his leg, he was put down to salute.

"Hmm~ My name is Liu Changqing!"

"My name is Duan Yue, I don't need to call my predecessor, I'm still young~" Duan Yue showed his white teeth and smiled at Li Qing like a sun, as if to say that I was young too, and it was right to call your brother.

In this way, Li Qing felt that this guy seemed a little shameless.

Both of them reported their names. As for the masked women, they didn't look at it and ignored them completely, which made them a little embarrassed.

In order not to highlight this embarrassment, Liu Changqing coughed twice, then looked at the wooden bird residence, and asked curiously: "I think this Daoist's leg injury seems to have been caused not long ago. What's going on?"

He is pretending to care, not to let this embarrassment continue!

It's ridiculous that the wooden bird residence thought that this senior really cared about himself, and immediately grateful to Bi Ling: "Senior, this was just a short time ago, I was hurt by someone. At that time, we just came to this mountain... "At this point, he suddenly thought of something, paused, looked at the sword held in Li Qing's hands, and complained: "I don't know that Li Daoyou has a flying sword, otherwise, it will not be so desperate! After all, Li Daoyou Why don’t you have a flying sword so early that it hurts me so badly now..."

Upon hearing this, the scene was suddenly silent.

What is he trying to do?


Do not!

not that simple!

Li Qing can clearly feel that he has no motive. He wants to tell these two monks during the foundation period that he has the treasure of flying sword!

And what's the use of telling them?

I just wanted to take this opportunity to borrow their hands to see if these two monks would like Li Qing's flying sword and kill Li Qing! In addition to this, you may also get the favor of two foundation monks.

This is indeed the case.

Feijian is so rare, if they didn't guess that Li Qing might have power behind them, they might really shoot for it.

But the point is that after they guessed that Li Qing had a master behind him, the wooden bird house was simply a futile man!

Not only was he a villain, Duan Yue even had a kind, this guy wanted to kill himself.

So, he was immediately angry, his eyes as big as the bull's eyes, glared round, a fierce rushed to his mind.

"Oh! What are you talking about! This is my brother, your uncle, do you mean, do you want me to murder my brother's flying sword?" After he finished, he banged his fist out.

It's a pity that when the wooden bird lay still couldn't figure out what was happening to him, he had been hit directly by this punch like a cannonball and flew thousands of kilometers away.

Duan Yue's power is terrible~ This punch even caused a violent air explosion.

It wasn't until the wooden bird house crashed into a mountain that the dumbfounded expression of "shocked" and "inexplicable" appeared.


He was not dead, but he was almost half dead.

"Hey, I said long ago, you guys can kill yourself someday, you just don't believe it!" Ding Shishan people looked at his miserable situation, shook his head, and said in silence.

He doesn't care anymore!

For the old feelings of the year, he assured Li Qing that he would be guilty of forgiving Li Qing.

Now, he is still dead on his own, and Dingshishan people no longer want to control him.

Yu Qing, he didn't care anymore, Yu Li, he didn't want to pay Li Qing because he was bad.

In this way, the wooden bird residence was abandoned ruthlessly.

"It's a shameless villain!"

Liu Changqing was also a little bit angry. I really didn’t expect a little monk during the gas refining period to dare to take himself to the pit. First of all, regardless of his leg injury and his own half of the stone, he was so vicious and wanted to use it. Liu Changqing couldn't tolerate him by killing himself with a knife.

So, he came to the ordinary world for the first time.

Raise the ruler and throw it at him.

When the ruler sees the wind, it rises and gets bigger and bigger. Finally, he shoots directly at the wooden bird house like a high-rise building. In the banging noise, when the ruler rises again, there is no trace, it should be directly crushed.

Seeing this scene, the people of Dingshishan picked up their whole heart, and were afraid and glad after a while.

If he didn't lean against Li Qing's side decisively behind him and be kind to him, I'm afraid that this blow would have his share, and he would have to die.

The foundation monk is a cow!

And this little friend of mine seems to be a good fellow with the monk Zhu Ji, and he is also called the brother of the brother. In his opinion, it is even more cattle!

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